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The Werewolf

This page is completes it of a series of three parts:

  1. Impartiality / controlled folly (the original plan)
  2. The home (this page was going to be part of the previous one but its own place has gained)
  3. The Werewolf (conclusions, aim, nucleus and a different history but that it belongs to this group)

While the previous page wrote, the home, happened two strange things, a person to whom I value in which it is worth (much) used the words possession and obsession, same that i not hear in years, and at the same time, another person did questions to me on like controlling its own life and emotions.

There are moments in the life that broken or has destroyed to us, but the nature hates the emptiness, and something always fills the hollow that is within us, as well as it says that the vampires need an opened door to enter, also the positive things need that door.

There are people who have faced greater disasters in their life, and have removed forces from pain, but really what they did it went to open to the forces of the law and the order.

One always decides whereupon to fill those hollows, with spirits who feed themselves on the pain, the pain and the cruelty, or of spirits who believe in justice and the love.

It is a selection that comes from every one, and in terminos of the Nagual, it is to which the Noble Beast talks about, we can be opened to dirty things, or noble things; the pair relations can be of a simple and noble joy, or something vicious and displeased. The things will be always, but in us this the selection, as we took them.

On the person who asked me as to control its life and emotions I answer its question down but.

The Full Moon and the European wolf versus the American

All we know history the man who at night of Full Moon transforms itself into a beast without control, that single can be stopped by a silver bullet. As they are the symbols of history?

  1. The Full Moon that is to say, when certain levels of energy are had
  2. The beast without control the man or basically good woman that it has been had by a core at night transforming itself into a nocturnal animal
  3. The silver bullet a moon ray that happened of the symbol to the reality, a moon ray with a direction.

The moon is in the three symbols to be the unconscious part of the human being, a similar history sounds ridiculous if it is spoken of the conscious part. It is enough to imagine to a woman who in the noon transformed itself voluntarily into a small dog like Lassie to persecute butterflies in the prairie.

Many mesoamerican legends speaks of shamanes that in the moon-lits night feels and in the middle of rites they call to some forces so that they appear and they are the guide. In the region of Tonalá, in a mountain near Guadalajara, it was called on to see a strange ceremony to me that result did not produce goal. The Nagual Rafael, who was with me, said to me that the problem of shamanes was to try to control that force, single it tired them and it left nervous. It said that all background of werewolf was that lack of control; that a chamanic werewolf was incapable to revert the change. The difference is based in which in appeared terms, the Nagual is opened to that force, does not try to control, and in the moment in which it has the energy, the change is made in case single. The reason of which a true wizard usually is not in favor itself mentally quiet body or, is for spending that energy and to stay a little while before the necessary thing to finish the change.

Chamán calls to that force so that it lets to him act, the Nagual left that active force in, within certain limits, or will be expelled.

The Werewolf is single the expression of a law: When arriving at the limits of force or weakness, something takes the control and is impossible to stop it.

For that reason it is extremely important to catch the relation of this page in his relation with the home. It does not concern the place where you live, but what lives in you. If in you something that at night crawls hunting the prey, or something lives that to the light of the day extends its wings for the battle.

If you something enters that does not support the light of the day, expell it, that is the only power that has the human being. The nature detests the emptiness, and is but sweepings that gold in the world; on every one it depends by affinity to which it is called to live in our chest and core.

It does not concern the place where you live, but what lives in you. If in you something that at night crawls hunting the prey, or something lives that to the light of the day extends its wings for the battle.

Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 41907900