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The multiple personality

In this occasion I will speak of three interesting subjects that they are related to each other. By circumstances several, in talks by ICQ with a called person " C ", arose these three subjects in the course from one night. In order to avoid that the text becomes heavy, I will use much colloquial language, so as as we used it in the CHAT. The three subjects were treated in a single night, but we will see them in three leaves.

The three subjects are:

  1. The three centers
  2. Yoes
  3. The personality normal / multiply personality (this page)

3) The personality normal /multiply personality.

This it is an extreme, real and verified case. There are people who have separated sub-groups of yoes, and these sub-groups form an identity.

It is to say... to the person actua of different way and thinks of way different with each one from the personalities or sub-groups, and the force of each sub-group depends on I number of yoes that contains.

Example... if to 85% of your yoes they like the melon, that you would say, that you like the melon or that no?

that if


But now we will analyze REAL an important case extremely.

In 1960 a young Call Billy Milligan was born in the United States. It was violated by his father among other things, and development sub-groups of yoes by each trauma. Then, within its head, there were 24 Personalities. Each one of them, except one, knew that they were neighboring. Only real I was out of service.

Each one of the personalities had its own interests.

  • Arthur. - The ready one of the group, the genius in chemistry and mathematics
  • Ragen. - The fort, able to multiply its physical force, thanks to which Arthur taught to him
  • Allen. - The master of the escape. Able to take off force jackets and to open locks, Houdini.
  • Tom. - Able to understand any thing of electronics and able to make pumps.
  • Thus until the 24.

In order to maintain an internal procedure, single Ragen and Arthur could decide that personality used the body. was shared memory, but not with REAL I; that one did not find out that there were other 23!!!!!

However... In order to cure it of that disease, they had to be integrated to the personalities, first from 24 to 23, 22... and the idea was to arrive at one.

Now imagine that happened when a personality was a rapist, by " reflection " of the father.

That step? Billy Milligan by violation was stopped.

But the interesting thing is that really Arthur was a genius, Ragen was impossible to stop by than 6 guards less armed (in one of so many it broke a water closet with karate blow), etc. etc.

The important thing is that each personality or I, arises like ANSWER or protection to an external stimulus, but there are parts that are really UNDESIRABLE, and it is not due to allow them to take the control from body.

Perhaps let us see a case... a part of you wants to put a stuffing. and the other thinks about the diet. as he is the undesirable one?

It is obvious.

The important thing of Billy Milligan is that in some cases the whole is minor who the sum of its parts... IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DEVELOP ALL THE YOES.

You must decide that parts of you you are going to stimulate, and unfortunately most of people stimulates disagreeable or ugly things. If you stimulate certain number of yoes.. these they will grow and win to the others, like the melon, and the important thing is that nontells that single on Thoughts Words you - Action we give to the control to each I to him.

That is first that there is to do, to remember us to we ourself at any moment and in all place, that we want, because but, we were only able to hurl over a cliff the vehicle... and the master never will have risen.

I bore to you?

No, it was thinking that often it is not to leave take the control from the reality, mistaken I, although you have it by the circumstances who have generated it, if he is negative you must control it and the imbalance comes when it leaves the one to you that no, is like the schizophrenia? (in a already pathetic degree)

This it is the important case but of the commented schizophrenia, along with Sybil and the three faces of Eva.


They are not due to destroy yoes... single you must deny the control to them. you can oírlos, but that is everything.

Each person looks for the balance of certain way. But I am going to you to locate two interesting details. Billy Milligan was shut in in a Sanatorium, and Dominated Ragen. When dominated being, there was that avoided the physical abuses then and, no one of the " Undesirable ones ", changed. and of being cynical and the crude one, it was on in front of the abusive duty to them. And stop being an undesirable one.

When something limits to you, something activates. To kill I is a sovereign stupidity, because he is something that but ahead can be redeemed.

Nevertheless.... after all there is a mental exercise that is extremely useful. It identifies to your " groups of yoes ", and changes from one to another one.

Example, closes the eyes, and thinks about the part of you who always makes the decisions. When you have thought about this part, it is on the awares and it thinks Which is the problem? And then, the master of yoes takes the control.

She is why a person as I she can be very put in Astrology, but to be an expert in other things.... After all each I is I only orchestrate; as they go by the same thing. All eat melon...

Let us suppose that the horse becomes ill or it does not work, and changes on the other hand. It is not necessary that the same garage car or horse is finished to the way with, but that arrives the master.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900