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The trip

I am recording a disc that to my papa would give an infarct him if it knew that I am going it to hear late but. This disc it likes a person who pleases to me, so I am recording to give it me one better idea of as she is this person.

In the past some people they have said to me that I am perfeccionist. Other that I am obsessive. None of the two things, only that I like to be prepared and informed, following the third way according to Gurdjieff, that is transformed in the phrase ignorance in possession.

A warrior, and with much but reason a Nagual, must demand its power and knowledge. The Nagual like concept, and not like person, represents the unknown, as well as the Tonal one represents the world which we know until the fatigue.

The life of a warrior consists of being happening of the Nagual to Tonal fragments of the reality, returning known the unknown. To deny certain doubtful experiences is cowardice. The degrading actions are not doubtful and by the same it is not necessary to experience them.

I have my suitcase prepared for a trip that I will do in days. The clothes this list, the autoshave, lotion, etc. I go to a place that I do not know. My body also knows and my heart to it.

The trips to new places or that our heart requests them, always represent a jump the possibilities of the man. The vacations or the honeymoon have that objective. Although this trip is not of vacations, I will take advantage of it until the last minute.

To change of ambient is excellent for the wolf and the man. The eyes see of a fresh way, and when having the suitcase prepared for a trip that desire to do, memory that always is a morning.

Some people have asked to me been strange on why I am not ascetic in some aspects. Although I am it in that they matter, but ahead, perhaps today same, I will speak on the joy to live. Nevertheless, at the moment is enough to say that to be impeccable she necessarily does not mean to make bitter the life to us, but not to feed what is inferior or degrading.

On the other hand, to make bitter the life takes to the people prisoners of fear and resentments. Nobody does nothing to him to anybody, so I do not see reason to make bitter the life or to feel sorry itself. But sometimes it hurts to do the correct thing, that yes. In 1994 i had 22 years and need to face a situation of which it was easy and until one hoped that it took advantage. I did not do it, because to do it had implied it to sell my core; and exactly to have 22 years I did what I did, of being smaller or greater, my duty it had not demanded to me to take an attitude so painfully drastic.

Unfortunately many people confuse the term " to make bitter the life " with " making correct and not it pleasant "

Next to me it is the luggage. A smile arrives at my mouth, and my arm feels like plenty of power. There will always be a morning, if we are arranged to travel to the unknown, or to which we know noble and correct. To travel to a concert or by work, is not the unknown. A trip to the unknown is always by people, and the person can be one same one.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900