Basic info you need to know: This game takes place in the DC Universe, but heroes from other universes or self-created are acceptable, however I do have veto authority.
Choose any hero you like, so long as it's not one listed below as chosen by someone else. In the event two or more people choose the same character before I update the list, I will give the character on a first-come basis.
The GM (me) will post new parts to the scenario at least once a week, every Sunday by 3pm PST. All players, unless they clear a leave of absence with me first, must reply in some way to the postings at least once a week in order to remain in the game.
Beginning players are just as welcome to join as more advanced players.
If the game sounds like it might be fun to you, come along!
Interested in playing? Read the Game Mechanics before emailing me.
Below are the character listings of who's taken thus far...
(click the link on the character's name to view a pic. of the character, and read their bio)
There's a NEW Marvel Game run by Peter Alan, if you're interested in Marvel gaming, go there!
Announcement: As of June 1st, 1999, homemade characters will no longer be available for use in the game. Pre-existing homemade characters will continue, but no new ones will be accepted. July 17th, no more non-DC characters period.
It has recently been brought to my attention that at LEAST one of the bios supplied to me by Matt Phillips, and taken credit for by Matt Phillips, were actually stolen and plagiarized from bios placed online elsewhere by other people in the online community. I wish I had the time right now to search out the entire web and find out which, if any, of his other bios are also plagiarized. I don't. If any of you happen to come across any proof any of his other bios were stolen, let me know where the original is so I can give the REAL creator of the bio credit. Likewise, if you are the real creator, please let me know, and let me know where your bio is, and I will give you yor proper credit. Any stolen bios were done without my knowledge and I humbly ask your forgiveness for their misappropriation on behalf of everyone in our gaming community.
2nd Anniversary RPG Contest
Hero Links. Trouble picking a hero? Don't know enough about Damage or Spoiler? Go here...
DaveCU Hero Award.
Players' Pages.
Game Mechanics
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my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |
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