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Selfdefense Techniques

1. - Why;

I write lengthy in my car, of return of a plant, afternoon of this Saturday.

It hoped to raise another page, one that already this ready, but in this occasion I realized necessity to change it.

To five of afternoon of today, driving in highway, I felt something very ugly.

The feelings project at a distance, and that is what I felt. A feeling of resentment and hatred towards my, because? By no reasonable cause. Single by nonfounded fears of a person who has gone away, and apparently it will not return.

Why I have titled this page Technical of self-defense? By the same.

The training that I received spoke of those techniques of defense, and today, for the first time in years, I am myself forced to defend to me instead of attacking.

It does not matter who is the person who took that single attitude today... that the one that does not have wounded can touch the poison with the hand (you do not force to me to against attacking. It is not my fault that you have chosen what you chose.)

2. - When one must be defended?

Although it sounds obvious, when they are attacking to us, or we thought that they can want to attack to us. Nevertheless, it is necessary to mention that the best defense is not to be before the attacks. And also, we must be defended without attacking of entrance, to best the other person or forces does not know what it is doing or he is not conscious of its own power. This is understood better with great animals.

In other occasions the person or force who attacks is not bad of in case, but that wakes up within us something bad, something ugly. Let us say that the kryptonita makes damage to certain type of people, for the others is inoffensive. Nevertheless, if we were with our Kryptonita, we will not remain to see that it happens, right?

In addition we must defend when we do not want to hurt to that us agrede; for example, if a boy is shooting to us with a pistol of darts, we cleared the pistol and holy remedy. We did not attack it.

3. - Objectives of the self-defense

Obvious there are two: In the short term it is to feel to us better, and to medium and long term, to cause that the balance renews. It is not a revenge, but to avoid that they cause perjucios to us. Attention: Here we did not speak to protect to others, but to maintain our integrity, from physics, to emotional and mental. Any other objective of the self-defense causes that this stops being self-defense.

4. - Previous step to the defense: Point to medular

This step is of vital importance. It can seem obvious but without it does not serve anything as which one can do

That there is to do? To raise a barrier of mind, heart and body, and to take inventory from damages

But ahead we will see like raising these barriers, but it is extremely important to raise them, because before making another thing we must limit the damage, to evaluate its magnitude, and to know that we must protect more, and again speaking on the obvious thing, to be able to fix the objective to remain with the same amount of damage that we have whereas they begin or the treatment mechanisms activate.

5. - The two currents of defense

Once we evaluated the magnitude of the damage, if this he is not critical we can think about returning to the battle without applying treatment techniques. Let us suppose that this it is the case. Be that we speak of defense or self-defense, only are two mechanisms to face the attacking forces. Both methods are:

  • To dissipate badly with the light. - That is to say, if we have the light necessary to dissipate badly. If we do not have it, or we cannot distinguish badly, first it is to look for a person with common sense that it helps us to identify it.
  • To absorb the dark - it is mentioned like reference. Only trained people must try this.

    By the same reason, I only will mention forms of luminous defense, and by the nature of the network, only I will mention some very general.

  • Avoid to have the empty stomach. Preferredly normal food, but if it gives hunger him between meals, tries to eat bread integral type or bobbin, never white bread, in small pieces. The effect of this is to maintain occupied to the body in the digestive process, that is very laborious, and to avoid that it is affected by our thoughts or emotions.
  • From being possible, it takes a glass with water of 250ml and one to two spoonfuls of salt. It knows horrible, but it alters the organism to produce adrenalin and to let produce cortisone.
  • Avoid to make exercise.
  • Look for a place in which there is relative silence, can be his house, its car, or any place where it can be single, including a familiar and friends. IT CLOSES the DOORS and WINDOWS (This is vital. symbolically remembers to us that we must raise a barrier).
  • If you knows the trick the pressure of paladar and the opening of hands, use them. (Those that have had contact with me know to that I talk about)

    If in spite of all the things they are not sufficient:

  • Of being possible it leaves a running water key opened to all the night or the day, in a place where it can oir.
  • Have a glass with water like which it was described before in his room, and cambielo every 24 hours. IT DOES NOT DRINK THE WATER.
  • Ask for aid.

    As we are speaking of general things I cannot extend much, but they remember that I am here from the 23 for that.

    6. - The final result

    The final result depends on two things: First if it raised to the barriers and second if it evaluated the situation as far as his capacity well to return to the battle.

    7. - Final note

    As I mentioned before, the objective is to finish without too many damages or with which we had at the beginning of the problem. The attack and the treatment leave the reach of this page.

    A principle of Houngan priests comes to the mind, (something as well as white vudú ), and is that badly nothing against the blood of an honest man can. For that reason it has the same purifying value that the blessed, interesting water, no?

    The book can be consulted psychic Self-defense of Dion Fortune. Several editorials.

    Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
    ICQ 41907900