Newspaper and Other Articles Related to David Williams

Here is a listing with links to various newspaper and other articles, and documents relating to or discussing the work of David Crockett Williams, Jr. (III)

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Thomas Banyacya on Hopi Prophecy

INTRODUCTION TO THE PARADISE PSIBERNETICS OF OUR FAMILY OF LIFE, December 1975 release, published in All One Voice, Journal of the All One Family Union, Spring 1976

Before I worked with him 1979-92 in Santa Barbara, 20th Century Galileo Bruce DePalma (& Ed Delvers) Discover Rotation Force Field, "You have to watch the spinning balls, Princeton doesn't believe in Bruce DePalma, But then, of course, Bruce doesn't believe in Einstein," The Sunday Times Advertiser, Trenton, N.J. GAZETTE, Sunday, January 11, 1976, Page E 1

Report to UCSB Future Think 1976-2176 Conference, April 3-4, 1976, OUTLINE OF TORAK AGENCIES:

May 26, 1976, Public Notice; USA Bicentennial New Spirit of '76: PARADISE PSIBERNETICS

Notes about the author ("Our David"), May 28, 1976, written the same day I first met and heard speak in person the traditional Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya, in Santa Barbara, California


Transcription of Hopi Proposal cover letter hand delivered July 4, 1976, to Thomas Banyacya

Qua Toqti - The Eagle's Cry - Serving The Hopi Nation July 15, 1976
Published DCW letter to the editor about Hopi Prophecy Fulfillment

Hopi Tribe Kykotsmovi (New Oraibi) Village Governor's Memo of August 2, 1976, setting 5-day camping limit at Oraibi Wash Picnic Area

Buddhist Monk on Peace Mission, Santa Barbara News Press, November 11, 1976, about my first Nipponzan Myohoji teacher friend, Reverend Masao Nippashi

PARADISE PSIBERNETICS HOPI STAR PROJECT 1976 REPORT, Us Tricentennial Peace Movement, Hopi Prophecies foretell of a new light from the East bringing a world uniting way of believing to the Hopi lands

Hopi Techqua Ikachi Newsletter, His Holiness Karmapa Visits Hopiland, Traditional Hopi Religious Leaders newsletter article, "East and West, Shall They Ever Meet?" - Land and Life - The Traditional Viewpoint from the Hopi Nation, Issue number 10, January-February 1977

JO-VOW-TECHGUA IKACHI, Gather with Us in Spiritual Unity to Insure the Survival of Land and Life, letter from Hopi Independent Nation traditional leaders interpreter Thomas Banyacya to President Carter, January 31, 1977

September 1977 Hopi Star Project Brochure, 4sheets, 16pp, Paradise Psibernetics reports, schedules, summary of 1976-77 Hopi prophecy fulfillment observances, key background info

Hopi Culture of Peace Message precedent/example: Report on October 10, 1977 Hopi Meeting in Shungopavi by Thomas Banyacya, official interpreter for the Hopi Kikmongwis.

Statement to the President of the United States by the spokesmen for the Traditional, Religious Hopi Leaders, October 19, 1977


Science is the most powerful religion, Introduction to Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory, November 16, 1977

Schedule January 15-21, 1978 Great American Peace Pilgrimage, Santa Barbara to Santa Monica California, with Rainbow Family Song for Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage

The Longest Walk of 1978, Indians begin 3,000-mile protest hike, Valley News, San Fernando Valley, California, Sunday February 12, 1978

Indians begin protest march: Indian Leaders, from left, Max Bear of South Dakota, Chief Eagle Feather of Rosebud, S.D., and Dennis Banks discuss anti-Indian legislation before the ceremonial peace pipe on Alcatraz Island, News Press, Santa Barbara, California, Sunday February 12, 1978

April 7, 1978 Letter to California Gov. Jerry Brown, advising of a new breakthrough in scientific thought

April 11, 1978 Letter to Jack Sarfatti about Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory

Letter to Hopi Grandfather David Monongye, a month or so after visiting him at his house to introduce Nipponzan Myohjoji's Rev. Masao Nippashi, at whose request the letter was sent, April 14, 1978,

Letter of April 17, 1978 to His Holiness Karmapa's US Monastery, Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, about Hopi Grandfather David Monongye

Paradise Psibernetics, Applying the Mind For Social Justice, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Friday, June 2, 1978, page 3

THE GREAT PLANETARY PEACE PILGRIMAGE PRAYER WALK, text of a flyer of Summer 1978 by the (Santa Barbara) Isla Vista Tai Chi Chuan Academy teacher, Master Lawrence Karol

Guruji Fujii Longest Walk Messages, July 15, 1978, To the Chiefs of the Six Nations, to The Hopi Kikmongwis, Letter Addressed to Mr. Dennis Banks, address By Dennis Banks, Hopi Misunderstanding Fruitfully Resolved, Longest Walk General Meeting

Pilgrimage, TV Series: Tools for Utopian Activist
From Disney to Discovision
Who is this man and why is he saying these things?
Santa Barbara News and Review, Thursday, January 4, 1979

Ruling the Rainbow, A Warriors of The Rainbow Song, January 18, 1979

How we can save the world and cause true peace, THE MESSAGE, May 30, 1979 Santa Barbara, California

March for Peace joined, Santa Barbarans and the World Peace March, News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, Thursday, October 27, 1981

For a Comprehensive World Disarmament Plan, United Nations Day, October 24, 1981 World Peace March, Memo of January 2, 1982

Santa Barbara, World Peace March, Pacific Route, Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, Friday, January 15, 1982

Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory, The Thesis, The One Law is the Natural Law, Underwritten at the Mesa School, Santa Barbara, February 10, 1982

The American Scientific Revolution, American Peace Movement, The Mesa School, Santa Barbara, California, Spring 1982

May I introduce myself - General Agency Services, Executive producer for paradise psibernetics productions' "The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage" as a popular TV show, offering holographic personal relative identity qualification, quantification and analysis from handwriting, Spring 1982

The Great Seal of the United States of America 200th Annversary Message, Mothers Day, Santa Barbara, May 9, 1982

Santa Barbara Mayor's letter to Reverend Gyoten Yoshida carried to the World Peace March, honored to present the most venerable Fujii with a certificate, to inspect a Peace Pagoda site here, May 10, 1982

The World Peace March Report from Washington DC, over 150 people walked 5 miles, 35-40 chanting with the prayer drums, over 60 people participated in all day fasting near the White House, May 15, 1982

Carolynne's letter to President Reagan, May 20, 1982, We could then begin to be what God intends us to be, the perfect world that we all have been dreaming of

Nichidatsu Fujii on 21st Century Nuclear Peace Prophecy, Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, an evening with Hopi Grandfather David Monongye, June 1982

"Who is this man and why does he do these things?" - a brief introduction to my personal religious beliefs including about the return of Jesus Christ, December 7, 1982

1982 Flyer text, proposing 1983 Return to Tukunavi, The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage, April 4, 1983 to May 17, 1983, A World Peace March, from Santa Barbara, California, to the Black Mesa, Arizona; For the direct cause of true peace, harmony among all life, and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth: The Tetronic Age Begins

Bank of America Site as I.V. Peace Center? - Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Thursday, April 7, 1983

Isla Vista Memorial Peace Center 1983 Proposal, Memorial Peace Center, B Of A Building In I.V. Is Still Sought By Peace Commission, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, May 25, 1983, By Evette Justus (born November 11, 1948 - died January 14, 2006)

Isla Vista Peace Vigil, Sponsored by the Memorial Peace Commission & The Peace Force for ONE REVOLUTION, text of flyer, circa June 1983

Community Peace Walking - Now is the time to walk for peace, flyer text, circa June 1983

"Free energy technology makes this peaceful revolution possible," University of California Santa Barbara 1983 Bruce DePalma interview by Daily Nexus Staff Writer Evette Justus

Hiroshima Day 1983 Isla Vista California Events, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Wednesday, July 27, 1983, The Summer of Peace continues...

