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The speeds

At some moment of our lives, we felt like spectators of which it happens to us. In other occasions, we see pass near us events that make ask us to us if we are parts of the film. In the times in which this was but frequent, it got to ask to me if several days had not slept me and nobody meant to me.

With the passage of time I understood why the meditation, yoga and the uninformed one was so important for the development, that type of activities cause that the organic activity diminishes, allowing to see the things from a new perspective.

Other activities, like katás of martial arts, force to learn to develop certain speed changes to us in an established organic sequence.

Other activities, like rowing, to run, to swim or the love, cause that the organic rate increases.

Nevertheless, it has a little while in which all we found the speed organic that nature and temperament are adapted us by. For that reason it is extremely important them accelerated people to calm and calmed to accelerate them, because this way they are commited to change the speeds.

When doing a change in the speeds of our organism, we are putting in something enough complex although one goes away simple. We changed of modalities. The embroider point changes in a while, to another modality.

Each person feels but to she pleases with two or three " situations ", or speeds. Really this is an organic state, that can be made at any time that the sufficient energy is had. The movement of the embroider point, or what is the same, the change of modalities, he is to disposition of which has the energy necessary to untie the change.

We cannot offer nothing in return to the force that governs the change of modalities, is our destiny the being of certain way, living our life, but some choose to waste it, and really sometimes I am surprised by everything what the human being can do if enters a state of intensified watch. Nevertheless, no change that is made a single time is beneficial. Each modality is different an organic speed, and is necessary to know it often to be able to use its force, its power and its abilities. When several months ago I spoke of the power of a million seconds, referred the same to me. The people who do not have coherence change from a modality to another one spending of stupid way their energy.

But what is important he is this: If we did not use the energy to our disposition, this disappears. Our body stops being able to produce the energy. There is a limited amount, and it always is to disposition of which it demands it.

Sometimes the change of modalities is much but easy if we considered a little while of our past, as well as Carlos Castaneda mentions to summarize, the only thing who is needed is to be in tune to us with that organic speed of our past, and in a while, we make the change of modality. We want to change our future? It is question to change our modality. The changes of modalities always are accompanied, not followed nor preceded, by a speed change.

An exercise that put the Nagual to me Andrés forced to that my hands acted without thinking to save my own life. That exercise was simple but extremely dangerous, reason why I will not detail it here. To its due time I found another exercise similar, and if we were mistaken, single we obtain good blow, but nothing else.

At the time of bathing, the hands of vertical way must be put, next to the body, On guard of firm. And later to drop to us like a table, direct against the wall. If the person has something of coordination, without thinking it, before feeling to us, we noticed that our hands are in the wall!

For that reason it is important to risk to us. If we are not prepared, we will On guard pass our life of firm. Our body is our ally, our weapon, our refuge; if we want to use it, we must take care of it and not treat it bad. When it is needed, it makes the change single. Carlos Castaneda explains it with the change of direction that did to them Don Juan to its disciples. It was not to a single position or way to see the life; that had taken them to another one defenseless from a prison. What did went to force them to change its way to see the things.

When the Nagual Andrés gave a knife me used in the exercise that I mentioned, my body said to me, these crazy person. Now when I do it, only a game. My hands are amused, my chest also. And the speed change does not cost any work to me.

However, we let think about the speeds of the body like a single one. The heart has its rate, the legs another one, " everything like a great orchestra ". But we can change to the speed of our body, directing our blood and forces to where we want, so that he cures to us or he helps, because at the time of the truth, single we had us. We can harness our intelligence or our calm, or what we want. We know the people by what they feed on them.

Memory that one of the first changes explained by the Nagual Andrés, had to do with movements of power, because these cause organic changes. Added to my training of martial arts, one talked about to the previous state to the jump to the modality of " noncompassion ", like " battle modality ". It forced to me to repeat it while it made the exercise of the Nagual Andrés, and that term got to so be left engraving in my body, that the simple fact to think it, triggers the speed change. Reason why we could say that the secret of the words of power, is that the true ones, at least do not have to pronounce themselves. They are part of one.

But ahead I will explain with but it details the one of the speeds different from the devices of the body. The objective to write this is only to remember to them that changing our way of life, our rate, we changed to the world. Our body is only a vehicle.

It does not concern the method, music must be avoided in the beginning, since a part of her takes to associate with us something but that a simple memory, but that it is in tune to us of involuntary way, and that synchronization must be chosen with care, for obvious reasons.

Even the fights between the people usually are because each one goes in different speed. It is not necessary to enter too many details, imagine the rest. But a very different thing is to want to be great, and another one is not to want to be little itself.

While I write, memory something that I have explained in repeated occasions, that direct relation with the previous thing does not have, but that explains the principle of the speed change of very practical way. This example is taken from the dianeetic.

In order to be able to handle to a car or any situation, we needed to be able to make three things:

  • Beginning. - If you cannot ignite it it is that or it was disturbed and if you cannot fix it is that you have not put him gasoline or something similar.
  • Change. - When you are frightening people, returns, etc. etc.
  • End. When you stop you must stop, but you remain without car.

If you are able to initiate, to change and to stop the car you have control on. If you do not have it, it is not that you have bad control.

The bad control does not exist.

That is to say, any thing that it wants to do in your life must follow the three steps: To initiate, to change and to stop.

But it is important to consider other things that apparently are not so important. First it is that we must wish the speed change, to be arranged to do it. If we are not it, we fall in a very strange problem; we cannot go in two-way traffic at the same time, the car goes to ruin. An esoteric principle of the year of the marble says " For being, is previous not to be. In order to be born and to be, it is necessary to die first ".

Simply, we cannot at the same time be a thing and its opposite at the same time. If we want to change, we must change. or we will spend much in repairs.

The speed change, I repeat, is bound with the change of modalities. To force to us to make coherent changes, is important, because it does not serve as anything to create contradictory modalities, or the power of the million seconds is lost.

Nevertheless, the action is not due to look for. Simply, it is born. That is the nagualismo in a phrase.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900