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Notes in the second Group of the Nagual rafael

In order to understand why I speak of the second group of the Nagual Rafael, I must make a parenthesis. Before I integrated the group and when the Nagual already had established its houses and their central group, located by Tonalá and in a colony that I will not mention in Guadalajara, the opportunity arose to buy a very suitable house in another zone of the city. After buying it, a day stopped in the street (having about 50 years) one Mrs. who recognized it by to have lived in the zone of the parish where she celebrated.

Although never I found out the exact circumstances, the Nagual established a new group in that house, where age people were going to hear talks on the Bible and similars. Although never I entered really that group, sometimes was to see the Nagual in that house stops to go us there to the mountain range. The subjects that treated were very diverse, but only I can say that they were characterized by a peace that did not have our normal talks.

Perhaps that group used to present/display of clear way an application to the knowledge that it had of his time of Priest. In " the official " groups, it was possible to take notes, but in this, although the assistants took notes, I never I did it, except a day that I arrived before time, and worried about a shorthand examination that was going to have, (if although sounds stranger in the preparatory one to be able to study Accountant's office in faculty, was obligatory six semesters of shorthand), I put myself to transcribe what he was saying in a talk that took at least half an hour. Not hear specially well (they were not at sight), and I have forgotten much of which I learned of shorthand outpost. The transcription that follows corresponds to that occasion, in the middle of 1990, and are textual words of the Nagual. Where it has not been possible to understand my notes to me, or where I am not safe of to have heard the correct words, I will use a series of points.................. like this, and is necessary to remember it, since the errors that appear are mine and not of.

Remember that this talk gave it to people who considered a Priest Catholic.

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... in agreement it develops his evolution (all this it they must order).

When it ran to Adam of the paradise to even though hid all his gifts him left them at sight so that the same one outside discovering and learning, and there same it let to him glimpse.......... so that they help him in the creation, that chooses it so that it dominates to the nature with his 4 elements.

And that does not have single the internal allies or external but that are used them so that they serve to him and it is there where the man begins to discover the magic and the control of the demons.

In agreement it spends the time understands that the magic is everything a rite since it is born until it dies. It is there where the man recognizes that he must find his creator and that will return to when manages to have the divine and pure spark that received.

The funny thing is that which was not handled, because is the same essence of God, we must handle we are we, it is by Renaissance, actions, or all the related one. One is based on the same, a God and a trino God and one. All.......... takes their forms, but in all they have what they have, the catholic religion is where is the magic but great by the power............ of the apostles when reunited it said to them this is my meat and my blood, and whichever times do this will be lowering. Any other religion has some dogmas but they do not have the faculty of the transformation of the meat in blood.

In his goings and comings the man is wanting to make the transformation just a little bit of whom we spoke, sometimes obtains it and sometimes no, but we must try it. They say that the best form to do it aside from the knowledge is living the best religion but than yes it is. Also they say that there are three religions, to the Christian, the Buddhist and the Islamic one, because the day that are understood the three will be when the man really has understood the first simple God.

We say " God it does not hear to me ", and it can are right, does not hear to us because we have not been wanted to hear we ourself, when we heard ourselves we know that we are heard to God. We know that we are not animals but we can act like such. So that God hears to me, I have hear myself.

In the masses he gives all the means us that are to our reach not so that we speak to him, but so that we build since we must do it (lowering the nucleus of its own essence). With that we have everything but we do not want it to develop, sends to us like magicians not that we do what King Midas, who turned everything into gold, and that died of hunger to be but ambitious of which he could do. He did not know to become gold.

Between the things that left us is the religion, but the religions say to us what is good and what he is bad, but like King Midas, it is necessary to take it exactly, neither very wide nor very narrow sleeve. What it can be bad for me others it they can see like a virtue.

Between the things that left us within the religion, it left to Dogmas and rituals. Those dogmas and rituals are those that make the magic. Between the natural things that left us is the mandate of YOU GROW and MULTIPLICY, and at the beginning of the world it was taken very exactly, because the patriarch had so many spouses as he could maintain.

In agreement it was spending the time, it had to leave his........... doing dogmas so that we were not multiplied so much, or that at least we multiplied what was worth the trouble in each one of us

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900