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The Yoes

In this occasion I will speak of three interesting subjects that they are related to each other. By circumstances several, in talks by ICQ with a called person " C ", arose these three subjects in the course from one night. In order to avoid that the text becomes heavy, I will use much colloquial language, so as as we used it in the CHAT. The three subjects were treated in a single night, but we will see them in three pages.

The three subjects are:

  1. The three centers
  2. Yoes (this page)
  3. The personality normal / multiply personality

2) Yoes

(In blue the commentaries of this person, in black mine.)

That fruit you like but?

Mmmm, the grapes and the peach trees and the melon

Good. But sometimes feel like to you but grapes that a melon, no?


Then, we say that in you Yoes are three "

The one that wants grapes

The one that wants melon

The one that wants peach trees.

But I suppose that sometimes they serve a melon and you say to you no, does not feel like to me, no?

Then very rare time, or depends

Then we have a quarter I...

And that they are the problem that the others have, to most of your yoes likes the melon, so for that aim, when they present/display a melon to you, single you are two groups of yoes.

But if you are of confussion, in a while you want it and in other no. And each one of those Yoes, can have a shared memory of which the melon knows rich. And they look for the melon. But if this I who know where does not sell melon, guesses that does not eat melon...


NONE OF THE YOES... All must be coordinated. But that happens we suppose. if you have two horses in the car of short while ago, and one wants to go for a side and another one for another one?

If generally you like the melon you are coherent, but if no.. when you arrive at the store you are not going to know how that to buy, because you do not know what you want. However, suppose that to a part of those yoes they like to make exercise, and to others they likes that I will say to you, to take beer. The person can be very physical...

To which I am wanted to refer is to this: While but coherence has and minor I number of yoes, it is but easy to deal with the person, because we have idea that it is going to do.

Suppose that your you discover that X person in a while given is....

Alias " Mars "

And in another Alias " Jupiter ", they are planets and Gods, there is coherence.

Now suppose that is " mosquito ", " dolphin ", and " elephant ".. then your you say this this lunatic one and you clear to you of in the middle, or no? Although the three are animals.

The normal people, like your and I, we have a memory but or less complete each one of yoes... that is to say, we remembered the existence of most of those yoes, is SHARED MEMORY.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900