April 14, 1978, Letter to Hopi Grandfather David Monongye

Letter from Carolynne and David to Hopi Grandfather David Monongye, a month or so after visiting him at his house to introduce Nipponzan Myohoji's Rev. Masao Nippashi, at whose request this letter was sent, April 14, 1978

David Monongye
P.O.B. 174
Hotevilla, Arizona 86030

April 14, 1978

Dearly Beloved Monongye:

This letter is to further the arrangements we made with you at your home February 19, 1978, to bring you to the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament in New York for a meeting there with the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii, May 22-26, 1978, to provide an opportunity for the people and leaders of the world to hear (from you as a prominent Hopi elder) your message about Peace (as the Hopi way of life), disarmament, and the abolishment of nuclear weapons.

Tonight on television we learned about the Window Rock meeting of American Indian Nations which ended today with a resolution to go to the United Nations Organization to seek representation there in complaint of the pending U.S. legislation abrogating Indian treaties. We also saw Russell Means on television tonight questioning what means should be used in the fight for sovereign rights. We hope that leaders of other Native American Nations will join you and Nichidatsu in New York to demonstrate the leadership solidarity of the native American peoples behind this historic first United Nations Special Session on Disarmament convened under pressure from "Third World" nations.

We trust that the rain passing east over our heads these last months has brought good conditions for your corn this year.

If you will have someone notify us immediately should you be unable to come with us to New York, we will now proceed to make final arrangements for our trip together and we will notify you of the exact date we will pick you up.

Yours for the purification of land and life, we are


Carolynne Diane Fargey

David Crockett Williams jr (Matter), C.L.U.

Co-founders of the Hopi Star Project.

Paradise Psibernetics Productions
14171 Burton Street (213) 780-3348
Panorama City of Los Angeles via U.S.A. 91402

cc: Emilie "Rainbow" Touraine
Thomas Banyacya
Nipponzan Myohoji of California
Norman Paulsen, founder, Brotherhood of the Sun (Sunburst)

--------end retyped letter text, more information:

Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji speaks about the 21st Century Nuclear Peace Prophecy, the
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, in an evening with Hopi Grandfather David Monongye, June 1982

Thomas Banyacya Memorial Hopi Networking Group

Nipponzan Myohoji, Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji

Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Church of Self-Realization

Hopi Star Project is for construction of 100 World Peace of Mind Centers around the globe and conducting various events and walks for global peace now. Join with others to network for this project's success, at:

Thomas Banyacya and the Hopi Declaration of Peace

September 1977 Hopi Star Project Brochure, 4sheets, 16pp, Paradise Psibernetics reports, schedules, summary of 1976-77 Hopi prophecy fulfillment observances, key background info

David Monongye lived to over 100 years of age and came to the 1977 Rainbow Gathering when he delivered the Hopi Message and Blessing for Peace to the July 4th Rainbow Family Tribal Council Circle. He was one of the traditional elders and religious leaders of the traditional Hopi Independent Nation's village of Hotevilla formed 100 years ago in September of 1906 when the founders migrated from Old Oraibi Village feeling their traditional way of life was being threatened there by modernization and corruption of traditional Hopi ways. Monongye was one of the elders who together with outside help published many issues of a traditional Hopi newspaper called Techqua Ikachi (Land and Life) that is online now for the historical record with the traditional religious leaders' messages and position statements, at:

United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament 1978 Guruji Fujii's Longest Walk Messages, published July 15, 1978, To the Chiefs of the Six Nations, to The Hopi Kikmongwis, Letter Addressed to Mr. Dennis Banks, address By Dennis Banks, Hopi Misunderstanding Fruitfully Resolved, Longest Walk General Meeting

Pilgrimage, TV Series: Tools for Utopian Activist From Disney to Discovision Who is this man and why is he saying these things? Santa Barbara News and Review, Thursday, January 4, 1979

1982 Flyer text, proposing 1983 Return to Tukunavi, The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage, April 4, 1983 to May 17, 1983, A World Peace March, from Santa Barbara, California, to the Black Mesa, Arizona; For the direct cause of true peace, harmony among all life, and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth: The Tetronic Age Begins

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