Earthly Reverence - Clear the Way Peace Walk

This is the retyped text of a quarter page flyer printed both sides to promote the peace walk of 1987 planned for and cancelled by Archie Fire Lame Deer after the 1986 Great Peace March convinced the elders.

On one side a photo from a poster of folks drumming and chanting the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo lead by Rev. Masao Nippashi, including Rev. Sawada, Yamato with long hair and beard, a chanting and drumming American man, and Nippashi's future American wife Linda, taken one early morning during the 1980 Long Walk for Survival from San Francisco to Washington DC, with text on the poster/photo:

Earthly reverence

"Every living thing is our relation"

-----end poster photo description and text, other side, flyer text:


Beginning on the full moon in February, 1987, a sacred peace pilgrimage of holy people from around the world will depart from Point Conception, near Santa Barbara, California, on the way to the Hopi Kivas, to Big Mountain, to the sacred Arrow Keeper, to Leonard Peltier and Leavenworth prison in Kansas, and finally on to Greengrass, South Dakota for the great holy peace gathering of the century. During this week-long gathering, on the full moon in June 1987, the original sacred pipe of peace, the holy buffalo calf pipe, will be unbundled for a ceremony not to be repeated for another one hundred years by the Lakota people. This sacred walk will be led by Lakota medicine man Archie Fire Lame Deer, conducted by Japanese peace man Masao Nippashi, and organized with the assistance of David Crockett Williams, at The Mesa School, (805) 966-2813, 2520 Mesa School Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93109-1851, on behalf of the Lame Deer Society, a spiritual foundation for the cause of world peace.

-------end retyped text

Note: this peace walk was organized and promoted over months in Santa Barbara and Nippashi went to the end of the Great Peace March in Washington DC in 1986 to deliver these flyers and peace buttons that he made for all of the Great Peace Marchers, 1000 hand made buttons with inserted write-up and thousands of these flyers separately handed out. But the Lakota elders were worried about what kind of people would come to this ceremony joining this walk, so Archie's uncle told him to call of the walk a few months before above scheduled departure. Some other documents about this walk and its messages from Lame Deer were also published and will be added to these files listed at: