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The Fowls

One week ago a friend, asked me that she could make to help a person to whom wants to go out in front of certain difficulties. By excess of work I could answer until today, but the answer answers several questions, besides to have relation with the page that I wrote awhile ago, the iniciatic schools.

Each section speaks of a bird. Each one speaks of certain things, but all responds to the questions that wait to us generally.

1) The canary

In this particular case, the problem is as far as the emotions. Unfortunately the modern culture has raised us all the problematic one to conserve a pair on the basis of two metaphors.

  • IF the love is a precious bird, some say that we must loosen it and let go it. " If it returns he is yours but never it was it "

  • Once we have taken hold the love, we must conserve it, not loosen it, but without tightening so hard that we kill it, and either so weak that goes away.

When I thought about this (in the distant year of 1987), I found that there was something we did not take into account. That it was going to eat the bird in these two cases? What want the person to give him, or what thought that needed the bird. As well as one can think that the mice eat cheese (in fact they eat cakes and butter), we do not have to think that it is what wants or it needs the bird. The bird is the sufficiently wise thing to fly and to obtain what wishes or needs.

Why we want to the bird? It can be by its beautiful voice, that cheer our life, or by its colors, or their freedom. But the fact is that a bird decides where will spend the night, to where will go in winter, not we. To put in a cage to the bird is to kill it; we want to have it with us, and the cages and the cords single return to us their enemy.

That it is what is due to do? To be the openhanded, the this or not bird, and to put maize and canary seed in the open hand; perhaps our act scares to the bird. If it returns, there is food and ceiling in our hand, if... the bird will not be its own right perhaps (he is allergic to the canary seed). I believe that whenever the things take control of the heart, and nobility, loyalty and without deceits, the bird returns to us, where we will be able to take care of it, to care it, and to enjoy which it exists.

2) The eagles

This case I have treated it in the page the home, please to read it in that page.

3) The bird of the freedom

In a while dice of our life we see happen to a person who is like a bird. This person can be hardly opening her wings, or can have a majestic flight already, not by the beauty of her plumage, but by the simplicity and security of her movement. It can be a bird that never has eaten or, or can be a prey bird that flies during the day to the light of the sun.

The bird of the freedom makes the stops at its trip, but never it returns. He is the sufficiently strong thing to take to shoulders, but always he flies in line straight; the bird of the freedom happens only once through our lives, and the rapidity of its flight does difficult to reach it. If it is a love question. he is something similar to SnowWhite's prince, is something that will arrive at where is called to him and where they are his maizes, but knight in shinning armor does not live in a cabin, not by pride, but because he goes of passage to the moment at which he will be king; perhaps king of another cabin, but not for a long time, always his dwelling is but and but far, and is but beautiful every time.

In other occasions there is no love in the bird of the freedom, single the reflection of the own search, the bird of the freedom can appear in same or other sex, and represents the search of the reasons of the life.

It is possible to reach to the bird of the freedom?

I do not know it. But I suppose that when we realize that appeared, if it has not undertaken the flight we must be ready to also fly, and if it already flew... because to throw to us to fly with all our forces!!!!!

4)Las doves and the wolves

This history is extremely heartrendering, apt for romantic is not hardened; it can cause nightmares, but single to the people whom always the life has seen rose color. For that they are in a stage in which everything is storms and storms, will cause that the sky stops being black. Although it is very short, Read under its own risk. I repeat, is not apt for squeamish minds.

The origin of this history is simple. All we are customary to think about the doves like the sweet animals but, the universal symbols of peace. And in the wolf, like that animal that hunts in the nights to poor defenseless animals.

But in the reality two doves of the same sex when being together, fight themselves and the eyes remove, and the wolves play the fight, and at the end of the fight, the winner pardons to whom has won.

Two together doves of different sex, are happy, single the doves pay attention to them; the wolves or she-wolves that have mated with dogs, cannot return; they have made treason to his inheritance and if they do it they will be assassinated.

It is why the doves fly single, and the wolf always has company.

5) The swan / the ugly little duck

Sometimes we found something so pretty that it affects to us, can be a bird that as soon as it can swim. It can be a precious little duck of so ugly. We know history the ugly little duck, of Hans Christian Andersen, and that is the case in some occasions; in others we want to help a little duck that nothing but is ugly, but we like, or she causes that to us not what.

To want to change to an ugly little duck is idiot; is precious the little duck as it is. So that changing it? Some think about Pigmalión and Galatea; if the little duck is Swan the statue it will return Galatea, and if not... that pretty little duck!

Moral of the Nagual Andrés: " the neck to a duck is not possible to do a swan stretching to him (or she duck). "

6) The bird Fénix

The birds can undergo much in their way, have headwinds, sometimes are cold, sometimes shoot to them, but sometimes, let themselves burn by that inner fire, that nucleus that says to him where this its nest; and in the middle of his ashes, it arises victorious to continue the battle by the life.


Alfonso Orozco - May 1999
ICQ 41907900