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The teams of Nagual without Nagual

Days ago a person treated an important point, really important, and it was not possible to answer of fast way. The question was on which I of the teams of Nagual without Nagual thought, in the context of the teams of people who look for the knowledge without becoming attached itself to a discipline.

Before continuing, this person sent a quite interesting URL to me. I do not share the opinion in a 100% of the saying in the page, but everyone is owner of its truth. My training makes reject and move away me to me of any means that begin to become an aim, but always is refreshing to read information on these subjects.

If you want to read that page, ask the URL, while I will summarize it in broad strokes. A finder of power plants that have written books, makes an analysis of the chamanic experiences which it is put under in his learning, but speaks ahead of an interesting phenomenon but, of which they look for with his own means, and which they do not belong to a determined School of Knowledge, as well as of the influence of which I call the forgotten ones (in the page the Armies of the Light ), in the learning and evolution in the modern South America.

This phenomenon is not located, I can mention examples in North America (I have but contact with traditions apaches who yumas, tarahumaras or yaquis), or even in the same Spain.

Basically we spoke of a generalized fact. The people who look for a teacher, but still do not know in quality of what they approach the " magical world " (pardon if it sounds to bath) All that that she looks for to enter the magical world, of a healthy way, is looking for a factor of balance or power, not of escape of the world.

The people who look for the truth, to which I call " finders of the truth ", can have certain degree of commitment as well. It is important to mention that single I am speaking of positive people, those who look for the change and not it flight.

Once established this, we will see that there are certain levels of commitment in the search of the knowledge, in two basic categories:

1) Apocalyptic /rebellious /the independent solitaires

  1. People who always say " have pleased me all that ", but they live a complete, happy life, and that they do not have in his priorities that search.
  2. People who are in the days of crisis in the real world, and try to find in the magical world the weapons to defend or to change their reality, without forgetting her.
  3. People who throughout their life always been have interested in the subjects of that world, are through books or isolated people... Those enter here all that have books of " Help yourself with the white magic ", and which they have pendulums and similars.
  4. The people who look for in the magical world and the training a datum point or comparison, or rules that allow them to put a more productive order to their life. The people who have a conventional life little, that knows that they look for and they do not know that. Usually they are unmarried people.
  5. The marginal ones, apocalyptic calls by Umberto Eco, and Marginal by Colin Wilson. I will speak of way but lengthy a little ahead but, and in a future I will speak on the Marginal ones in its own page.

2) The initiated / gregarious / integrated ones

  1. Those that Giving account of his incapacity to obtain answers by themselves, looks for school of knowledge that answers all his questions, but that does not think to give nothing in exchange for the knowledge, and if they do not find what they look for immediately, change of technique
  2. All those that they look for of coherent way and with perseverance, to understand the magical world on the base of a model fixed by a school, and that takes from the dogmatic point of view the questions and similars. Questions are not made by themselves, cannot obtain answers.
  3. Those that knowing that they are not the sufficiently strong thing to find his answers or their questions, look for of sincere way the wisdom (they are the authentic finders of the truth)
  4. Those that have arrived at the end of a technique from knowledge, paying their price, and go to the search of another optics of the truth

They will notice that the second group but is reduced, which matters is a real fact; a group looks for in solitaire, and another one in group. The answers that are are same, the single one exists a truth although it is expressed of different forms. But those that they look for in solitaire usually sobrestimar their forces, and without a guide, it is very possible to become idiot single. It is important that when the individual is not the sufficiently strong thing to become center of an organic community, or if it does not have the discipline to pay attention parameters and to be applied punishments, he is his to have to integrate itself to a group that does it.

The necessity of the teacher is relative, most important is the being able to apply on one same the knowledge rules until his you complete consequences. Each true technique takes in if a price, those that do not see it, are becoming idiot single.

