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History of some Brujos

This history is the synthesis of the life of some people who I knew during my training, people that from one or another way arrived at the Nagualismo, and were around the Nagual Rafael in the time of my formal training. In order to be able to understand exactly like somebody it could reunite to us, and to do of us something but that a group of crazy people, is necessary to read something on history of the Nagual (mentioned down as a wizard to the force). Juana Topete is only with true name, and it allowed in that put his history like I remember it, which surely needed much value; of the others, the Nagual not live. Juana and Geno, follow each one their way. Of Javier nothing has been known from shortly after that the Nagual died in my arms. Geno is very modern, I have its direction of email, but it requested to me that it does not provide his data. By the same, I have taken the freedom to make some alterations / omissions to avoid that it is bothered to him

HistoriesIn broad strokesThat it contains
The Teacher RafaelA wizard to the forceA catholic priest, who made a discovery
Doņa GenoThe law is firstA person of middle-class, that always looked for the light
The history of Javier M.The eternal finderChamán failed, apprentice of everything and official of anything
The history of Juana TopeteA woman who lost the reason, and returned to count itA natural witch who single wanted a normal life.

The teacher Rafael; A wizard to the force

Attention: This history is not apt for extremely religious people. If it is it, leap it.

She was born in some place of Mexico in the decade of the 20, son of a teacher of school and an rebellious daughter of a society family of Puebla. He said that the marriage of both was extremely strange: People who loved themselves all along, really all along, and who until their last moments demonstrated it.

In normal circumstances Rafael had been able to study the University, but in 1935 her family had a serious misfortune, the mother lost a son when giving to light and was on the brink of madness the death a time. The medical expenses very were elevated, reason why the family lost most of her savings. The father realized that could not pay school for its two children, and shortly after Rafael entered the priesthood like profession believing in God (by to have saved his mother), and knowing that the faith moves mountains. Years before he had spoken much with his father on other religions, although for the maternal inheritance, never one asked on the contradictions or dogmas of the catholic faith.

In the middle of the 50 Rafael was a young priest with his own parish, in some place of the sank bank in Mexico, had been five years in her. A morning found out that a neighbor of another parish had violated his daughter of 12 years (of the neighbor, not of), and made its sermon on that subject. When giving the comunión, saw come to the rapist in the row with a great smile in the mouth, and then, lost the faith in God, the Virgin and the Saints.

The sermons that it gave during years had been on the goodness of the life and the punishment of the pecadores, but little by little it was changing. to think about the sermon of the mountain and Psalm 123, it happened to think about Jesus and the merchants in the temple, the swords and the plows, psalm 144, and psalm 51 (I suggest to read them, 144 psalm battle speech and psalm 51 of pardon).

But it was too much. Months later it asked the bishop who assigned to another his parish, and he requested time to understand to him, to think, and that he gave to give it mass (mainly comunión) not to be in the suitable situation. It did not want to confuse his faithfuls.

It went to visit his family, and in that time he became reserved and serious. The beard was left (although neglecting did not bring it), and finally a day returned to its parish. When going to the hairdressing salon, he saw an assault, and he tried to take part in but the pure catholic spirit and received knife hurt in the lung.

One was bleeding when a Mr. dressed suit approached, offered aid to him, and by indications of the wounded this it opened a small suitcase, where it was his sotana and other things. To which this he said to him:

This if it is good! A heroic priest, jua jua jua, and began to laugh of pretty it.

But the blood continued flowing. After examining the wound the stranger said, I am going to help it to you, but does not say anything. If you speaks you dies. And the suit took off and took it loading to a car. He was stopped in a pharmacy and he bought gauzes, bandage and disinfectants. Later it cured it and it asked to him if it wanted that it took it to a hospital, to its parish or another side. When seeing that the wounded did not have idea, he suggested to him it go with the a a small business that it had near the cathedral, stops to go there to eat something warms up.

The wounded accepted, and as its surprise when seeing that did not go it was a place where religious things of the type " My were sold first comunión ", rosaries, breviaries, crucifijos, and others. In that place its parish bought some things, and understood why knew his priest condition, because it is not so easy at first sight to identify a sotana doubled in a suitcase of hand.

In the store he gave some things him to replace the stained ones with blood, and the wounded was of a genius of dogs thinking about the merchants of the temple. While it hoped, several people got to buy, and each one was dispatched by other people, this way:

  • A priest whom he knew not recognized it, received to him normal.
  • One humble Mrs. got to ask for the cheap equipment but of first comunión, and they gave the one to him that wanted (and that surely he was not but the cheap one)
  • One Mrs. affluent people got to request something, and the employee said to him that she did not have although he was at sight.
  • A Mr. got to buy crucifijo, he saw one very beautiful one, and they received an amount to him that obvious did not cover the price. Once one went away, the employee went to the warehouse and hung one equal one, putting a candle fence.

    To give but details would be improper. Rafael realized something at the moment at which the candle ignited, and during years it worked in the same business. Its payment? Food and bed.

