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Sane Commandos

Are the three of afternoon. Again I am seated in my car hoping to a person. Lacks one hour.

I have mentioned that most of which they look for to me, and that are serious/balanced, first that asks to me refers to stop the internal dialogue. To stop internal dialogue is extremely easy, since they have discovered those to those who I have taught the method, but to stop the internal dialogue can be very dangerous.

All we know that the nature hates the emptiness, as the power of the man is obvious resides in deciding that it is going to feed on itself. If a man is incapable to approach his life the things valuable and/or to feed themselves on them, he will finish in a much worse situation of in the one than he was originally.

Therefore, I do not teach the method that stops the internal dialogue, except a those that of a way or another one demonstrate in their actions or words the necessary sanity. It is important to consider that although to stop the internal dialogue of the correct way is extremely beneficial, something must replace it. The most indicated is what in Mexico we called " sane commandos " Castaneda speaks of them in " the internal fire ". I mention next most important.

The appropriate internal dialogue for the new videntes does not mean dialogue, but the disinterested handling on the intent through sane commandos. The handling on the intent begins with a commando given to one same one; the commando repeats itself until becomes the commando of the eagle and the embroider point moves.

Your commando is the commando of the eagle, and that is the essence of the masters on the intent. Meanwhile, it right now gives the commando of not impacient yourself not even at the worse moments of doubt. A slow process will pass before that commando is listened to and obeyed as if was the commando of the eagle.

The previous thing is extremely sure but we must have well-taken care of of not falling in the ends. To go to dance cannot be a sane commando, because it implies diversion, like to go to the cinema. THERE IS no INTENT IN DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO, and a diversion is that, to amuse themselves, to focus at the same time to two separated activities. If a warrior fights his last battle on the Earth cannot fight two battles simultaneously, and by the same when amusing itself one he is not trying, but using " time out " that on the other hand he is indispensable for obvious reasons.

Months ago a person commented to me that its possible paranoia worried to him, and requested advice to me on like controlling it. I answered to him that a warrior does of the place where is its battlefield, and that for the reasons exposed in the warrior of the shade / the shade of the warrior, could not waste nothing.

If we considered kindly to the paranoia, we will see that it is extremely healthy a defensive mechanism if one stays within certain limits. The paranoia says to us " you do not buy that because it is too good to be true ", but also it can take to absurd jealousy. This remembers to me what it is said in martial arts within the rules of the sword (if bad memory is not in the book of the five ring of Miyamoto Musashi), and that is also said in the laws of the sword of the ritual magic. A sword that is used too much loses its edge, like a sword that is always in its cover.

Is responsibility of the warrior to use with sanity the resources to his reach, and therefore the internal dialogue must be replaced by sane commandos when there is no conscious thought, although the final mission is similar to zen, to be in calm.

In the page that speaks on "i ams" I mention a frequent disorder in the individuals, but, as it is the cause? Most of the people they confuse coherence with terquedad. Terquedad is to want to beyond force the things of its normal limits and natural of abrupt way, the Iching on the matter mentions " the action without preparation of single field frightens and repels "

The intentions behind the terquedad, ARE NOT INTENT. I meet who uses manifold alias to be incapable to be coherent with same himself. Some people treating to obtain the coherence and not to hear themselves simply stupid, arrive at the ends to be sent to messages private or public of one to another alias, treating to simulate a NORMAL relation with the people, that is outside his reach. This is not another thing that lamentable, and produces an obsession.

Any obsession is not another thing that to think about the same with no need.

For practical aims, a sane commando is that one that orders us to we ourself something constructive that we do not want to do. A sane commando never will make us obsess to us, to be arrogant, prodigal, neither to lie, nor to dream. The sane commandos are not for demonstrating the value before anybody, nor to improve something in us. The sane commandos only serve not to "self-little-fier" themselves.

Somebody commented to me a time ago that that was the importance of the " internal fire ", it metaphor not to consume to us on the inside, but not to demonstrate anything, to be inasible but to conserve set the internal fire, which Confucius calls " he hides its light and nevertheless it shines "

Is peculiar which it is spoken of the sane commandos in the internal fire, no?

Alfonso Orozco - November 1999
ICQ 41907900