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The Zen Police

In this occasion I will write on two related subjects, one of them is one old called legend the Zen police, and the other, an example of the application of that principle in present groups of " Finders of the truth "

The Zen police

It is told that it does many years arrived a monk from visit at a Buddhist monastery, in order to learn of the old manuscripts that were there. When arriving after months of trip, the monk responsible for the monastery requested to him that that night did not sleep, to help them in an exercise in which for the same one did not participate much.

Only that he had to do the monk was to remain wide-awake all the night seated in a place, and not to rise nor to be scared by anything of which he saw. The monk, respectful and good companion, accepted.

All the night the monk felt cold winds, he saw shades move, and a little annoying felt. When the superior father called to thank it to him, the monk visitor asked on which he had done, to which they responded to him saying to him that the monks that night sent to travel their cores, and that thanks to the monk visitor, was possible to them to return of its trip; because when wide-awake remaining it was a datum point for them and a force of containment for the intruders, a person who was a barrier by the simple fact of not doing anything, that is to say, a Zen police.

This legend is very old and can seem strange. The power of a person depends to a great extent if it is a datum point for others; but that datum point allows us to canalize the energy of diverse sources; if we are a positive datum point, we will canalize positive things, and if we are a negative point, positive people will instantaneously become a barrier to contain to us.

A person can in a while be given a datum point, and to be the Zen police that allows us to return and to know very instinctively what is noble or good; but the Zen police can be a healthy pair, who we can trust, or a person of whom we must take off of in the middle saving the own core. When it is discovered badly, it must be fought.

To be a datum point is a key secret and for many things. But as we became a datum point? Single by our actions. By nothing else.

The anchor

Saturday 5 of June, a person of the ritual group of magic in which I was years ago, invited to me to go to an exercise that were going away to make call, the anchor. This exercise is a very powerful method, but its effectiveness depends to a great extent on that is the Zen police, or the anchor. Due to my training, i was invited to participate in the exercise like anchor.

This exercise has many variants, but something that creates differences against the Legend of the Zen police, is that in this exercise the intuition trains of which they decide " to send his core to fly ", focused to a common objective, defined by which the guide is called, but who cannot be the anchor.

In this occasion it was decided to test common, circular call, which forced like anchor to think to me about a subject in special. I thought about a very valuable person that it has fear to face the solitude, somebody of that I have not heard in you complete weeks. I went almost three quarters of hour thinking about this person, in its past, and what I know of its present, when finished the exercise, the guide invited to me to pass to another room; and he was made pass one by one separately to that they had participated.

The stranger is that what was said is something very coherent; that Saturday 12 of June this person would find a relation of her past, resentment flood; another person described to this person clearly, without knowing it, and one but said to me that it saw me like an archer. And that the key to conserve the core of the anchor and the archer one was to be straight like an arrow and hard like the metal.

This incident seemed to me peculiar, because it is applied to certain interesting circumstances. If we for a moment forgot strange it that there was coherence between the medical instructors of the exercise, it is but strange what they said, and that she had relation with a strange situation of the last months.

And it is certain. Once one becomes the Zen police, the key to conserve the core is to be straight like an arrow and hard like the metal.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900