    But ahead one found out that everybody thought that it had been killed in a truck that went towards its town and that fell in a ravine.

    Sometimes it left the city with the man who gathered it, in others went to retirements. He slept in a room in a warehouse of cement and construction equipments, and all Saturdays it traveled to meetings with the Nagual Andrés, in another town in which they did not know them.

    In that time the Nagualismo without profane rites of by means learned, without false histories, and without much detail it understood that there were alternating ways to the catholic church. It never broke his votes of abstention, nor of poverty (relatively it lived in bad conditions until the aim), it respected the watch, and always it made a vote of silence: As of 1960, never he spoke in Friday.

    It died at some moment of 90īs, a stupid accident in the street of the Reforma, arms mine and with single two disciples, Javier M. and another one more. I would like to say that she did not suffer, but would be lie.

    As and the bible said, " That has eyes to see that it sees, that have ears to listen that it hears "

    Rest peacefully.

    Doņa Geno; The law is first.

    She was born in Guadalajara at the beginning of 1950. Daughter of a family of high class, her mother had had near contact with other lines of the Nagualismo. Geno grew in an pleasant atmosphere, of white skin, blond hair and blue eyes, and with good education. But to the 18, in total sequels of the movement of the 68 (hippies by a side and student movement by another one), she decided to go away with cousins to live to Cuernavaca. She made contact with a White Lodge, (not to confuse with white magic in the wave of Karen Lara), and at the beginning of 70's was married and had a daughter.

    To explain that it is a white lodge is outside the objective of these notes. Be enough to say that it is an association of people whom they look for to change to the circumstances using European and kabalistic symbols. One of the principles of the lodges is the opposition between law and chaos, and light and the dark. Like part of the activities of the lodges, it is necessary to serve in something to which I will call " hide police ", and in one of the periods in which it was called on to him to be on duty, they went to look for them people who spoke of a house in which they were passing strange things after a murder.

    It was not handled of the suitable way, and began a gust of wind of bad luck. The lodge began to have problems and it was dispersed. Late a Geno fell of the stairs and she was hurt. Thinking about that one was going away to die, she called to her mother so took care of her daughter (the husband travels much), and when her mother arrived, she said to she that what had was another thing, and who single was going away to die if she continued feeling sorry itself, because something happened in its attitude from the attempt of exorcism/erradication. He was not urgent that took care of it, and thought to take it to see the Nagual. But the Nagual was not available of that then, so another person took it with my teacher in spite of being of another line.

    Geno half of its way had left, and the Nagualismo was not the suitable thing for her. Although the Nagualismo allowed her to become stabilized and to recover of its previous experiences, really the way of the White Lodge was the correct one for her, and for that reason never she tried to see the Nagualismo but as a stabilizing influence. The Nagual Rafael focused the ritualist aspect of the White Lodge in practical principles, and many things that they had to do with the aspect of the selection between the order and the chaos was gotten up to the strange classes that occurred with the Nagual, as well as the selection of which there is no reverse gear, and the protections against badly (not confusing with talismans and concoctions please!)

    Geno lives at the moment in Guadalajara, follows married with its husband, she has a charming daughter of twentysome, and several of the group of the Nagual Rafael meet in a house that she bought for that aim. A teacher does not consider itself, but she teaches the importance of choosing between the light and the dark, and of knowing how to retire on time.

    When requesting permission to reproduce her history, she answered to me:

    " I continue believing in the armies of the light, but the time of the battle already happened. Now I am single a shade of which I was, something as well as a nurse and person who is in charge of foods, no longer I am a soldier. But I made the attempt.

    Non publish my name nor like finding me. I have sufficient responsibilities as to fight again by other peoples battles "

    Thanks Doņa Geno, being a datum point for which we know you.

    The history of Javier M; The eternal Finder

    He was born in 1966 in Monterrey. He began to study philosophy in the TEC of Monterrey, (a very expensive school), and when the moment arrived for entering the familiar business, one changed from campus to Guadalajara. He made contact with people interested in yaquis, left philosophy and one went to the hill with " chamán of the mountain ", Alberto call.

    One night of winter being in the mountain range of Mazamitla, the Nagual Rafael smelled something rare. We carry two trained German sheepdogs, and thanks to them we found a man crying and covered with excrements and worse things. The Nagual approached and it gave slaps him. The other turned around it to see, and continued crying. Us we took it to drays and we returned to the city almost.

    That man was Javier M. According to told the Nagual me, when Javier could happen to the true stage of the chamanic training, cracked. As it was the pretext? To return to see its fiancee and to marry with her.

    The Nagual said that the fiancee was a pretext, but that Javier could redeem itself marrying, if its search were sincere. The Nagual said to me that all the ways take to Rome, but that to many finders gives fear them to approach the Threshold, and therefore they destroy all its life justifying themselves and jumping of here for here, leaving each right way before entering the threshold, that is to say it of a way, the moment at which the price is paid.