The Fall of the Atomic Age: "Peace Teach-Ins" - Evette Justus, facilitator, with Bruce DePalma and David Williams, University of California at Santa Barbara, Students for a NU-clear Free Future handbill, September 27, 28, 29, 1983

Scientific Claims Raise Questions, SNUFF - UCSB, "We started the Atomic Age, we must stop it," said Evette Justus, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Friday, October 7, 1983

The Peace March to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for Free Energy Technologies, letter to the editor from Evette Justus, Peter Lindemann, David Williams, San Luis Obispo, California, Telegram Tribune, December 18, 1983

The Peace March to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, For Paradise on Earth - Respect True One Law, Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, The Tetronic Age Begins, Telegram Tribune, San Luis Obispo, California, Monday, January 2, 1984

Clear Power 1984, Conscience Revolution, The spiritual and scientific revolution of thought, CALL TO ACTION, Isla Vista, California, Monday, March 26, 1984

The Revolution of 1984, Rainbow Peace Movement, A non-violent spiritual and scientific revolution of thought for the direct cause of true peace, harmony among all life and free natural abundance as paradise on earth, Schedule of June 12, 1984

Rainbow Peace Caravan, San Francisco to Dallas 1984, Beatnik-hippie-punker "family" to drop in on GOP Evening Outlook, like falling asleep during the Woodstock festival and waking up in the middle of a slam-dance, The spiritual and scientific revolution is here, Santa Monica, California, Wednesday, August 8, 1984

Hundreds Rock Against Reagan at Sunday Concert, Evette Justus and David Crockett Williams Chant Sunday Under "Peace Pole" as part of Peace Caravan, The caravan moves to Dallas today to set up a "tent city" in anticipation of the Republican Convention, Albuquerque Journal, Monday, August 13, 1984

A look back at Dallas, 97 arrested, Surrounded -- Demonstrators stage a sit-in at Dallas' City Hall to protest against the Reagan Administration. A line of Dallas police is visible in the background, Big Springs (Texas) Herald, August 25, 1984

Dallas 1984 Protesters Released - Members of a San Francisco based group that calls itself the Rainbow Family gathered around their "peace pole" - Dallas Times Herald, Metro/State, Wednesday, August 29, 1984

Isla Vista Fall Festival Features Peace Pole and Exhibits, "We're the crest of a wave in the peace movement, about to break," Evette Justus said, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Monday, October 29, 1984

Marathon to focus attention on Navajo relocation plan, "The Great Spirit All My Relations Relay, Marathon, Walk, and Caravan," led by Masao Nippashi, organized by David Williams, Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, Sunday, April 13, 1986

Santa Barbara Pair Plan Peace Relay, 7,000 Mile Trek, Masao Nippashi: The heart and soul of a locally planned cross-country relay for peace, David Williams is organizing the “The Great Spirit All My Relations 7000 Mile Relay Marathon, Walk, and Caravan,” Santa Barbara News & Review, Santa Barbara, California, Thursday, April 17, 1986

Empowering the American Peace Movement, The Mesa School, Santa Barbara, California, May 28, 1986

Earthly reverence, Clear the Way Peace Walk, flyer of 1986 about scheduled 1987 Peace Walk to Greengrass SD Sacred Pipe Ceremony

Santa Barbara Scientist Bruce DePalma, Violating the Laws of Physics, The n-Machine, The Weekly, Santa Barbara, California, August 14, 1986

"Revolutionary Energy Technologies" to eliminate nuclear and fossil fuel power - UCSB Workshop, announcement of February 19, 1987

The American Scientific Revolution, Atom smasher collides with other research, Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, Monday, March 9, 1987

Indian inventor harnesses power from empty space, SPG produces three times more power output than is consumed, Asian (World) News, For the Indian, Pakistani...Fiji Community West Coast, Vol. 1 Issue 6 Tel. 213-866-9643, April 5 - April 11, 1987

The Achilles Heel of Modern Science, by: David Crockett Williams C.L.U., April 16, 1987

PEACE OFFERING THESIS, Correcting an oversight in modern physics, "Sit-in for an informed response at U.C.S.B.'s Institute for Theoretical Physics," May 5, 1987

Introduction to the Light Revolution of Earth, "Look to Natural Law" - thought into harmony with nature, May 29, 1987

Speech of October 2, 1987 by David Crockett Williams to UCSB Scientists and Engineers for Responsible Technology at their Rally and Expo outside the Engineering Building -

UCSB New Chancellor's Welcoming Ceremony, MESA SCHOOL PRESS RELEASE, July 9, 1987, Regarding July 15, 1987 Wednesday: U.C.S.B. Gathering at Noon to commemorate the 42nd "birthday" of the atomic bomb and to welcome Dr. Barbara Uehling, the new U.C.S.B. Chancellor whose term of office begins July 15, 1987

