Death Pestilence Home Page

Devoted to the life and philosophy of Death Pestilence

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Yeah, Death Pestilence has to eat too.

Things on this page

About Death Pestilence
Mission Statement
Ten ways you can help spread the wisdom of Death Pestilence to the four corners of the globe
Put my banner on your webpage! You'll be glad you did. Just copy the following image onto your computer as a bitmap file with the name "deathpbanner":

Now right click and copy off the necessary line of code. Man, I just make things too easy for people. That's because Death Pestilence cares!

The Live section, updated frequently so keep coming back.

Death Pestilence Trendy Gear (hahahaha!)
A place to go to buy great Death Pestilence phrases on ###### quality T-Shirts. The stuff's overpriced too. If anybody knows of a more reasonable web site that lets you print up T-shirts more inexpensively, just let me know...the e-mail's at the bottom.

The Bierhaus Slut Game
This is the best choose your own adventure game of all time, remember, the choice is yours, so there's no complaining about what happens to you (Updated: 6-16-08)

From Leipzig, Germany
(Updated: 12-01-07)

The Transformers
(Updated: 7-12-07)

An Interview with Bagoda of the Cesspool
(Updated: 6-8-07)

(Updated: 6-4-07)

Maddox and Tucker Max
(Updated: 6-1-07)

Gwen Stefani
(Updated: 5-29-07)

Airport Security
(Updated: 5-28-07)

An Interview with Bob Smash of Rantlister
(Updated: 5-26-07)

4 Years of Death Pestilence
(Updated: 5-18-07)

If I Don't Do It...
(Updated: 4-24-07)

(Updated: 4-21-07)

Idiots Need Not Write Me
(Updated: 4-16-07)

(Updated: 4-16-07)

(Updated: 4-14-07)

The 300
(Updated: 4-7-07)

Shadow Bunnies
(Updated: 4-3-07)

Chain Your Dog
(Updated: 4-02-07)

Threat of Force, Promise of Love
More great thoughts on how the human animal operates. (Updated: 3-24-07)

Sexual Harrassment
(Updated: 2-28-07)

What I've been doing the last month and why I haven't been writing. (Updated: 1-29-07)

(Updated: 12-13-06)

Casino Royale
(Updated: 12-11-06)

Screw Wall-Mart
(Updated: 11-20-06)

Power Issues
(Updated: 11-13-06)

God the TV show "Friends" is a piece of ####
(Updated: 10-28-06)

Miami Vice
(Updated: 10-3-06)

The Way It Is VS. The Way It Should Be
(Updated: 10-2-06)

J-Lo...What the ####?
(Updated: 9-16-06)

(Updated: 8-15-06)

Political Correctness
(Updated: 7-19-06)

Superman Returns
(Updated: 7-15-06)

Some Kind of Incoherent Madness
(Updated: 6-26-06)

(Updated: 6-10-06)

Mission Ridiculous III
(Updated: 5-16-06)

3 Years of Death Pestilence
(Updated: 5-12-06)

Homosexuality versus the Man's Man
(Updated: 4-19-06)

V for Vendetta
(Updated: 4-09-06)

Artificial Love
(Updated: 4-8-06)

Short on Time and Patience
(Updated: 4-1-06)

Jennifer Aniston
(Updated: 3-19-06)

####-Butt Mountain
(Updated: 2-19-06)

Wacko Muslims Overreact to Harmless Cartoons
(Updated: 2-7-06)

The Da Vinci Code
(Updated: 1-9-06)

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Are a Bunch of Rampaging Fascists
(Updated: 1-3-06)

King Kong
(Updated: 12-29-05)

The Holiday Season Can Go #### Itself
(Updated: 12-20-05)

What To Do With Your Life
(Updated: 11-17-05)

Fight Club Revisited
(Updated: 11-10-05)

No More Tears For 9/11
(Updated: 11-02-05)

The Star Wars Prequels Reconsidered
(Updated: 10-25-05)

In That Deep, Dark Corner You Call Your Mind
(Updated: 10-15-05)

What is Freedom Anyway?
(Updated: 9-16-05)

Sin City
(Updated: 9-13-05)

(Updated: 9-08-05)

