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Sometimes some things are obvious, too simple. Single that simplicity cannot be explained, because simply, it is.

Trying to think about simplicity examples, something came to the mind, that is not nothing simple apparently, the feelings of a warrior.

The feelings of a warrior are simple, clear, and forts. There are no doubts. When difficulties must to understand the operation of something, it must be reduced to simpler things, to find the principle basic.

Speaking of the basic principle, memory to a person to whom I will call the Lady of April. She has intense feelings and strong, they are simple. But... they are not clear and by the same they are not simple. When a person is not clear, she cannot be simple. Simplicity is something so simple that it is not necessary to explain it. For that reason many people never pass of a stage development X, because they hope that she happens in his somewhat complicated life, that gets to change its lives. What Umberto Eco calls " the occasion ", and Castaneda the attempt.

The attempt is something that depends directly on the personal power, that is not another thing that the accumulated energy to the experience in the use of that energy. Many warriors commit the error to think that if reunites in an occasion the necessary energy, it is sufficient to create the definitive change. This is an error, the only way to make the definitive change is making minimum and simple adjustments moment at moment. When an automatic car is handled, handling consists of making insignificant movements with the steering wheel; something of the sort happens with the conduction of a footpath.

Returning to the Lady of April, its basic principle is the flight; it has great energy and intensity, but not to be able personal. By the simple problem of the lack of coherence between its words and their actions. I do not know that it has been of this person, but to grief that their feelings are clear, separately, one takes the feeling that is an internal deceit. This person is placed in difficult situations, and changes internally in abrupt changes that wear away it. She has interesting attitudes before the life, but in his case there is no coherence. She is a varied person, who by her adaptability, cannot be understood but a little while given.

When she deals with people contradictory to themselves, we can to treat to understand them, but if we see that there is no inner coherence, is not of other than to be, we, simple and to clear to us of in the middle. In some situations there is nothing no to win. Let us leave people them fight its internal battles, and if they solve them, that good, but that good also. It is its own subject, and when losing simplicity and putting to us in which to neither it goes us nor comes to us, complicate us the life, and what is worse, we wasted it.

The Nagual Rafael said that more important that " not to do ", is " not to be ", because it is the nucleus of not doing. It always spoke of the Knife of Occam, that is a used expression to designate to the instrument that must carry out the simplification.

Rare time the simplification is excessive, but often to half of the process, we can detect a fact or a word of which, simply something of us says yes, or says no.

The feelings of a warrior are simple, clear and strong. If they are not it, he is not a warrior, but simply, anybody to that sounds to him pretty to be called to itself " warrior "

And it cannot be simple what it does not have coherence.

The true reason that it is spoken as much of the oral education, is that to many of which they read these pages, it seems difficult to think to them about abstract subjects, because they see them but complicated.

Most of the people whom they look for the knowledge and " has not even been enlisted " in some school, try by instinct to follow the principles of the warrior, the impeccability etc. etc.. But as in them it is not seen compensates pretends, usually they stop of its persistence.

The problem is again, simplicity. If we acted with naturalness, we will have security, and naturalness and security give the force. A warrior, Nagual, or hunter, always must have those three characteristics. Naturalness, security and force, because single they are obtained to practice simplicity.

Nevertheless other parts of the life of the warriors can be complicated until we reduce them to its minimum expression. Speaking today with a girl, she said that I seemed saint, because among other things, I do not like the drink, I am not to the hunting of women, and non interest drugs, nor greater labor recognition to the one neither similar than at the moment I have. If we reduce to its minimum expression the answer to it it is obvious. I do not have because to like the wine or I can be my own right or " philosophical " reasons not to recommend it. Simply, which matters is that I am not after the wine, the women or drugs.

In other places I have spoken of the datum point, but the importance of being a datum point is that the people know that to hope of us; this does not mean to be " foreseeable ", but to be coherent. When somebody is unforseeable, it can be coherent; but somebody unforseeable one that seems to lie, and makes incoherent acts, must immediately be moved away, if it is not physically possible, morally; because this person stops being a datum point and she becomes a ridicule of which she wanted to be; in the education of the ritual magic it is spoken of the warriors like whom " they are twice been born ", and to the people who surrender to their internal demons complicated the life, the " one is called to them and average been born times ". They are dangerous people, because they are the sufficiently sensible thing to know that something is making bad, but do not have simplicity to realize its incoherence.

Thinking about the same lady of April, a phrase of Oscar Wilde comes to my mind, who is not applied her, that he says: " That a great man? Single I see the comedian of its own ideal "

In summary, a person who looks for the truth by the footpath of the right, must cultivate simplicity, because single from her the naturalness, the security and the force arise.

Alfonso Orozco - July 1999
ICQ 41907900