John Lennon Inspires Peace Activists, Weeklong Sleep-in to Begin on His Birthday, Daily Nexus, University of California, Santa Barbara, Friday, October 9, 1987

Rejuvenating the hopes of the sixties, Santa Barbara, Yalta Mayors to Relight Eternal Flame, Daily Nexus, University of California, Santa Barbara, Tuesday, October 13, 1987

Eternal Flame of UCSB Relit at Ceremony with Chancellor and Santa Barbara and Yalta Mayors, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, Monday, November 9, 1987

Energy From Space, India's Paramahamsa Tewari, An engineer's invention excites interest, India Today, Technology, Science, (December 1987)

Breakthrough Emerging New Thinking, letter to Drs. Martin Hellman and Boris Raushenbakh, Santa Barbara, January 21, 1988

APPEAL TO CORRECT SCIENCE, a moral directive to end war, California State Peace March appeal to UCSB Institute for Theoretical Physics about new energy science and technology per Bruce DePalma et al, July 12, 1988

SCIENCEGATE AND THE OXYGEN CRISIS, A four hour videotape of the July 1988 Tesla Symposium, schedule of showings at UCSB, announcement of September 12, 1988

American Scientific Revolution and the potential of a "Science-gate" type cover-up, American Peace Movement Organizer Letter to Dan Vasen, Science Editor, Daily Nexus, University of California at Santa Barbara, September 16, 1988

Sciencegate and the Oxygen Crisis, World's "oxygen crisis" is worst threat, Santa Barbara News Press, Saturday Forum, Saturday, October 8, 1988

Santa Barbara News-Press, Friday, October 6, 1989, Burning the flag also a patriotic ceremony

IN THE NAME OF PEACE, Chumash Purification Ceremony Opens Spiritual Summit, Santa Barbara News Press, Local News, Monday, January 8, 1990

Eternal Flame Ceremony to Rekindle and Recall Ideals, University of California, Santa Barbara, Daily Nexus (student newspaper), Wednesday, January 10, 1990

UCSB's Eternal Flame Monument Peace Ceremony, Spiritual Unity Summit on Nonviolence, Daily Nexus student newspaper, University of California, Santa Barbara, Thursday, January 11, 1990

Flame from Hiroshima Gathering Held at Campus Monument, Associated Press, Rafu Shimpo, Los Angeles Japanese Daily News (in English), January 12, 1990

THE RAINBOW UPRISING STORY, Spiritual Unity Summit on Nonviolence report on events after convention in Santa Barbara, California, January 7-13, 1990

Read about the 1990 Rainbow Uprising Campaign Events, with messages from Iroquois leader Chief Jake Swamp, Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya, Global Peace Walk initiator Yusen Yamato, actor Jon Voight, et al, in San Francisco's New World Times, Spring 1990 articles at:

Mesa School Party to Celebrate Mandela's Release, University of California, Santa Barbara, Daily Nexus, Friday, March 9, 1990

Disposing of an Old Glory, Santa Barbara News-Press, Friday, August 3, 1990, Local News

Operation Burning Bush, peace activist plans Iraq trip Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, "I'm mainly interested in reaching out to the people who are just frustrated (with the crisis), but haven't found a way to solve it." - David Crockett Williams, Peace Promoter, Thursday, November 22, 1990

Homeless to help economic recovery, Santa Barbara News Press, Local News, Saturday, May 8, 1993

Hiroshima Peace Flame Run, Santa Barbara News Press, Local News, Friday, August 6, 1993, "The rainbow-colored structure, designed by Williams, symbolizes a world free of instability and nuclear weapons."

The inspiration for the United Nations 50th Anniversary Global Peace Walk 1995, San Francisco's Yerba Buena Tribute to King, Dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Rev. Yusen Yamato leads a prayer, San Francisco Examiner, Monday Evening, October 11, 1993

UCSB Daily Nexus Op-Ed on Global Peace Walk, with commentary and info resources, "To overcome today's grave threats to all life on Earth...This is what the Global Peace Walk is all about...Walking for World Peace" - University of California at Santa Barbara, November 18, 1994

Monterey County Herald, December 16, 1994, San Francisco Prayer Ceremony departure to NYC to conduct UN50th Global Peace Walk, photo with caption.

