Carolynne's letter to President Reagan, May 20, 1982

2520 Mesa School Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
May 20, 1982

President Ronald Reagan
White House
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President

The United Nations Special Session on Disarmament begins this month and many people across the world are praying that a solution to the nuclear arms problem be solved at this time. Please attend and show that you are truly ready to discuss this issue.

As a citizen of the United States, I am proud of the accomplishments of our country. We have been a beacon of light for the rest of the world to follow. Let us now lead the world in a true step towards peace and call for a total and final end to the arms race.

All the money that goes into making the United States "safe" could be used to turn our entire world into a truly wonderful place for all people. This is what I believe is the real solution to the fears that people around the world have. Everyone is concerned about the well being of their families. If there could be enough food, clothing, and shelter for everyone, people would be happy. We could then begin to be what God intends us to be.

Let us know that you have our best interests at heart. I think that you may be the President that can really help to make the perfect world that we all have been dreaming of.

Respectfully yours,


Carolynne D. Fargey