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Hungry Eyes

In this occasion I will write of an important subject, but neglected for a long time. Carlos Castaneda speaks of the " false security of the full stomach ". Usually he interprets himself like an invitation to the fasting, but it is not only that. The fasting forces to change speeds, and as I said in another place, as consequence we changed of modality, and by the same is a displacement of the embroider point.

When speaking of hunger I talk about something totally different. I beyond talk about the certainty of possibilities of our immediate perception. I talk about to that it is not only the movement of the guts, I speak of that desperation that goes beyond of the meat.

Several years ago a person listened to a song called hungry eyes. She understood like eyes hungry the eyes of a half-dead sheep, of a ewe that waits for the wolf. It was normal. What could know she about the wolf that it feeds his puppies before to itself? What could know of the hunger of the man who used his reserves in the jump to the stranger, and he rises victorious?

It is easy to be satisfied. So easy....But it does not concern the amount of the food, but the quality. Some feel hunger with the body, others with the heart, and others with the mind. Those that gives to the ace forces of their hunger and its pain, are destroyed by them. It is common to suppose that to get rid of the hunger one it must become hunter. No.

One must call to the noble beast. A warrior without nobility is like a depressed young person. That to which Nietzche talks about like comedian of its own ideal.

Today in the street I saw two young men, of about 25 years, with earrings and ponytails. They will never know what is the hunger. When one of them spoke, i understand that " he " was " she ".

In Mexico the phrase is used " love hunger and justice thirst ", is similar to which I talk about. The beast does not have to be irrational. The nobility is first. The hungry eyes not only must be kind, but patient.

There are many reasons, but of less the most considered it is the poisoned food. For that reason one trains the defense dogs, keeps or it fights, who is the master and of where they will eat. The company dogs accept everything, the dogs battle only of that one to which they serve. The hunger has two parts: What we fed in us, and of what we do it.

It is so sad to see a girl crying without knowing why, being scared of same himself, eating only the necessary thing not to die of hunger, hiding itself in an imaginary, but sufficiently real strength to maintain outside the knight of shining armor. The weeping belongs to the man, and the limitless possibilities to the wolf. If it has not read the history of the wolf and the sword, in three histories of chamanes, read it.

Those that they die outside of the igloo are not wolves. The wolves recognize themselves by something very easy to distinguish.

They are hungry of love and thirst of justice.

Alfonso Orozco - September 1999
ICQ 41907900