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The power of a million seconds

All we have heard of the law of the evolution of Darwin: But the apt ones survive. And we have heard something of the principles of Mendel on genetics, that through minimum changes in the genetic configuration, obtain like result real pars in the physical body, that to end of accounts, is the means of battle of the Nagual.

According to the present Nagualismo, three types of forms exist to cause that change and development.

  1. The traditional one (I suggest to read " the double Helix " of Watson)
  2. By the time (an open egg or a bread outdoors lies down to lose)
  3. The battle shout

In this page I will speak on the method of the battle shout.

When we spoke of a person we spoke of its life since it is born until it dies; as the only form to reach the future is by the facts, in the Nagualismo the future he is not important, or at least not the future immediate. Within the scale of life of a person, two exist you limit: 1) when the person becomes aware from who is, and 2) when obtains his final mission. The future single she matters in the sense of final mission, being a this datum point.

For practical aims we suppose that the conscience begins at the moment that the baby is born and breathes. From that moment to its death, it is making cellular and organic changes that are translated in the formation or extermination of a core. These changes are the reason that in a while we like a chocolate ice cream, and in others a hot coffee, because the circumstances are similar, but organic background is another one.

Between both you limit are million seconds, every second is a different person, and the present person is single a person who has been pushed and formed by the past. Many people have parts of their past that they want to forget or to move away if, but these contain the force that gave origin to which it solved that problem. Some parts of us, second single in our past, remain recorded for always, and others are forgotten. The summary is not but that to know and to accept to those parts of the past to arrive at a unit, this unit gives solidity, and solidity creates power.

Unconsciously we remembered parts of our past, and if we concentrated the sufficient thing, the genetic loop can take to a place anyone to us of our past. Some people have felt those visits done by his I of the future, and call guardian angels. The fact is that the intensity of a Nagual, gives the power it of I complete million seconds that are in their past. The differences between both are minimum, reason why always the push of that solidity feels towards the future, towards the final mission. Obvious the power cannot be used of I complete million seconds by single himself, must of having a goal that the one, and must have control or it has destroyed by the weaknesses and pains that million seconds.

Why I speak of the method of battle shout? Because they cannot be called to the union to parts of our past, so that they give its force now and right here, to play the tea or to count gadgets.

The power of a million seconds, only is used for the battle by the law; to invoke the million seconds from the way of badly, returns to I seize enslaved of that million seconds and not his master understanding this is not an act that must become personal, because to realize to them always they are personal.

Alfonso Orozco - April 1999
ICQ 41907900