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The petty Tyrants

The petty tyrants are mentioned by Carlos Castaneda in their called book " the Internal fire "; they are those people who are in a situation of power towards a warrior, in the old times they even got to have power of life or death.

Castaneda speaks of which there are other called people " petty little tyrants " that although do not have situation of power with respect to the warrior, are able to make him the life impossible.

The previous thing is literal, and very badly included/understood. Castaneda confuses a little to the readers when it says that a warrior must look for its own petty Tyrannous if it does not have it. Let us see why.

We must consider several things:

Darwin speaks in their books on the survival of but the apt ones: But the strong ones survive. If there were not constant battles in the life of the warriors, literally there would not be development.

To be a perfect warrior in perfect situations is to be a paper warrior: IN other words, if there is challenge or no danger, there is nothing no to do.

Not necessarily she is head in a company that deserves it. In Mexico it has will refrán that it says " the cream raises, but the dreg also "

Within the training which I received is not spoken of the petty little Tyrants, but to dominate to the ways of the world, this it is because petty Tirants and petty little tyrants appears whenever one enters the world in certain position/modality. As petty tyrannous and little petty tyrants do not have own power, really what they do of unconscious way is to drain the power of a modality of the world; and its power depends that way that they are " working ".

It is worth the trouble to read in the internal fire an example of the one defeat. But we will speak here of how defeating to petty Tyrannous , been brief from here PT, on the basis of the change of modalities.

Nevertheless, first that must be had when facing a PT is patience and moderation, therefore two good habits are developed that at their moment will serve to fight our own battles. What makes irritating to the PT and to the petty little tyrants, is indeed that lack of moderation. If the things become of correct way, soon after the PT stop being part of our approach to the world.

The reason is simple, the PT operate within a modality, or of a limited vision of the reality, at the moment that we are from outside, immediately arise all the deficiencies in the PT, that focused of adapted way, allows to leave it us outside combat, if that is our preference.

In the personnel, my preference is to cause that the PT change their own modality so that they drift single and of pylon they take a good scare.

Let us suppose that the circumstances force to us to fight with a PT (this single one must happen if the situation has something to offer, but, so that to fight? although really he would be desirable that was but powerful for the same reasons that Castaneda says)

There are two practical advice. Often we do not have time to find the point weak of the enemy, because its strength is but obvious that its weaknesses. What one is due to do is to find the weakness in that strength, that although is not the main weakness, usually it is quite important, because the PT is not customary to think about her like weakness but like strength.

Finally, we must enter within the battle area of the PT, apparently to the idiot, can serve to much when creating a first relatively idiot fame of dumb. Then we realize thing. The only thing which it allows us to enter the battle area of a PT is to put to us in the zone of danger. For that reason at the moment that we entered it is necessary to act of decisive form or the neutralized ones we will be others.

It is necessary to insist on which all warrior must face a PT at least once, but I believe that although we can change of modality and learn much of that type of battles, a single one it is sufficient, there is no why to look for more. If they arrive, ahead, but there is no why to look for them. Throughout our lives PT appears too many times the little variety, and they are really better than the PT in overwhelming our patience mainly, because they are easy to destroy or to win, using " not doings ". And not to make but important of all. " not stay "

It is possible that greater force does not exist than the knowledge to contain the blow.

In conclusion, petty little tyrants when forcing to us to act with moderation, patience and control, remembers the 4 requirements to us of the watching, and in the long run are more equipment than the PT, but these they teach to us of way practical to make the changes of modality.

By anything at certain moment the order did not occur me to go to dominate the ways of the world to finish my training.

Alfonso Orozco - July 1999
ICQ 41907900