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Myths and realities about the Naguales in Mexico

To the people that live out the Mexico, I should make a short summary to the popular tendences in Mexico about the Naguales.

  1. Castaneda's fans

    In this category are all that think that is beautiful to be a Nagual or warrior.

  2. The searchers of the truth.

    In this category there are all of them that want to persevere, but without saying "I'm a Nagual", but also who want to persevere impeccable life, on the way that they chose.

    Here there are all the people who look for the magical world, but I prefer calling it "The magical thought".

  3. The common people with common sense.

People who don't see the magical thought, who have lived and believed the three main myths about the Naguales taht were founded by the spaniards:

a)That the Naguales eat children.

b)That the Naguales rape the women who go to the river to wash.

c)That the Naguales exchanged in coyotes, wolves or pigeons.

As the people who read this are in the option one or two, I'll say on this page about the people number three, the people with common sense, on the three following options:

The easy people that have problems to accept which they don't understand, that's why, in a short period of time start to changing extremely religious, or adorer the rain and the sun. In ancient ages, the adorers of the sun and the rain joined togheter in something that we can say aquelarres, and the people extremely religious identificated these meetings with the devil.The only sense of the aquelarres it was to talk about the interior devil, but as the human being has created a lot of restrictions with the sexuality, the major part of these people hear the interior devil leaving their instints confusing liberty with libertinism.

In this way,unadaptable people don't have anything to offer and they are convicted to live in towns without name, and to be forgotten until their sons, they feel a natural rancor to the people that venture and that are in the battle. And believe in everything, because is too easy to blame the Naguales of doing, because is the main real sin, make instead of dreaming. This happens late or early, that's why the Naguales mantain the secret, and in spite of being a point of refference, they never are in front of anything. Because:

In the first place, What fucking can they win?Recognition? Why does a Nagual need them????

Second:They have their own hidden agenda.If they need to have infuence in others, they have to be out of the circle.

Third:The Naguales are hidden by the same Reason that Clark Kent.There are jobs that should do them in silence, and there are others with full of conscience and visibility.

As a Nagual that doesn't leave anything at random, he has several things as a point of refference in case fo the persecutions start ,and he can move inmediatelly without spending energy and time too.

With each one of the three mexican myths the Naguales have a reason of being.

Before of come in them, I have to remember that the Nagual doesn't have compasion for anything and anyone, but there's always a mask that hides this no compasion.The people that help altruistically can't be Naguales or Warriors, rarely in some circunstances, because the master must be looked for, not to be offered himself. The Nagual a deal with all the world, with the earth,and to keep that deal that is exchanged in Nagual, that in term of the Nagual Andres, Is to receive "The Benediction taht tortures".However, a Nagual not only helps,and doesn't wait to prejudice, and can do whatever of the two things.

We can start reviewing the three main myths about the Naguales.

Myth number one:The Naguales eat children.

What there's of truth:In the life of Mexico in the 1900 to the present day,a lot of people have called themselves Naguales doing similarities of harems. Why? A lot of people likes doing something prohibited, and some sincerely believe in one master that ask to renounce to the world. A true Nagual Can't renounce to the world. A Nagual that renounced to the world is not a Nagual, and either a Nagual that slaved a part of the world.

A Nagual which eat his sons in the terms of the Castaneda :To his devilities. On the other hand,It'll be a stupid thing to eat children causing attention in others (and in their rancors, besides of the autorities).

That comes to my mind of a story of a seudonagual who was in the mountain range of Oaxaca ten years ago,which I'll write on a page later. Only I can say that the children ate the last, only after that he had eaten. And maybe some died of hungry, but that was not a Nagual, it was a person dominated by his own personal importance.

What there's of lying:

A Nagual never makes danger, but when he does, is not free, and kills or leaves someone disabled. What is the goal of danger a baby?

Myth number two:The Naguales rape the girls when they go to the river to wash the clotes.

What there's the truth:

The genuine Naguales are used to be charismatics, paceful, but intense, this can create a terrible attraction, because the Nagual gives off energy. When a Nagual is not hiding his light, the shine is clearly perceptible, and this energy, for the good fisical conditionand for other things that we call "kaborka", or animal magnetism.This energy lets to the Nagual to order the animals and to make them obey.In the case of the men "Naguales", they reach some ridiculous situations, that's why they are Ripley's situations. On a subsequent page I'll talk about the love and the histerism-esoterism in the Nagual's life.

