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The Shade of the Warrior/The warrior of the shadow

Before beginning an important explanation becomes: The mentioned thing in this page talks about in the shade in the sense of Martial Arts and the Eastern philosophies. One at all does not talk about the shade of the European doctrines, and Much less in the Shade in which it makes Castaneda reference.

This completes will explain in the page " the shade of the Nagual ", but the Link will be available in a time nondetermined. Meanwhile I can advance that he is very similar to which is mentioned in the page the werewolf, from the point of view of the irrevocable inner change and without control.

In this occasion two aspects different, but complementary will treat completely, and that have a semantic similarity. The differences between both term are almost infinite.

1 The shade of the warrior

This history I knew it at the beginning of 1986 when it tried to understand the similarities between fragments of the golden branch, James Frazer, and some Serious ideas of Robert Graves, in its book " the White Goddess ". The shade of the warrior is an historical situation that I found first in a classic book on Miyamoto Musashi, that explained the book of the five ring and the foundation of the way of the water and the technique of the two swords; on the other hand this history has equivalent from the time of 900 DC, with the death of the ruling clan in epic naval battle, passing through the time of period EDO (1600-1800) and the establishment of Ieyasu Tokugawa like protector of Japan. But ahead in the training I found too drastic similarities with the way of the Nagualismo and the one of the Ritual Magic to be mere coincidence.

Between the multiple types of men military of historical Japan, always three basic types of warriors have been distinguished:

  • Samurai. - That one warrior who belongs to the society and tries to always follow a code of agreed conduct with which wishes its Mr.. It could be mercenary or no.

  • Ronin. - Warriors trained without master nor roots; they represent the ends from the medieval knight, to the robber of ways, happening through the men in solitary search of the miraculous thing through the war (Miyamoto Musashi for example)

  • The Ninjas. - Of the films we are in favor customary to think about ninjas like the bad ones of the film; in fact they were farmers of diverse provinces of Japan that they looked for like defending themselves and making survive its way of life.

In all the times the man has tried to do the world to his image and similarity, creating many wars. Nevertheless, sometimes one looks for who to throw the fault of the problems, and fights itself to him through a war, not trying to cause that the balance remains, but through an extermination to justify the own way of life and to distract to the attention of the internal problems of the people or the towns.

At certain moment of the history of Japan, the Samurais decided that different the tactical ignorant farmers that they did not follow the Bushido but military, had to be exterminated for glory of the emperor. To the passage of the first battles, this fight of the ways was justified but strange and sometimes ridiculous, some of the things that were said were the following ones:

  • The farmers did not fight front (as they were going away to face 100 farmers an army of thousands?)
  • The farmers did not fight with swords, but with woods and naked hands (whereupon money and where they were going to buy iron weapons?)
  • They did not follow the Bushido, or code of the Guerrero Samurai (They were farmers, nonpeople of city)

After the first confrontations, was obvious that powerful the Samurais was too slow, visible and heavy, and depended much on their weapons. This caused that the opposite in the farmers was created; fast techniques, of sigilo (a little type guerrillas), and battle without weapons. Of the Ninjitsu was born there. Nevertheless, although both sides generally were tied, at the radical moments but of history, the difference did the one that the Samurais the same tactics always followed, and the knowledge fact that were not had straight real, gave forces to the defenders.

In several occasions ninjas made discoveries extraordinary: The simple fact to remain shut up caused fear in the opposites, and such Ninjas was accused to be extremely violent and following of a crude code of conduct; if we thought it a little while we will see that these two characteristics were the main ones of the Samurais. The discovery went that when being outside the reach of the Samurais, these reflected their hatreds and fears on the Ninjas, giving him to these diverse psychological weapons.

The Single Ninjas wanted a thing; to follow alive, and to obtain they had it to use all means to its reach, to break all its taboos; for example, sometimes the only way to stop an enemy army was that a young woman ninja killed to the leader during the act to love. In other occasions, the remedy was to sacrifice the life of 20 or 30 warriors in a suicidal attack; in summary, at certain same moment ninjas had to face the part of if that they did not want to see, in that normally they had preferred not to think, and to take from her all knowledge or forces to its reach. To remove to the fears and fears to the light from the day was indispensable to really know itself, and not to underestimate to the enemy nor to sobrestimate its forces, in addition of which all the possible aid was needed.

The only code of conduct was the laws of the field, to survive; ninja that not outside able to face its dark part could take to the destruction of a town. When it is spoken of the shade of the warrior makes reference to that dark part, to that part of which we do not want to see.

On the other hand, any talent of ninja could be used in the battle, if ninja knew to cure, was doctor, if it knew to plant, gave food. To leave those knowledge to consider " warriors of the light ", had exterminated them. Those knowledge could not give in; the only form to survive for the Ninja was to find a practical use him to its knowledge, and it was always possible, and until probable, that the talent of a good doctor was but important that a mediocre capacity for the battle.

All had the same inheritance, and the same challenge, to face the shade, or to surrender to her and to be destroyed. According to the Iching and several philosophies: " If the superior man gives to the forces of his hunger and its pain, the hunger and its pain will destroy it ".

2 the warrior of the shade

The concept of the warrior of the shade is apparently obvious; the warrior who single fight at night and never of direct way, obtaining despicable useful aims for him and for the others, of strange and crawling way. Nevertheless, the warrior of the shade really was that that could fight of unconscious way, that that chose its land and was in perpetual battle against his own dark. The warrior of the shade is the one that never is in a visible place, but when it is necessary attacks of efficient way to obtain a predetermined objective, of the possible most direct way, the warrior of the shade it does not hide, because it is not scared, but waits for the opportune moment; to act of another way would be suicidal by its numerical inferiority, but when having access and dominating its shade, is compensated the number with the quality.

This can seem too obvious, and like most of which they read these pages but they are familiarized with Castaneda that with Sun Tzu and Confucius, we say it in another way.

A Nagual never is put to the front of anything, not by have not power but by preference; there are things that must become in the shade and solitaire, and are others no. The Nagual acts not just since it must make it in a while suitable, it follows his own search and always is prepared for his last battle, but to the crazy person, is used its allies, that are not another thing that those parts of shade in which fear can be had; the Nagual makes of its weakness a strength, because the place where it is is its battlefield. That certainty and knowledge of the laws of the human nature, are what it gives the impeccable attempt him, that in terms of Sun Tzu and Confucius is called " Purity of intention "

In summary

The previous thing is single a small part of the similarities between the searches of the martial arts and the Naguales; because single they are diverse aspects of the same " Musha Shugyo ", as it is called in martial arts, or the esoteric search of the warrior, Castaneda and many lessons, as well as the cycle of the hero.

If there is somebody interested in that it is deepened in this approach to the Nagualismo and the search of the warrior, let me know.

Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 41907900