The Peace March to Diablo Canyon Nuke Plant

Telegram Tribune

San Luis Obispo, California

Monday, January 2, 1984

[photo, not shown here, title, caption:]
Doug Parker/Telegram Tribune

To Diablo

A small group of demonstrators on Saturday completes a 100-mile march from Santa Barbara to the gates of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant at Avila Beach. March organizer Evette Justus said the group, besides opposing nuclear power, has ideas for unlimited energy and ways to eliminate hunger, pollution, crime and disease.

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The photo shows about a dozen folks led by David Williams and Evette Justus walking behind a banner carried by two folks that reads:

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
For Paradise on Earth
Respect True One Law
The Tetronic Age Begins


This walk ending at the gate of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant began a one month prayer vigil centered from a camper van directly across the street from the gate in a turnout overlooking Avila harbor, with chanting and drumming 24/7 for a week or so and a seven day fast at the end after a meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company officials to brief them and deliver information on the new energy technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power including the work of Bruce DePalma.

See The Peace March to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for Free Energy Technologies, letter to the editor from Evette Justus, Peter Lindemann, David Williams, San Luis Obispo, California, Telegram Tribune, December 18, 1983:
