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How consulting the Iching

1 the questions

For that they do not know that it is the Iching, the Iching is one of old books but of the civilization; call also the book of the changes, is based on the principle that any cycle this formed by 64 parts, each one of which has a special and unique meaning.

Each part of the cycle, also call Hexagrama, this composing of 6 lines, which give precisions to the questions, in some cases.

At the present time it is considered to the Iching like oracle that answers questions, but is but that that, is a method to consult our intuition, at the same time that forces to think of detailed way about a question or problem to us.

Nevertheless, the questions that are made to the Iching must be in agreement with the way of the right; some parts of the cycle are very clear on the matter, is extremely interesting that in diverse occasions the Iching answers apparently with general but very obvious words, those that have used it know to that I talk about.

Nevertheless, the Iching gives better results when agreed questions with their spirit become, of which most representative are:

  • Which is the situation?
  • What am I in this now?
  • What demands my duty to me?
  • How to fulfill my duty?

The original intention of the Iching really was to summarize a way of life based on having, and the correct thing; a species of text book for the finders of the truth. By the same, to make questions like: " I must go to the celebration or no " It will always give answers based on correct and not pleasant it, in the respect to the traditions.

2 Some editings of the Iching

On the other hand, more than 300 versions of the Iching exist that are located regularly; in center America and Mexico several are sold, that I will comment in broad strokes:

There is a Iching filled with paste in black color, nonmemory the publishing author nor, but it is very popular, in several editings brings a preface of Jung: This book is extremely common but perhaps but the useless one of all; the interpretations that occur of the diverse lines and hexagramas do in reference to the sociological problems of distant countries does thousands of years, and on the other hand, many references are confused when being related to psychology and psychiatric terms. It is better than nothing, but it is urgent to buy any other book. I do not say that this it is bad, single that is difficult to find practical application to him.

The Iching of Wilhelm/Malke (Publishing lynx among others): This he is the one that I have been consulting for but of ten years, their references are clear, and presents/displays the problems and solutions with clear examples, making the interpretation extremely clear; the problem that can have is to be too abrupt. In an occasion almost 5 years ago, a person did something that she disliked to me and it seemed unjust to me, and I thought that to take off of in the middle she could be incorrect, like a species of unnecessary retirement. The answer was " this is one of the few occasions in which the Iching advises immediate retirement ". In other occasion, worried about X subject, that life brought pressures to my, so that did not know if it had to attack in legitimate defense, I asked that it demands my duty to me, and the answer was Hexagrama 21 to bite.

The book Iching of Judica Cordiglia, Martinez Roca is not bad, the problem this in which uses a mystical approach to the moral problems, which can make it unnecessarily confused.

The book Iching of Guy Damian Knight, Martinez Roca, is very recommendable; it gives practical advice in language of businesses, drawing up and detailing parallel with the service life of a company; it gives details about as it is the reaction, origin of the success and defeat, etc. He is really very complete, although single I use it as complement of the Iching of Wilhelm/Malke

On the other hand, the Iching usually is considered like a solution to the problems, and if it is used suitably, last something of time, we acted with the spirit who was written the book; that is to say, we ourself we know in that stage we are with no need to use it. Basically the permanence of the Iching must to that but that nothing, is a moral code, and sometimes of label, of how to make certain processes demanded by having, but if the person who consults it does not endorse the words with the conduct, will not serve as anything.

Since I have said are several editings, and everyone must use with which it feels more comfortable.

the 3 methods of consultation

On this we arrived at an interesting aspect; there are three basic methods of consultation, with his advantages and disadvantages.

Method Necessary equipment Advantages Disadvantages
Traditional Little branchs or twigs of bamboo It forces to concentrated It is very easy to commit errors, he is tedious and impractic


Three preferredly equal coins

Simple, it allows also concentrated

Much people think that the coins must be Chinese; if the 3 coins that we used are rare, is possible that us they rob them.

By computer

Computer and suitable program

Express, can be consulted in the work

It is extremely easy to disperse; the interpretations of the programs usually are too basic

4 final Commentaries

Not much has to say on Iching, unless its effectiveness depends on the duration that occurs to the noble way of life, and usually is needed something of time to be able to use it of suitable way (when repeating itself certain circumstances, with time we understand what meant)

It is a very interesting subject, and I recommend to use the single Iching as it guides moral, when we have doubts that it is what we must do, as is the situation, or like fulfilling the correct thing.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900