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The leap to the unknown thing

In talks with several of you, repeated occasions I have mentioned that each person has an emotion that gives sanity him, and that this one is always one of the emotions astringents or limitants, of which but the common ones they are the fear. Loathing, pain, sadness or solitude.

Some will ask that it happens with the love, the wrath, the fury, the joy or the pleasure. They are emotions but they are of the expansive type. Each person has natural facility by temperament for a limitant emotion and an expansive one, in my case is the loathing and the fury.

The only form of which a person is going to give the magical world is through the limitant emotion, that appears at least once in the course of the life, and sometimes by a teacher. I mean that the teacher not always is necessary. It has a little while in which a selection on the basis of a limitant emotion becomes, but commonly is through a teacher. In the books of Carlos Castaneda always it called the attention to me that mention that the wizards must be deceived, I really believe that the method to select a Nagual in that case was a little rare; since there am saying, in the other lines volunteers do not accept themselves nor become deceits, but he is acted of disinterested way and following the aims.

When " recruit " to somebody as in the case of CC, the teacher usually uses a limitant emotion to maintain the control; for example, in the case of Carlos Castaneda, Don Juan and the Nagual Julian, speech of variations of the fear.

It is necessary at first that that limitant emotion exists to force the warrior to limited and to be moderate, generally of leaves the energy necessary for the jump there to the unknown.

Unfortunately many finders of the truth do not make a jump to the unknown, but to the love, the wrath, etc., that is to say, they do not jump to a unknown world, single change the limitation by the satiety.

The true jump to the unknown is similar to jump and to be left abyss on the brink of madness (NOT TO JUMP To the OTHER DIRECT SIDE) and to face the unknown there... if we know that we hoped to find we are going to the unknown.

In Histories of some wizards I mentioned histories of 4 modern wizards; it is necessary to observe that what caused that Javier failed and disfuncional was outside returning to a limitant emotion, by the fear to the expansive emotions.

It is necessary to notice that the warriors are ready to fight his completes battle at any time, but not just to the crazy person; a warrior must be moderate and checked, he happens to an expansive emotion or a limitant if therefore he decides it; one does not surrender to her.

Those that thinks that the magical world will solve its problems, are mistaken; If it solves problems, but it creates other new ones.

On the other hand it is not possible to count whichever people make constant changes of the pleasure to the solitude, of the love to the sadness; people who try to avoid the unknown; those people forget that when entering that world there is no reverse gear, not on this earth; because the unknown replaces what it would have been our future if we had not begun the change.

When doing Constant and frequent changes of one to another emotion the coherence is lost, therefore the stability is lost or she becomes precarious. Some people only can take refuge in limitants emotions like the fear and the solitude; other but healthy ones go in the search of which they do not know and they change of erratic way; it is the case of solteronas of 30 years that fear to him to the love; or of the girls whom they change of fiancee like of underclothes, or of the men who deceive their spouses. To look for the stability in contradictory emotions destroys to the person

Once we chose to give the jump to the unknown, the balance is in the unknown, or the world edge both. It is not possible to pretend that it has not passed anything. In another place I spoke on the Guardian of the threshold; that one that it symbolizes the change of conscience states and as I said at its moment to the guardian we must fear it when we do not have it at sight. The guardian symbolizes the unknown.

Alfonso Orozco - July 1999
ICQ 41907900