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The Magnetic Center

Days ago a person asked to me of where desire is born in the man to acquire a new knowledge and to change.

I will explain it in terms of Ouspensky, according to is the subject in " Psychology about the possible evolution the man ". It must be taken into account that when it uses the word man I will talk about the human sort, not to the male specimen or female.

The man lives under two classes of influences. This must be included/understood perfectly. And the difference between the two classes of influences must be very clear.

First it consists of interests and attractions created by the same life, interests of health, security, comfort, fortune, pleasures, distractions, vanity, pride of reputation, etc.

Second it consists of interests of another order, waked up by ideas that are not created by the life, but which they are originated in schools. These influences do not reach directly to the man. They are thrown in the general eddy of the life, happen through many different brains and they arrive at the man through the philosophy, the religion and the art. Always mixed with the influences of the first class, and they finish losing all similarity with which they were in the beginning.

In most of the cases the man it does not distinguish the difference of origin of the influences of the second class, and often one explains them like of common origin with the first class. Although the man ignores the existence of the two classes of influences, both influence him and of a way or another one it reacts.

It can be but or less identified with one or several influences of the first species and not to experience the influences of second. Either it can be attracted and be touched by one or another one of the influences of the second species. In each case the result will be different.

We will call to the first class of influence A and second influence B. If a man is completely at the mercy of the influences A or of an influence A in individual, and is completely indifferent to influences B, nothing I will change for him, and their possibilities of development will diminish year with year. To certain age, sometimes very early, they can disappear for always. What is equivalent to say that the man even dies remaining physically alive, as a seed incapable to germinate and to produce a plant.

But if on the contrary, the man is not completely in being able of the influences A and is attracted by influences B that affect it and they make it think, the results of the feelings that they produce crowd together themselves in him, attracting other influences of the same species, and grow, occupying a place every important time but in his spirit and his life.

When the results of influences B have acquired enough force they megre to form in the man which is called a magnetic center. In the Nagualismo it is called to him to personal power, but we will use the term Magnetic Center for reasons that will be understood ahead but. It must be understood by magnetic Center to a group of interests that when the forts become enough, serve until certain point as factor as direction and control. The magnetic center canalizes our interests in certain direction and them aid to stay in her. At the same time, it cannot make great thing by itself. A school or training IS necessary. The magnetic center cannot replace to a school, but it can help to acquire the conscience of the necessity of a school; it can help to put itself in search of her, or, if the man by chance finds one, it can help it to recognize it and to treat about not losing it. Then nothing else easy to lose that a school.

The possession of a magnetic center is the first exigency (not formulated) of a school. If a man is private of magnetic center, or if he also does not have but insignificant a magnetic center, or if he has several contradictory magnetic centers, that is to say, if this interested simultaneously in incompatible things, at the moment at which it finds a school is not interested in her, or even criticizes before knowing it nothing of her, or its interest disappears quickly so soon arise the first difficulties from the work of school. And this is the first safeguard of a school. Without her, the school would be crowded of people nondescribed, who immediately would make turn aside their education. A true magnetic center aid not to only recognize a school, but also to assimilate the education of the school, that differs as well from the influences A and of the influences B, and that can be called influence C.

Influence C cannot be transmitted more than by the word, direct education, explanation and demonstration.


For greater details, to see the called page Influence C.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900