Fast Food Music
(Updated: 8-11-05)

Celebrities With Causes
(Updated: 8-09-05)

Flight of the Phoenix...crap...crap...crap
(Updated: 8-01-05)

12 Monkeys...Finally, Something Good
(Updated: 7-25-05)

Mr. and Mrs. Smith...More Crap from Hollywood
(Updated: 7-15-05)

Tom Cruise Sucks Too For That Matter
(Updated: 7-07-05)

Will Smith Sucks
(Updated: 6-28-05)

Wild Animus
(Updated: 6-21-05)

Batman Begins
(Updated: 6-17-05)

Michael Jackson
(Updated: 6-14-05)

Episode III
(Updated: 5-21-05)

2 Years of Death Pestilence
(Updated: 5-05-05)

The Catholic Church Needs to Wake Up
(Updated: 4-21-05)

Who Do You Trust?
(Updated: 4-18-05)

(Updated: 4-15-05)

Hitch, another crappy movie
(Updated: 4-11-05)

More Mr. Smiley Face
(Updated: 3-11-05)

Joka Cola
(Updated: 3-6-05)

Getting High on Rubbing Alcohol (not recommended)
(Updated: 3-6-05)

Columbine and Sept 11th
I wrote this a while ago, but it still has pretty relevant stuff in it. (Updated: 3-1-05)

(Updated: 2-28-05)

7 Things Worse Than Rape
(Updated: 2-26-05)

(Updated: 2-19-05)

Who Gets Oppressed?
(Updated: 1-25-05)

Christmas is a Corporate Holiday
(Updated: 12-14-04)

Pablo Escobar
(Updated: 12-09-04)

Poor Parenting Leads to School Shootings
(Updated: 11-29-04)

Sky Captain and the Diarrhea of Tomorrow
I should have known better, but the critics suckered me into this piece of garbage.(Updated: 11-22-04)

Creationism is not a Theory
(Updated: 11-10-04)

Congratulations America, you Just Reelected Adolf Hitler
(Updated: 11-03-04)

Secret Societies Can Suck My ASS!
(Updated: 10-22-04)

An Open Letter To the Terrorists
Here's a Spam e-mail that I recently received and decided to post.(Updated: 10-04-04)

The Drunk
This is a rather lengthy piece of writing that I discovered on my computer recently. (Updated: 9-30-04)

Suicide Rates in America
(Updated: 9-10-04)

Advair Can Go #### Itself
(Updated: 8-19-04)

Fahrenheit 9/11
Movie Review (Updated: 7-24-04)

Third World Deprivation Buys First World Luxury
(Updated: 7-9-04)

Spider Man 2 Review. (Spoilers)
(Updated: 7-6-04)

Some ######## Pissed Me Off
(Updated: 6-24-04)

Stupid Government Studies
(Updated: 5-17-04)

One Year of Death Pestilence
Some random reflections after a year of ranting. (Updated: 5-04-04)

Kill Bill Volume 2.
A movie review. (Updated: 5-02-04)

Angelina Jolie.
(Updated: 4-27-04)

Pat Tillman.
(Updated: 4-25-04)

Moments of Weakness.
(Updated: 4-23-04)

Chick Flicks: Ever wondered why you find them so irritating? Here's the answer.
(Updated: 4-8-04)

Klaus Kinski: The Coolest Guy Ever
(Updated: 3-20-04)

A Typical Episode of Macgyver
Macgyver rocks, this article proves it.(Updated: 3-17-04)

Contributing to Society
If I believed in our society, it would be a lot easier to motivate myself into contributing towards it.(Updated: 3-11-04)

The Death Pestilence Social Hierarchy
These are the people who would get the credit in DP's society.(Updated: 3-09-04)

Women Who Depend on Their Sexuality Don’t Deserve Your Respect
Another irritating issue that everybody is afraid to ever bring up.(Updated: 3-09-04)

It’s all Fun And Games Until Children Get Raped
The numbers are in over this Catholic priest rape issue...and they're not pretty.(Updated: 3-06-04)

More Breasts on TV!
The only logical response to the Janet Jackson controversy.(Updated: 2-13-04)

An Interview with Shawn Samac of Facsimilation Magazine.
This is a fine example of internet prose.(Updated: 2-08-04)

