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Words of Isis

What follows next, is the introduction of the book " the Stellar man ", of John Gaines. When I read these pages my training did not begin still, and nevertheless, the pages caught a brightness in the eyes. Every certain time I return to read them, and the fire returns to grow.

Several months ago, the April lady read a part of these pages, and she was scared. She, who is scared of few things, was scared.

I hope that these pages wake up the same effect that they had in me, but are alert, that can cause just like to the lady of April.

Words of ISIS

" I, ISIS, Mrs. of the mysteries of the nature, go to you: "

" You, neophyte which you look for to cross the vestibule of the initiation, and, profane who you read by curiosity, night love song your spirit, clarifies your mind, calm your emotions. Stay away of the worldly noise, dress with the mantle of your own I so that you can transpose without danger the threshold that leads to the dwelling of the wizards. It throws your prejudices; throws your egoism, for a moment flees from the favoritism and the irreflexivity; analyzes it with cautious calm sight."

" subjects but to same you, you do not doubt but of which you analyze superficially, you do not deny without first reflecting. Stay away of the opaque multitude that your ideas; I know your same one and thinks by same you; you do not limit yourself "

" You, seeking of wonders, you, candidate to the initiation, do not watch towards the distance, reunites all your energies in same you. Forget of India and the Tíbet, you do not cry out to God, Alá nor Jesus Christ. What you look for is same there where your you are at this moment. Yes, it lets watch outwards and it buries your glance in deepest of same you. It sharpens your perception, it sharpens your senses, and there in the center of your being you are your same one, your I, your true essence, the truth behind the lie, the inmortal energy that animates the mud. Sight with unction and reverence, because this is light... that blinds to you, is God. Listening as it says: I am I walk and the life."

" More..., taken care of, it is not possible to be contemplated to Expensive God to face without dying. You are arranged to follow? I can give u a great gift. I offer to you.... the death! You do not shake, this death is the gift of the inmortals, is the one of fénix that appears again glorious of between its own ashes. To be, he is previous not to be; in order to be born and to be, one is due to die first. If you obtain it, you will be called Twice been born. You do not scorn my supply, think well, more bond to die now than to live to the delay of the death. You do not believe that if you reject to me you will be able to follow your way undamaged, on the contrary, all the ways lead towards me; ignore me and you will be like the orphans, who do not know their parents. You only have two ways: or I devour to you, or you marry with me. Yours, and only yours it is the selection."

" If you choose to be devoured, enjoy the life, worries the glass of the pleasure until the last drop, closes the mind to the voice of your spirit, obbey to the beast, and enjoys the sensual pleasure of the matter. Thus, almost without notice, will arrive the moment from the final anthropophagy. Perhaps beleieve that I will feel sorry myself of you? You are deceived, I do not have feelings, I am beyond of the pleasure and of the pain, beyond of the good and badly, I am like the sun that rises in the mornings to illuminate the same to all. After your death you will be single a clearing and a memory. Later... not even that."

" If you yearn for married with me you must be arranged to undergo the iniciatic death, you will have to pass the tests to which it will put under without mercy the terrible sphynx to you to assay your spiritual value and the quality of your weather. I only give at whom he arrived at the crucifix, resisting the attacks of the four elements. I Love only to that they have known to worry the glass of the bitterness, the treasons, laughs and kicks, persecutions, calumnies and defamation; to the initiates who have persisted with value, suffering of the solitude of the spirit in an animal world. At me he arrives himself after to have received the calumny and the defamation, that are the tests of the air; the blows and the persecutions, that are the Earth tests; the sensual vices and temptations, that are the tests of the water, and after to have dominated the uncontrolled ambitions, that are the tests of the fire."

" You do not believe that in the world the both times exist only been born once and born; also they exist, unfortunately, the one and average time been born, and the aborted ones. Take Care to thicken its rows convinced by its Machiavellian language, since these live neither this world nor in the other; they are those that in truth are neither initiated nor profane, the imitations of the teachers, the semiwise people, the sowings machine of dirty hand, the black followers of the died letter, and magicians, who covet to me and they are boasted of of my love, when they are not worthy at least of my smile. Sari or Túnica can dress; others, amulets and rings, others, the attire " rosacruces "; some will proclaim the " only owners of the truth ", believing to have their monopoly; all are boasted of my friendship, but they are only beggars that ask a wisdom breadcrumb to me. One is not born twice stopping themselves of head or meditating, nor in death of purely symbolic ceremonies, like either, by work and grace of the holy spirit."

" If you scorn to me, it receives my blessing and it continues your way; destined you are to being food of the Gods; all cannot be " men "; some, only animals, or worse still, vegetables. If you come to me by curiosity, think twice: it is easy to be reckless with which it is not known. If you do not have the necessary value, backs down, shield in your vanity and your pride, live with watching at the ground like your same types. If you are not prepared, you do not aspire to know my face: displeased of that had of animal it covets or insane curiosity, it will contemplate although my reflection outside, because it will never forget to me and die tormented by the anxiety to have to me."

" If you are prepared, if you have eyes to see and heard to listen, if your intention is noble and pure, it continues without faint, and it knows that to start off from the moment that crossings the door of the hidden dwelling, I will hope to you anxious like the adolescent fiancee with his first love. These pages can help you much, can be the guide who takes to you towards the hidden door that so many look for and that so few find. It looks for and you will find; you do not elevate words to the Gods, fights by me. You will conquer me by the force of your decision, and not praying."

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900