Journey for peace, New York City start of Global Peace Walk '95, Peace activists leave the U.N. Building in New York Sunday to begin their "Global Peace Walk" to San Francisco. The march is in honor of the United Nations' 50th anniversary, The Sacramento Bee, Associated Press, Monday, January 16, 1995, Page B3

Global Peace Walk '95 first news article, Peace March, The Record, Bergen County, New Jersey, Thursday, January 19, 1995

Cross-country peace marchers pass through county, Peace march rolls through county, The Sentinel, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Friday, January 27, 1995

21 take part in 'Global Peace Walk' - Group visited area en route to West Coast, The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Religion section, Saturday, January 28, 1995

Peace Walk to Focus on Treaty Rights, Nuclear Threat; The Circle, News from a Native American perspective - - February 1995

Peace marchers pass through area, Some of the Global Peace Walk ’95 participants, The Journal, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, February 1, 1995

Group marches for peace, Walkers take message to California, Times Recorder, Serving Zanesville and Southeastern Ohio since 1864, Friday, February 10, 1995

Global Peace Walk '95 is a prayer for peace, Dayton Daily News, Dayton, Ohio, mid-February 1995

Peace walkers stay overnight in Brazil, Indiana, spiritual walk as a sincere prayer for global consciousness and responsibility for the survival of the future generations of all life on Earth; messages of support from several global religious leaders, Coretta Scott King, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, college presidents, governors, mayors, and native American spiritual leaders; group includes native Americans, representatives from various countries, West and East Germany, South America and France; The Brazil Times, Brazil, Indiana, Friday, February 24, 1995

Peace Walk, Walking in search of peace, Tribune-Star, Terra Haute, Saturday, February 25, 1995

Peace walkers mark U.N. 50th year, Belleville News-Democrat, Belleville, Illinois, Friday, March 3, 1995

March for peace makes local stop, Homage to former president Truman and Leonard Peltier, The Examiner, Independence Missouri, Friday, March 24, 1995

Seeking peace, gathered in a circle for a peace ceremony, Kansas City Star, Metropolitan, Saturday, March 25, 1995

Walking for Peace: Kasey Mitchell, Donna Patrick and Wonono Rubio headed up the Global Peace Walk to fast 3-days with Leonard Peltier at Leavenworth Federal Prison, The Leavenworth Times, Leavenworth, Kansas, Wednesday, March 29, 1995

On a mission, Global Peace Walk '95, Parade for Peace with a Message of Love, The University Daily Kansan, The Student Newspaper of the University of Kansas, Tuesday, April 4, 1995

WALKING FOR PEACE, Prayer drums lead marchers down Main Street, Peace marchers bring message to city today, Independence Daily Reporter, Independence, Kansas, Thursday, April 6, 1995

Group traverses continent to spread message - Shawnee Oklahoma, Philip Deer, Bill Wapepah Memorial - The Shawnee News-Star, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Sunday, April 9, 1995

Peace march comes through Taos, Global Peace Walk '95 Taos News, Taos New Mexico, April 20, 1995

Message from Leonard Peltier for the Global Peace Walk to share with the public. The last thing he said to me on the phone from prison while we were at the LPDC office in Kansas was, “Give my love to the people”, April 23, 1995

Global Peace Walk 1995 Taos Earth Day Peace Pole Ceremony, Taos News, Taos, New Mexico, Thursday, April 27, 1995

Walkers bring peace message to Gallup, scruffy band of multi-ethnic followers chanting, Independent, Gallup, New Mexico, Thursday, May 4, 1995

Peace marchers stroll through Window Rock, Global Peace Walk 1995 underway, Navajo Times, The newspaper of the Navajo people, Window Rock, Navajo Nation, Arizona, Thursday May 11, 1995

Walkers gather in the name of peace, encircle the peace pole in ceremony meant for the lawn of the White House, Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, Arizona, Wednesday, May 24, 1995

Marchers stop, pray for peace at the grave site of former UFW leader Cesar Chavez, Bakersfield Californian, Wednesday, June 7, 1995

Local resident calls for newer power technology, an independent candidate for United States President, a totally-new approach to energy production, Tehachapi News, Tehachapi, California, Wednesday, December 20, 1995