An Interview with The Mysterious Webmaster of Paradoxicitis
The man knows his business, so don't try and tell it to him.(Updated: 2-07-04)

An Interview with The Wench of Maddox Mania
The Wench is a living tribute to The Best Page in the Universe
.(Updated: 1-21-04)

Queegan and the Singularity
The greatest story ever written about a dumb barbarian.(Updated: 1-14-04)

Religious Faith Equals Insanity
(Updated: 12-21-03)

An Interview With Douglas Drybrugh of the Lesbian Institution
(Updated: 12-21-03)

An Interview With Scott Swingle of
(Updated: 12-17-03)

Kill Bill is Absolutely Brilliant
(Updated: 12-02-03)

An Interview With Glen Papenburg of Chaomics
(Updated: 11-15-03)

The Death of Darth Vader
(Updated: 11-13-03)

US Media: Responsible Reporting or Ministry of Propaganda?
(Updated: 11-13-03)

The Ten Rules of Travel
Useful advice from a man who's very experienced in these matters (Updated: 10-30-03)

Kobe Bryant
The Kobe case seems weird doesn't it? (Updated: 10-21-03)

It?s not misogynic; this is a logical, rational argument. (Updated: 9-15-03)

Impeach George W. Bush
(Updated: 8-19-03)

Escape to Reality
A rant I wrote a while ago. (Updated: 8-1-03)

More Mr. Smiley Face
Cartoons. (Updated: 7-15-03)

The Matrix: Regurgitated
Movie Review. (Updated: 7-14-03)

The Adventures of Mr. Smiley Face
Some Cartoons. (Updated: 7-3-03)

Death Pestilence Plays With His Cat
A snapshot. (Updated: 7-3-03)

Movie Review. (Updated: 7-3-03)

The Horse of Pestilence and Death
A scholarly discussion of a thirteenth centry painting. (note: the painting is extremely graphic, this link is not recommended for the weak of heart) (Updated: 7-3-03)

It's Not Ok to be Fat
A rant. (Updated: 6-24-03)

The War on Evil
Something like the world we live in. (Updated: 6-23-03)

Slap Me Claudia
Yeah, a story about a girl I used to know. (Updated: 6-23-03)

Shampoo Instructions
Just something I read on a bottle of shampoo. (Updated: 6-23-03)

Tell Me You Love Me
How do you win that situation in which your girlfriend tries to manipulate you by making you tell her you love her in some embarrassing situation? (Updated: 6-23-03)

Round Smelly Ball
Flash Fiction. (Updated: 5-12-03)

About Schmidt
Movie Review (Updated: 5-12-03)

A Man Called Tyree
Flash Fiction. (Updated: 5-8-03)

The Tragic Death of a Horse
Flash Fiction. (Updated: 5-8-03)

Some Thoughts on Saving Private Ryan
A Movie Review. (Updated: 5-6-03)

X Men 2 Review
A Movie Review. (Updated: 5-4-03)

The Whale
Flash Fiction....about a whale...a dead one. (Updated: 5-2-03)

Toilet Tennis
Flash Fiction Eddy Poe Style. (Updated: 5-2-03)

On the School Bus
Flash Fiction! (Updated: 5-1-03)

Patriot Missle
A happy little story about how ######## can stop a war. (Updated: 4-29-03)

Apathetic Hair Cut
A longish story about how irritating the small things can be. (Updated: 4-29-03)

Archives: The Adventures of Mr. Smiley Face

Write me an e-mail for whatever reason. Ask whatever you want to ask. I might even respond. It is very probable if you are respectful and sincere. Very unprobable if you are irritating. Email:
Some Useful links for Seekers of the Truth

Busted Tees
College Humor

The Journal of the Blue Planet
The Muse Apprentice Guild
The Best Page in the Universe
Zine World
Word Riot
David Barringer Home Page
Blood with Codiene
The Ultimate Bill Clinton Fanpage
Maddox Mania
The Lesbian Institution
OmNiLaShs Domine
Juvenile's Awesome Web Page About Nothing
Wheel's Funny Poetry and Articles
Clovis Mann

Like I said, I gotta eat.