Jerusalem Peace Walk Project Initiation
Rainbow Prophecy Gathering Tour 2001
The Coming Energy Revolution

[excerpted from:]

This is the text of a one page handout/flyer of July 11, 2001:

"For a Third Millennium Global Culture of Peace and Prosperity for All"

The Coming Energy Revolution

Santa Barbara Kick-Off

Rainbow Prophecy Gatherings Tour 2001
CA, AZ, NM, U.N., D.C., India, Jerusalem

July 11-13 in Santa Barbara;
July 14 - August 2 in Tehachapi;
July 19 in Second Mesa, AZ;
July 26 in San Jose;
July 27, San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland;
July 29-30 in Sacramento;
August in New Mexico;
September to United Nations in NYC and Washington, D.C.;
November in India;
December 25th, 2000th Christmas, Bethlehem to Jerusalem Peace Walk & Council

Santa Barbara: Wed. July 11 -- Fri. July 13

Coming Out Party, Vigil, Walks

Coming Out from the 2nd Millennium into the 3rd

Hendry's Beach, Picnic Area Potluck

Arroyo Burro Park

Cliff Drive west of Las Positas

Circle Ceremonies Daily at Sunrise & Sunset,
Noon Daily Global Peace Walk to City Hall and back

In support of The O'Leary-Wood Energy Solutions Summit in Sacramento, July 29-30, to brief Governor Davis and other government officials, industry leaders, media, and activists on The Coming Energy Revolution now offering global energy and environmental crises solutions, knowledge of new energy technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power, tech now at hand but not widely known. This Summit is being convened by two U.C. Berkeley Ph.D.'s: Dr. Brian O'Leary, former NASA scientist-astronaut, physics teacher, science and energy policy advisor and speechwriter to four US presidential candidates, now professional speaker, author of several books and the Foreword to The Coming Energy Revolution; and Dr. Fred B. Wood, Sr., systems theory and electronics/cybernetics pioneer, one of America's leading electronics engineers, founder of the Computer Social Impact Research Institute in San Jose, California. Energy Summit Panel will be moderated by David Crockett Williams, Tour Organizer, general agent for Global Emergency Alert Response, Global Peace Walk co-coordinator, chemical physicist.

A Global Peace Prayer Vigil on the lawn of the picnic area at Hendry's Beach will host ongoing preliminary sessions of the Jerusalem Peace Council to collate, index, and evaluate public input of ideas, projects, and programs to bring peace and prosperity to Jerusalem and all around The Globe. Collated messages will be put on the internet, distributed at upcoming Tour events, and hand delivered to the formal opening session of the Jerusalem Peace Council in Jerusalem Israel after arrival of the Bethlehem to Jerusalem Global Peace Walk, December 25, 2001, the "2000th Christmas."

661-822-3309 -- The Third Millennium Project --

David Crockett Williams, Coordinator, PO Box 147, Tehachapi CA 93561

--------end of retyped July 11, 2001 flyer text

Due to hostilities developing in 2001, the walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem could not be conducted that year.

But, I am someone who has had some long-lasting intense spiritual directions in my faith to focus my energy on matters to bring reconciliation of the three faiths of Jerusalem and from that peace in the world. I know this sounds a bit dramatic and it somewhat puts me on the lunatic fringe of people of faith, but my faith in this is based on my work as a chemist with a set of "unified field theory" equations that I have since 1976 believed render the concept of the inviolably sovereign natural cosmic law order into the language of mathematics, which is the same concept as depicted by the Torah of Judaism, by Dharma/Karma in Buddhism and Hinduism, by the Will of God per Islam, the Law of Love taught by Jesus, etc., ie, an inviolably sovereign but ignored natural law by which everything operates all the time without fail, like gravity.

To this end, to give rise to the innate human latent awareness of this True One Law, I have since April of 2001 been trying to manifest a Peace Walk to Jerusalem from Bethlehem as a vehicle to bring out this teaching.

With the help of Dr. David Leighton referred to me by Ibrahim Abu El Hawa who I see as a kind of "Arab Gandhi of Jerusalem," and others, we have been able to manifest this peace walk starting last Christmas 2005 with 12 folks convening the opening prayer circle at sunrise in the cold rain outside the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The rain drove the guards away and without permission the walkers were thereby able to fulfill this prayer by walking to Jerusalem ending with a couple of dozen folks in the closing circle also conducted by Eliyahu McLean of Jerusalem Peacemakers who works closely with Hajj Ibrahim. Also walking that day was one of the Japanese Buddhist monks of the Nipponzan Myohoji order founded by the most venerable Nichidatsu Fujii (1885-1985) whom Mahatma Gandhi called his Guruji and from whom also Gandhi took up the prayer drum and the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo medicine word mantra used to give rise to the innate human awareness of this True One Law to bring global peace in our times now as per prophecy of 2500 years ago by Buddha Shakyamuni and to bring "pure land" to the earth by everyone pronouncing this medicine word and embracing our innate human knowledge of this True One Law that is latent in the minds of all human beings.

Dr. Leighton is from England and a retired eye surgeon who has been inspired by TE Lawrence of Arabia and his work for peace in the Middle East and fascination with Wadi Rum Jordan where Dr. Leighton wants to build a global peace center. He also is a fan of the One State Solution proposed by Albert Einstein, ie, the whole earth as one nation. But the nation-state system of governments that make up regulations called "laws" enforced by violence are the problem, not the solution. Whether it be called a one state solution or as you say a "dual state solution" we need folks to come to a common agreement to renounce violence and embrace the teaching of nonviolence inherent in this, as the Iroquois call it, The Great Law of Peace.

I am writing this to invite your collaboration for the success of the next Jerusalem Peace Walk from Bethlehem slated for August 15. We are trying to make them happen three times a year now, "until it works". The second one was on Easter but with only three people because during the few days before that a beloved nephew of Hajj Ibrahim was assassinated by claimed Al Aqsa Brigade members for allegedly selling property in East Jerusalem to Jews. Ibrahim's family has lived "forever" on the Mount of Olives where he welcomes all comers with his hospitality. His grandfather was featured in an old National Geographic magazine when he was 134 years old per his cited birth certificate! We can learn something from Ibrahim.

Thank you for whatever advice you might offer that we can circulate to help reconcile the three faiths of Jerusalem in peace, for peace there in the middle east and for peace around the world.

For more information, please read this page:

and the public archives at this Yahoogroup you can join to help with this project networking for success:

July 6, 2006