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The Buffalo skin

In this occasion I will speak on a chamanic legend, that can be applied of immediate way in the life of every day, it told me to it a person of Arizona, which Rafael knew the Nagual, and has to do with the traditions of the apaches. It is important to notice two things: This history has a mean deep and one too obvious one. It is important to see both.

Next I will write what memory of the saying by Derek, the name of this apache could be translated like " son of whom creates ". The time which I happened with him was relatively little, single about three days in an ascent to the mountain with and the Nagual Rafael. Each one of them had its own opinions, and no was considered superior to others. In that time the Nagual had about a 45-55 years, and Derek a similar age; but while one was grey-haired, the other was of black hair like the coal.

The buffalo skin, according to Derek

In the last century, before the white man arrived at the earth in which my brothers lived, the tribes moved and lived according to which the buffalos did; the movements of the towns did not depend as much on the climate, but to follow the buffalos. The buffalos gave food, clothes, and arms us. The buffalo meat was important, as well as its skin and its bones.

But always, when a young person began to love woman, it had to face a test. It had to kill a buffalo, in the middle of his flock. Nothing to kill weakest, to the stragglers. A warrior had to prove his was worth killing to one of the strong males, but never to the head of the herd, that would have made it small pieces.

This sounds simple, but the test was to move between the buffalos without frightening them, because the one that frightened them, could not return to the town; when frightening the herd, forced the town to travel, and that was not allowed. The warrior who did it fled, or were assassinated by the work that had caused the tribe.

The rite of transformation in buffalo was very important... this rite consisted of greasing all the buffalo fat body; to use military operations conducted with buffalo bones, and in the end, to put in a buffalo skin, until smelling and seeming and moving at the speed of a buffalo

The success of this test depended in addition that the warrior was able to remove the buffalo died from between the herd and taking it to the camping. If he obtained it, could choose wife.

If it left it by halves, or it did not take it complete until the center of the town, he was not exile, but he would not be a warrior, but an apprentice of some office. And wife could choose until last many years.

Own notes on the buffalo skin

This history is heard too simple. The problem is that it is really too complicated. There are things that are not apparent...

In the modern life there are two very important details, if one wants to play in an team must be part of him.

But to integrate itself to an team forces to us to depend on which the others do not frighten the buffalos, and if we considered to the team like the herd of buffalos, to obtain our objectives, we must put the buffalo skin to us to obtain what we wished and take off of in the middle.

It is a difficult fight. But necessary. Several people who I know, do not understand because use I suit of three pieces when I prefer jeans and the comfortable jackets, simply because I must use a buffalo skin.

But I belong to a different group; that is expressed using shoes that are seen chic and are really type tennis; In the sense that allows to run and to kick me without problems. I believe that it is important to be part of an team, suddenly, but single if that team is correct.

The acts of each person are also reflected in their clothes. I know that she is expected of certain people who are unconditional to everything in a company; personally I have confirmed that is better, more productive, and more logical, the single one to be unconditional with the good thing, and to face to us battle against which this badly. That puts a buffalo skin to us, and although sometimes we are the unique ones of that herd, the herd will grow around noble principles, not of created and servile interests.

The objective of an team must be to work in team; not to put the buffalo skin one must make the work of the team. One must put the skin of buffalo like means, but to obtain the objectives. Due to incidents several, always I have had an ambivalent attitude towards the new cars, that I believe that it can explain well this phenomenon.

On the one hand, the new cars are pretty, but its price causes that people change them by freedom. I believe that the freedom is most valuable that it exists; and although I can to buy new car, I do not do it. Because the money which I conserve in the bank gives freedom me, it buys years to me of future. And although it is a day of life is more valuable that a new car.

However, at the moment at which it is obvious that we did not integrate a certain herd; we began to receive attacks, like " because you do not buy one of the year " About the personnel, I think that the man is made to eat buffalo and nongrass; When integrating us to the herd to obtain an aim, we must have well-taken care of with that point. We entered means of the buffalos like hunters. It does not stop to be part of the flock.

It is important to remember another thing. All we belong to a certain group. With that group and those people we can be unconditional. And we must be alert against the infiltrated ones; Against that they are incapable to fight by the good of the group. Although we ourself we enter to hunt to the strange herds, the only difference between the herd in which we are, and that we entered to hunt, is our commitment.

Those that around the sufficiently strong thing are not considered to create a herd to, must have to integrate itself to the herd to which they belong; but it is necessary to be it jeopardize with something.

A creator or head of herd, always sees by the good of the group, if he does not do it, is single a crazy person who will die when arrives the carrying buffalo from order and justice. He is why in a while determined, badly he can prevail apparently. Those that they deal with not belonging to no herd, sooner or later, die. Of solitude, or at hands of some more forts than he.

I repeat most important: When one does not have the force to be the center of a herd; he is his to have to be united to another one, and to be faithful to his rites and I put; of not doing it, when detecting the deceit will be destroyed. The rites apaches force the warriors to prove themselves to grow within the tribe.

Those that is not arranged to fight by their tribe, or those that they are lain saying itself " I will not belong to any tribe or herd ".. they have a very short life. Without place to where to return, without home, and possibilities of growing or of being perpetuated to lack pair between its equal ones.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900