However, in this aspect I am in agreement with the mentioned thing in that page; sometimes one must look for the knowledge by one same one, and arrive masterful, but I am completely in discord whereupon single they appear and be people go away... who we are always in a determined place, as she says the Bible, looks for and you will find. If is not a teacher he is because he has not looked for, but whenever it is necessary, and he has prepared himself gets the information or a teacher. But she will not teach herself what we can learn, but what we needed then. It is very easy to become apprentice of everything and official of anything, and unfortunately, about the magical world, much people think that it is possible to deceive the destiny, when not paying the price.

This will sound too obvious, the main problem in the isolated individuals is the breach of discipline, and that is the main utility of a School of knowledge.

The knowledge schools demand a repetition degree that is not routine, nor comfortable. But the contact with real people is advisable, although the books can help, because each School has approach characteristics; as well as the Iching is comprehensible without a teacher, the Nagualismo is not it; it is a species of chamanismo, and nothing else. In the Nagualismo they do not exist voluntary unless they are of facts, and even the simplest parts, cannot be understood in an isolated context; the states of always increased conscience must be under a guide who knows but that we; or of we ourself when we have the power and the sufficient training.

Any other attempt of being the one own teacher, depends on the student; it is possible to emphasize that in spite of any problem or success, always he is recommendable to integrate itself to a complete discipline, and not to try to form a discipline of parts and pieces. Although some call to this eclectiscism, or search of the variety, the Nagual Rafael called stupidity.

It is not necessary to limit itself a discipline, as I indicated in the page on the techniques, but if it is necessary to dominate one to the complete one, because that is our datum point and center of gravity.

On the other hand the term " teams of the Nagual without Nagual ", is confused although it can seem clear. In any group always there is a leader, although not this conscious one of it. That leader can become the Nagual if the price of the shade pays. A group like which it mentions the page, is not a group, is single a assembly of isolated people.

They exist called people Marginal, those that they do not want or they do not wish to integrate itself to a group, and have the personal power to make the difference. When approaching me the group of the Nagual Rafael, I was a Marginal one, and accepted the price of the shade, and when demanding my power, I could become a Nagual.

A Marginal one is but that a rebel or an idealist, is that who tries to change to the world although he does not know the methods, is that that does not question on its own means or capacities; but everything with a constructive aim, without deceit, nor self-destruction. The marginal one can and must fight its battles single, but we are leaving the subject.

A team of the Nagual without Nagual, is a group of crazy people, where the success of each individual depends on its personal power and the correct use of its energy.

Nevertheless, the Nagual term in these groups I do not consider it suitable. I will speak of the head of these groups like the leader. How to know if somebody is prepared to be the leader of a group? The gift of control, or the beauty, or the force are not so important. What matters is something but that the sum of the parts, or one starts off in himself.

The person who can take the leadership from a group, can be wounded or to be incapable to fly, to perhaps be too much practitioner, but each group has the leader who deserves.

In an occasion I asked the Nagual Rafael who would happen if he died, as he would be decided who would be the new Nagual, or if I were it by my levels of energy and my pact with the Law.

We stay in a house in the town of Tonalá, and said, very good question. It called to all his group, altogether about 10 that was there, and summoned a meeting for the following day to the dawn.

To the following morning we are 20 people, and caused that one of its assistants brought the hens, chickens and roosters. Gruņon was a rooster that was mere of the hen house, a chicken but or less grown than it noticed that it was rooster, but that did not have wings (for some reason were cut), and other that was calm and pleasant.

Then he said. Greater rooster, you have caused problems, and I hope that you understand that what I am going to do causes your character, and at the same time, to explain the question of how chooses the leader of a group. It rests peacefully.

And before the rooster could say kikiriki, it beheaded it. This I throw to run, watering blood, and the only one that did trying in front to understand to him, was the rooster without wings.

When all the uproar of the hens calmed, all we realized as of both alive roosters he was the leader. And the Nagual summarized it saying:

The flock can follow a rooster without wings, but never a capon

For that they do not know the term capon, it is a form to say without anger, without trousers. In other words, single the one that calls to the ATTEMPT of instinctive and controlled way can be the leader.

The flock can follow a rooster without wings, but never a capon

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900