    Javier remained in one of the houses of the Nagual, being a species of bell boy, but he entered critical moments without intervention of others suddenly, the Nagual said that Javier escaped itself from the reality, and that looked for a miraculous solution its lack of trousers. The Nagual said " is not born twice meditating "

    During those critical moments sometimes it lost the glance in the infinite, and sometimes extremely it was centered, being one of those people whom the pain is worth to know and to listen. In those occasions he told histories us of the spirit of the vulture, or the relation of the four elements and a fifth a the one that called emptiness. But as it left the way by halves, the emptiness defeated instead of taking it it to live in the eye of the storm.

    He spoke of each chamán is related to the elements of the nature, and that are four great divided areas of chamánico interest in 2 worlds, and that true chamán was one with the nature and simultaneously she was four people.

    External World. -

    The hero or liberator. -Throughout history the people who live on the Earth need who faces the opresor, the who that directs them in the fight, the who releases them of the hunger and the cold.

    The old wise person or the curador. -He is the one that cures to others, the one that chooses the mystic aspect of the world.

    Internal World. -

    The eternal son. -The one that always he looks for, the one that always dreams, the one that always he yearns for.

    The great father. - When all the other fault, is that one that answers the questions.

    Unfortunately never he had control on those critical moments. Sometimes he was a wise person, and in others it was necessary to treat it like a a boy about two years. When the stage of changes of conscience in my training began, thanks to the lessons of the Nagual and to follow the examples of him and Juana to make the change voluntarily I did not have problems. Although Javier tried to control itself, never could. According to the Nagual Rafael to remove the return to everything always he broke something within Javier and he took it to a nightmare without return, and control. The knowledge of the Nagual were not enough to cure he, because he did not want to cure itself. On the matter the Nagual said to me, " in its own terms, chamanes decide if they are fire, earth, air or water, or if they are of the place of where they leave storms ". But the decision must be sufficient. There are things that cannot remain by halves, that is everything.

    When the Nagual died, Javier returned to the mountain, and Mr. Alberto sent it to the hell. This is I complete it that he knew himself of, does but of five years.

    The history of Juana Topete

    Were born in a humble zone of called Guadalajara the " Sector Freedom " by the end of sixty (the 1969?) Her family belonged to the type of good people that she thanks in the life, the love, the sun and the rain. Mother before the 18, faced the world like could, a worker in a clothes factory, receiving while the words of the mother about which she had to give a father to his daughter. Late when returning of the factory, she saw that he was the priest in his house.

    Her mother removed to take a walk to the girl taken hold of the hand, loosen to him, she lowered of the sidewalk and she fell. A person did not see it, and she stepped on it, bursting the stomach.

    The girl lived two weeks, in which Juana became crazy. When the girl died, she tried to commit suicide and she could not because the tears did not let it see. Then she tried to remove the eyes not to see the furniture of his daughter and she could not, but she left scars in his face.

    A morning when her mother of the market returned found the house empty. Juana had gone away without taking nothing, neither money nor clothes.

    The same Juana does not remember great thing, unless during six years lived with gypsys, and an old crazy person who adopted it. So that the life could be won taught to him to read the hand, but never it understood " the rules on the lines ". As she did not want to be a load, she developed without knowing it to a technique mixing the principles of the sand reading and map reading. And she began to be a pariah between such gypsy, because in addition who never learned to speak his language, learned to communicate with the dogs and horses, neglected their aspect at unforgivable levels and ate like animal.

    In this time she recovered part of her reason, and a day the gypsys outside left it of a house in the hill where the 22 of December sounds strange songs to the dawn. It was one of the houses of the Nagual. This he heard his history and he saw the scars. Of its pocket the Nagual paid the education of this girl, and it in return maintained the house clean and pruned the garden.

    The first time that I saw, I mainly thought that she was a maid, because not see the brightness in the eyes. She had the eyes of a dead. The things happened to him, and that was its life.

    As it leaves from our plans in the group we were going to buy a small truck to sell the chickens and rabbits of the house. Somebody suggested we did not buy the truck but that we paid so that they fixed the face of Juanita. And that we did.

    The day of the following operation and days, single I in the hospital was. She names Topete Orozco, and I was made happen through relative of her, to fulfill requirements of the hospital. When they cleared Wendish them to him, and it was seen the mirror, it arose the brightness in the eyes, and said, " Never more "

    The return was something that I cannot describe. No longer she was a pariah. She was one trims. A handsome witch in addition. The following months demonstrated us to all which she could control what outside. I have never known anybody with as much capacity to live in anyone on 2 worlds. In the group of that we come its facility to change from a world to another one is legendary, as well as its form to read the hands and the sand, and mainly its anger.

    To count but things of her would be outside place. In 1992 she married in a place near where they left the gypsys it. She looked for his mother, and now she is mother also. But before mother, is a witch, that is what always she will be, to grief that handles car of the year by its husband and position becomes of the financial subjects that left the Nagual.

    In their ring of commitment, their initials are not recorded. Single two words.

    " Never more "