DCW 2hr Video Lecture Outline/Summary, The Scientific Spiritual Revolution, How to Save the World: Healing & The Mind, Free Energy Science, UFO's, and Mutual Prophecy Fulfillment, become a knowledgeable speaker and a Warrior of The Rainbow for the Scientific Spiritual Revolution, February 8, 1996

Global Peace Walk Benefit at Mateel, Shinto prophecy finding the red-skinned people, Southern Humboldt Life and Times, Humboldt/Mendocino California Weekly Newspaper, Tuesday, March 19, 1996

Peace Pole for Jerusalem, Santa Barbara can become Sister City of Peace, March 1 dedication of the Douglas Family Preserve, Santa Barbara News Press, Tuesday, March 25, 1997

April 5, 1997, UCSB Storke Plaza Rally remembering MLK, Conscience Revolution Resolution, photo and article:

Fax about “the physics of the void” to HH Dalai Lama, related to our 1997 UCSB Global Crisis Solutions Conference briefing for the Dalai Lama’s Science Advisor, Robert Livingstone, “Comparing Ancient Knowledge and Modern Science”, May 8, 1997

Fax from HH Dalai Lama’s office regarding His interest in the physics of the void, May 19, 1997.

Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem, Gathering for peace, 1997 International Day of Peace, Global Emergency Response Team, Santa Barbara News Press, Wednesday, September 17, 1997

A CALL TO ARMS, Tent of David Activist hopes to amplify unorthodox message, Monterey Mayor Proclaims Global Peace Walk Days June 11-14, Monterey County Herald, Local, Friday, June 12, 1998

Tehachapi Tech Forum Update, Williams presentation regards Capital Hills Research Center, a proposed research center in Tehachapi to develop new-energy technologies, 1889 CENTENNIAL YEAR 1999, Tehachapi News, Wednesday, September 15, 1999

Global Peace Walk 2000 in Santa Barbara: February 1, Long March, Participants in the Global Peace Walk travel State Street to draw attention to the U.N., Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California, February 1, 2000

Tehachapi man never short on words for presidential run; Candidate also ran in 1996, dislikes reactions; David Crockett Williams for USA President, Year 2000 Campaign Local News Article, "If elected he would be the hairiest U.S. Chief executive since Rutherford B. Hayes" -- Robert Price, Staff Columnist, Bakersfield Californian, Sunday, April 30, 2000, Page B1

California Prison Dharma Walk, Protesters end "Dharma Walk" in Lompoc, Lompoc Record, Lompoc, California, March 5, 2001

"Contemplation in The Red," DCW Portrait, Tetron Symbols Explanation, portrait finished July 4, 2001, by Carolynne Diane Fargey, The Mesa School, in Santa Barbara

Rainbow Prophecy Gatherings Tour, Peace Pole Message For a Third Millennium Global Culture of Peace and Prosperity, July 3, 2001

Jerusalem Peace Walk Project Initiation, Rainbow Prophecy Gathering Tour 2001, The Coming Energy Revolution, text of handout/flyer of July 11, 2001, "For a Third Millennium Global Culture of Peace and Prosperity for All"

United Nations International Earth Day Ceremony to celebrate Spring Equinox, Daily Sundial, California State University, Northridge, Wednesday, March 20, 2002

California State University at Northridge, Simultaneous Policy Agenda Teach-In, Daily Sundial student newspaper, Wednesday, April 3, 2002

Conscience Resolution Campaign for "Global Peace Now!" - Peace Teach-In at USC showing tetramentation lattice, Daily Trojan, Student Newspaper of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, Thursday, April 11, 2002

Man walks Silk Road to peace, To each mountain, a grain of sand, Peace march begins in Keene, Lone Wolf and David Crockett Williams participate in peace ceremony, Tehachapi News, Local News Section, photo, July 2, 2003

Initiating the American Peace March, Ceremony Re-Dedicating Washington Monument, flyer handed out in Washington DC the day before a big national protest peace march on the 25th, ie, October 24, 2003 UN Day Sacred Pipe Ceremony flyer text:

May 6, 2006, The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage, the Rainbow Peace Walk Movie

May 16, 2006, Letter to the Hopi Tribe, re "New Energy" issue and 2006 elections, spirituality is the highest form of politics

Hopi Rainbow Prophecies 30th Flag Day Fire Sign Anniversary Message, June 14, 2006

The Kingdom of Jerusalem, about the claim, July 1, 2006: