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The fight against the system

In this occasion I will write of an extremely important subject, but that it is not possible to treat in the depth due in the words, it is of those subjects that single in the same life receive coherence or sense, since the amplitude of its concept can and extremely is distorted.

The subject will be " the fight against the system ".

To a friend which I knew several years ago, with which in X moment there were very strong differences, I included/understood it in all its being by one of its two alias. " the failed dissident ". And on that I will speak. On that in its youth they decide to face the system, and after a few defeats they are integrated to the rows of establishment.. or " system ".

When I speak about the system, I talk about the assembly of elements of the society that establish a scale of values that measures everything, and that tries to be integral part of we ourself. The aspect of why is necessary this fight, it is obvious, and it is based of irrebatible way in 2 books:

  • The Outsider- Colin Wilson
  • Apocalyptic and Integrated - Umberto Eco

The system is something that is right to be, I am going to ignore of intentional way most of these, and single I will treat one: The system is a search of the acceptable minimum levels of capacity within a certain society.

That is to say, the System is the method to measure the conformism, and to justify before the conformists the things of the life, creating a rudimentary version of order, in which the scale of values is based on the trmporal material, beauty and things, instead of the things that really matter. Mind and heart.

Some will say, but that we lived? Sincerely I live to do something that I like, to program, I am not sold with the system; he pays himself to me to do something that to be made well, but I do not jeopardize my core in the process. And what I give the system he is an intangible one; alive he frees, I do something that is needed, but do not obey you order stupid, nor I am for sale.

It is important to notice that like programmer, I save processes to the system and to the people who fight against the system, when creating time, in certain way, I create life, I do not destroy it nor I corrupt it. He is possible that some things that I have done have caused problems to people, because the machines single do what it orders itself to them, and is people who are really REBELLIOUS WITHOUT CAUSE, why is rebelled against the basic order, or what we could call prudent Commandos.

Those that they can think in that the core can be sold to pieces, I clarify to them that no; it is always sold completes although the account salesman not.

I really do not understand because some think that going to work it is to be sold to the system, to change by a plate of lentils the primogeniture. It is certain that it is it in many cases, but the work redeems the man, does not enslave it, if it is going away to work and not to the other usual activities that become in working hours.

However, the work gives a money us, that is simply a symbol of the work. Unfortunately instead of working many people they are based on friendships, relatives, etc, with which superior amounts of money are obtained. The money obtained through aims different from the work, symbolizes to the system, as well as other things that all we understand very instinctively symbolize the fight and the revolt.

But it must have something against which to oppose to us; the system in himself is too abstract. Generally people are created enemies to her measurement, people whom nothing will pass if they defeat or they conquer, of way similar to the Samurais that mentioned in the soldier of the shade / the shade of the soldier.

In the personnel, I believe that it must have although it is a rudiment mode of order; the police can be corrupt in my country, but without her the things would be worse.

Unfortunately, there are people who but that to be in fight against the system, is people who are in favor of the anarchy. I agree that are things that must be destroyed, but, that is going to leave itself instead of them? When putting order always must one adapt at the level of the means to which we focused; and to leave in its place something better.

The fight against the system can have many names, but to be real it must at any moment be and in all place; it is not possible to accept the comforts and securities of the system, and to feel like a rebel. But to fight yes against the system, because without knowledge that is due to change, is a sovereign stupidity and a suicide. THAT IS why so many people who fight against finish their days like agents of the same one.

To explain as is my personal position as far as the system, is not possible in detail. I am against that they are given and of the voluntary mediocrity, against which they sell its core by a plate of lentils or a car of the year.

And nevertheless, whenever I think about this memory a phrase: " the rebellion to the tyrants is obedience to God ".

For greater data on the matter they can be consulted:

  • Apocalyptic and integrated - Umberto Eco
  • The Outsider - Colin Wilson

Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 41907900