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Notes about the book "The second ring of power"

Days ago I began to chat with people in Argentina on Nagualismo and chamanismo, and looking for data for pass them, was a relation of outstanding points of the book " the second ring of power ", of Carlos Castaneda.. This relation I did it in 1990 or 1991. The number in negritas indicates the page according to the editing that I have.


110 terminal cases have power. Everything what is due to do is to remember to them that is incurables patients. Since they are terminal cases, they have power. They do not have anything to lose. Already there are lost everything. When they do not have anything to lose, anger is acquired. We are afraid solely in the measurement that we have something to that to grasp to us.

121 to serve as something it is necessary to demonstrate to him respect to us. On all fours to enter caves or places of power.

122 a complete person is that that never she has had young (when they have themselves loses the edge)

126 a warrior does not look for anything that consoles to him.

127 a warrior does not have to leave nothing at random ruined. A warrior is really able to alter to the course of the events, using itself the power of his conscience and the inflexibility of his intention.

If he is not thus, he does not happen to be a word, a useless starting of an empty man.

128 Pay the debt with the spirit of the man.

129 For being a true Nagual you must demand your power.

134 The children rob the best thing of the power of the parents.

139 a wizard who has recovered his integrity is made level, whereas a wizard that always was complete is a little unbalanced.

153 Allies: Forces to which the wizards learn to control.

155 Don Juan maintained that he was better without allies, without which not outside our resolution and our will.

158 BE empty is to have a hole in the luminosity. The forces happen through and they affect to us.

163 For a woman warrior everything is born in dreaming.

174 Everything in the world of a warrior depends on its impeccability.

184 a warrior is a tolteca: A preservative receiver or of mysteries.

189 To the common man it is to him equal when it dies. Although it acts as if the things mattered to him, makes to seem sensible.

197 If we wished it, all we can have the shade that arises from the head, but most probable it is than nobody wishes it. That shade calls Nagual, and all that one that has it is, of course, the Nagual.

202 To make bitter the life it is to be impeccable.

208 the fortune of the warrior consists of doing what must do.

224 the Tonal one can be apprehended by the senses, the single Nagual can be caught by the eyes of the wizard.

225 an impeccable observer turns everything into prey. It is possible to get to watch our own weaknesses. This is made in the same way in which a prey watchs itself. You decipher your customs until knowing all the consequences of your weakness, and you rush yourself on them and you take like a rabbits to them in a cage.

226 All habit is in essence to do, and to do it requires all its parts to work. If one from them lack, doing is impossible. For Don Juan any coherent and significant series of actions is to do. Said in other terms, a custom requires to constitute a vital necessity, all its component actions. Therefore it is suggested to begin by the attack to the important part but of such habit.

227 This does not imply to undo of them, is necessary to have the intention. Single therefore it is possible to be an impeccable observer.

265 In the Tonal one it is spoken and in the Nagual it is acted.

275 one is chosen single sees. We chose to be warriors or to be current men. One second opportunity does not exist. Not on this earth.

288 Stop the world: To stop the second attention in something.

299 It is necessary to hook the men. To the women no. The women enter everything freely. In it she is his power and its disadvantage. The men must be guided and the women contained.