And the person who asked me: A Nagual can be in love,I'll say Yes. But always in themselves, never can love someone who is taken by the histery,but yes with the searcher of the truth.

On the other hand, the phisical energy of a Nagual should be used in a regular manner. Being a Nagual means generate the power in one night of sleeping in the rate of one person in one week. But the energy is not necesarily expressed throught the sex.By example, I can read the cards,and read cards makes me have a lot of energy, like creating a medium or big program in a evening, can leave me out of combat for two or three days.

However, the Nagual is not limited in several things, when the moment arrives the things happens.The Nagual doesn't look for artificial solutions. For the same, his phisical intensity grows up until arrives to a critical point, and in that moment, acts.(And generally the power puts on his way the solution thanks to god...)

In several aspects the true Naguales are really sobers, since not to use alcohol,cigarretes etc, until not to cede for the appetite of the body.

On the other hand, the use of energy represents a sexual joint, it can't be on the crazy way, for the easy reason that it didn't leave energy to another thing, the reserves of energy go down and that could arrive to a critical point. Some people take this extremely, and they spend their energy on a silly way wearing the obligation on the celibacy.The necesity of the real world sould be satisficed, and there are things that come from something away of the wildlife, besides of being necesserely, funny, beatiful and normal.

However,a Nagual who didn't have a strong vital impulse is like a Coke in the time, something needs. By the same it has to be in mind the image of the Nagual as a rapist,and becauuse it has been acepted.

I think in the right relation that is as the candles of the saints: Not to burn the saint neither that not to light it.

What there's of lying:

In reality the Naguals never have physical contact with people that are part of the clan, unless that relationship was a monogamous relationship and in one long relationship. Whatever kind of polygamy is not admited in the real groups, ancient and present, because the situations are created in jealous and similarities that make a bad use of the group. A Nagual is not going to put in risk the goal of his life simply by a hormonal state.

And the sexual relationships with unknown people,loves on the way,could be a easy way to open the things that to a Nagual are not useful,or things that are against of the fight.

A Nagual exchange thought in words and these into actions.Wharever relation of wharever kind with a Nagual, that comes in form of thought that is exchanged in words, and from here to the actions,and we don't have to take part of the promiscuity.

Attention:The last doesn't contradict the arrow shots reciprocal, because these are only representing which two people have a "similar kaborka" or in other terms, similar energetical configurations (although the intensity of these are another thing), besides the similar feelings.

Myth number three:The Naguals are exchanged in coyote,wolves or pigeons

What there's of truth: How I said on pages about the Naguals and Chamanes, these last make treatments to know the animal spirituality.

To a Nagual talk about the spirit is a stupidity sovereign :There is a spirit or soul from the human being, and he wasn't born with it,he has to create it to the long of his life.Talk about the animal spirituality is like talking from the different human beings,to say in any form.

The Nagual's trips are in two legs or on a vehicle:The Nagual moves in the time of a uniform manner, only he arrives to think in the animals to the beginning to the apprenticeship the change of levels of the conciousness:It is the part where the confusions are created between the Chamanism and the Nagualism,and where the misfortune, there are some candidates jammed.

This should be treated with more detail,and It'll be done on the pages The power of one million of seconds and The noble beast.

What there's of lying:

The exchanged never is physical. At times of high tension,can produce certain changes,some how to triplicate the physical force in some seconds (too easy indeed), and some inintentionally.These changes can be since the growing up and the disappearance almost instantaneous of the hair,or the ejection of quantities of blood or the mouth.

Carlos Castaneda says,What means to be able to see the buds of energy with wings of buterfly?

The same happens with the exchanges. Exchange of the pigeon or crow, it's not possible by the easy reason that there's no place where to put the difference of kilos, so as the exchanged to the bear could be impossible except for someone who weights two hundred kilos. The people that say that the exchange of a crow or a pigeon only change the head,think:A Nagual left his decapitated body at random ?????

I belive that is possible in extremely cases make that change,but is not possible to return again after it.

A story of the Nagual Andrés says that in a situation of risk,which took him to be exchange in Nagual,it seems that he was removed copletely and instantaniously to a distance of twenty kilometers. But as a human being, not as an animal.

Alfonso Orozco - April 1999
ICQ 41907900