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Pain: friend or enemy?

Tuesday at night. There is a subject of which I have been wanting to speak for weeks. The pain. And if he is enemy friend or. While I write I make the same question. Automatically I begin to think about the 3 types of pain:

  • Physicist
  • Emotional
  • Mental

I write hoping to that they are the 23:00 to connect to me to Internet and to be available, I feel the fresh hands, although it is warm, because several times to the week I repeat a rite for the handling of the pain. It is a simple ceremony, does not say anything, neither one thinks nothing, nor one feels nothing. except the burns caused by ardent wax in the palms of the hands during two hours, sometimes but, sometimes the less.

When the rite finishes, clean my hands of the wax, starting piece to piece the rest. I do not like to do it, but it is an excellent exercise to support the pain.

Within each one of us, there is a force that can serve as limit, to avoid that we make things that put in danger the sobreexperience. The pain like a warning of the body, mind or heart must be understood to say to us that to something this happening.

And it is here where we arrived at which I want to treat, there are really two types of pain, the volunteer and the involuntary one. Gurdjieff says clearly that only the voluntary sacrifice has some value. Before explaining I will put it an example. When doing weights or serious exercise in, the pain are brutal, if it does not hurt does not serve. But sometimes we are going to answer the telephone the 22,30 hours, and we indeed occur a blow with a furniture with an aim that only we can put to give little jumps to us, and not of taste.

Any pain that is caused can purify to us, as long as he is not autodestructive; each person has her own threshold of pain, or resistance to the pain. If we faced the expensive pain to face, can absorb it and arrive far but; to say it of some way, the threshold of the pain moves away and we are able to resist but amounts, intensities, and duration of pain. From it comes there will refrán " what bush does not fortify ". But a pain without constructive purpose is bad in all the aspects.

And why we can want to increase our threshold of pain? It is decision of every one. Some want to increase it not to suffer, others we thought that it is necessary to support to the pain to be able to protect to which we want, or they matter to us. Because if we did not support the pain, if he is not our friend, single will debilitate to us, but if we accepted it and we know it, instead of surrendering, we will be able to counterattack when one hopes that we fall, and on that friendship it depends to turn a defeat into victory, and vice versa.

Let us see an example. the pain the weights constructs muscles, the pain to receive kicks of experts in martial arts, teaches to us to protect to us of them, the rite of the candle that mentioned forces to me to calm to me, not to think, and every time I hold greater amount of pain.

Nevertheless, when one takes hold a finger with the door, or to duer bad and all twist rises to me, is pain but he is not indeed constructive.

I believe that these examples are enough on PHYSICAL pain .

The emotional pain is something different and less explicable. It is sufficient to know that the voluntary pain to go to average chat with the fiancee to us, is a pain that takes the hope a morning, but to say, " I am a disgust like person ", is strange. I really cannot say much on the emotional, single pain that must be temporary. To worry to us too much about our past is completely negative; it is important to smile and with the forehead in stop to happen to the battle. The emotional pain is valid and noble, and also vicious and ill, and every one knows in its internal law which type is each emotional pain. Let us say that but the important thing is not to make us idiot single.

The mental pain is something that almost never is experienced. To cause mental pain is to cause aturdiness, is to put music to all volume to happen not to be able to think and to feel single.

The mental pain is " the excess of perceptions " and can conclude in something emotionally very ugly. The only advice that I can give is " does not exist healthy mental pain ".

The only aim that can have the pain is to help to increase our will us; pains body not caused, are indications that the body needs aid, that we are forcing it and neglecting, not will.

But ahead I will speak with detail of the three ways of evolution of the man according to Gurdjieff, but first of the ways, is this, the physical way, and their key words are PAIN IN WILL.

Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 26497739