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The armies of the light

Before reading this page, please reading the influence of 6

Throughout history we have seen strange situations, from fights in which a group of people hurts to one alone, to banking frauds or organizations focused to the bad part of the world, from narcotics traffickers until which it is happened to them.

For the reasons explained in " the influence of 6 ", the forces of badly cannot act in solitaire, act in group, always, including the solitary assassins who move in an atmosphere of terror and fear, feeding themselves on that atmosphere.

As well as the balance of the things indicates that before of a climax comes a time from rest, is necessary that something is against to the forces of the chaos and the night. This force always is represented by individual people, who believe in the life, and who although act sometimes in group, separately they have consecrated its life to maintain the balance.

These forces are dynamic: If or and the light did not enter the battle, badly it would have defeated long ago to or, and the life would be a greater hell of the one than or is. There is midpoint no, one is with the light or one is with the dark, and this is the simple truth but of all.

Throughout history groups have been created that train for this battle that gets rid in the emotions and the brain but that in the physic side, all of them stay in the same principle. The conservation of the life. This is just a little bit strange, but the groups of the order have several similar aspects, and complementary, whatever it is its origin, they are directed to three main approaches: Each act of the forces of the law is stored creating new worlds, through three main ways:

1.- The armies of the light.

In some moment of our life, all the human beings we conducted some good battle of disinterested way, this action is stored in a species of bank, in the times in which the life smiles to us, in that epoch in which everything is wine and roses, those epochs in which by a kiss, we make of the world a better place to live.

When one reaches certain critical mass, the acts are translated in greater goods, creating an unconscious loop with those housewives who see that the food is hot, and with those men who leave to work to give the bread to their family, leaving its life in the process.

From these simple acts, to but the complex ones, a force is created that is put in movement. When the things begin to go badly, by channels without name, the aid awakes and undertakes the way to give back the good to us that we have made. This good is pronounced in a power to create, not in the battle, but in the peace.

2.- The Legion of the dawn

But sometimes badly it occupies places greater, and when it seems that the good will be defeated, at the moment but critical, something happens, and the armies of the light change the love by the sword and the peace by the war.

The name of the Legion of the dawn, must to that it arises at the moment in which all this lost one, where there is no possible salvation, when there is no possible hope; thanks to that when but dark this the night, is because it is on the verge of dawn.

Then, when badly it has won the battle apparently, the forces of the life against attack, because those acts of goodness and of love, they create a force that at their moment will have to pronounce itself, and at the moment of greater pain, the Legion arises from the dawn, to fight by the tomorrow.

That it is the Legion of the dawn? I believe that they are the cores of all those that are at moments of crisis, of are sunk temporarily in the dark, until the mass is reached criticizes to take to the sky by assault, and, by his acts, it is the way in which the light is pronounced

3.- The forgotten ones

In some rare occasions it does not have bad no that to fight apparently, or form are to wake up to the Legion of the dawn because it is not a time of crisis. It is at this moment when the troops arise from Elite, the captains of the armies of the light, the swarm of the forgotten ones.

Who are the forgotten ones? They are those that in a while given appear and put the things in order through the means that make lack, generally by simple actions and without looking for it compensates. Some say that they are the cores of the die ones in the battle by the life and that they create in the light.

It does not matter who are, but when he is needed to them and he is lived in the law, there they will be without he is called to them, arranged to give the life in exchange for anything, and making simple actions by regulating, although if it is necessary they are equipped with the armor of justice and armed with a hope ray.

No of these armies can be called but that by that it is called to direct them, because single they are the human expression of the forces without name. The calls to the Saints or the heroes with this are never due to confuse, because the armies of the light, single are an expression of the spirit of the man.

It is sufficient with believing in them so that they are pronounced where it is needed.

Works that can be consulted:

1) Any book of Michael Moorcock, in special " the Runic cane "

Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 41907900