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FAQ of Nagualismo Version 1.000

It completes update day 16 of 1999 July

(Faq = Frequently Asked Questions, frequently made Questions)

  1. What is the Nagualismo? Which is its approach?
  2. The Nagualismo is a long history, but summarizing, it is which as Chinese has Confucius, and Hebrew cábala, in Mexico we have a tradition of chamanes of a very special type, Naguales calls. These are people who want to make the difference, to avoid that the people who are worth the trouble they can be defeated as happened to us with the Spaniards.

    The result of this is that segun the traditions, several people with knowledge of the toltecas and Aztecs survived the slaughter of Cortes, and tried to preserve its knowledge of a way or another one. As Cortes he knew that they could organize a good defense, began the stories about which the Naguales (the name that occurred the fugitive ones) became wolves, and babies ate and bothered the girls.

    Throughout the years there have been people who " were united " to the Spaniards, and other that continue thinking about freedom, but approximately in 1970 a American wrote a series of books on a Indian " chamán " that she gave training him in the techniques of the Nagualismo; that gringo was called Carlos Castaneda, and his masterful Don Juan.

    Really, there are several branches that survive of the old times, and I am the heir of one of them; for that reason and other reasons that I will not detail here, some people look for to me and request advice, because I am the Nagual of a line; and much people think by the books of Castaneda that the Naguales consume hallucinogenic Fungi of daily way, and are interested in that or have a romantic interest with the world of which Castaneda speaks.

    The Nagualismo is really a way of life, based on a knowledge branch I PRACTICE, that speaks about the control of the thoughts and actions, to avoid to be sold and therefore, to avoid to fall in the voluntary mediocrity; some things of the training get to be really amazings for several of the interested ones in the subject; mainly for that they look for the truth in other places; to a person of another country it sounds to him very pretty to go to Mexico, the Earth of the Naguales, perhaps (according to textual words of a finder of the truth" I must go to the sources as the Christians go to the wall of the moans or the Arabs to the mosque") without realizing that almost nobody knows those things in Mexico, as well as the Christians who have read the Bible are the minuses, and less still those than practice it.

    I not me the volume too much in serious, think that the Nagualismo is a as good way as any other to face me the mediocrity and the voluntary delivery.

  3. There is difference between chamanismo and Nagualismo? Which is?
  4. They are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things. Greater details to see links:

  5. Naguales and chamanes, the basic thing
  6. Naguales and chamanes, Part two

  7. What seminaries have taken?
  8. None. The two training that I received was of Naguales that lived in the Zone of the sank bank in Mexico.

  9. What is a Nagual?
  10. Additionally to which I have said in other places, a Nagual is a person with additional levels of energy, personal intensity, and sanity obtained through objectives. I suggest to both read the corresponding section of the main page and first links on Naguales and chamanes:

  11. Naguales and chamanes, the basic thing
  12. Naguales and chamanes, Part two

  13. I knew that a Nagual was something as well as a spirit guides is not thus?
  14. The Mexican anthropologists speak of chamanes and their spirits guides (to whom they call Naguales) to that maintains outside them, and they chamán that it calls to that spirit guides to live in its chest becomes a Nagual man. This says the anthropologists, my training showed to me that there is great difference between chamanes and Naguales, but the force that is invited to live in our chest is something real, to see the Link werewolf

  15. With what authority Nagual is called?
  16. If you want you can call to me chaman, finder of the truth or what you want. I am what I am and if you prefer be an idiot single, is your right.

  17. Castaneda speaks of the movement of the embroider point and the increased conscience. They are very important terms and you only mention them of last, why?
  18. The movement of the point of embroider to my was taught to me like " the change of modalities ", and the conscience increased like " state of intensified watch ". I mention them of last because their terms can mean another thing; little by little it will be seen but on these subjects.

  19. Know you some Nagual in Argentina?
  20. No. I know of a person who uses the alias of " the Nagual of the South ", and know a forum Nagualismo in MIRC, but me has not been possible to enter the forum; on the other hand I do not have disadvantage in giving the data to contact them, although we have not had contact almost, and therefore I cannot respond of him.

  21. Can you be my teacher?
  22. It is possible. Read this page, and if you consider it suitable, he makes contact with enemy.

  23. Castaneda speaks of the power gifts You can you give one me?
  24. Yes.

  25. Me it is going it to give?
  26. No.

  27. In books of Castaneda Rafael is not mentioned to the Nagual or to the Nagual Andrés, I believe that you are inventing.
  28. It is not mentioned to any line in special; it speaks of the other lines, but he does not give details for obvious reasons.

  29. The learning of Carlos Castaneda lasted but of ten years. Why the one of you lasted less?
  30. Castaneda traveled from Mexico to the United States and he already had a defined personality. I had the luck to enter the Nagualismo the formation stage, and during several years I had direct bonding with the people adapted in the correct time and situation.

  31. In your pages you mentions the death of yours teachers. I believe that a True Nagual does not die that way, that is burned in its Internal fire as Castaneda says.
  32. The Internal fire is a Literal metaphor. The death of the Nagual Andrés was his preference; he could from a principle loosen to the boy and to leave killed he, preferred to fulfill one of the rules, to protect and to nourish.

    The death of the Nagual Rafael yes was ordinary, but to be a Nagual is not to be invulnerable. Perhaps already his moment had arrived.

  33. Why are you against to the plants of power?
  34. I suggest you read the pages that follow:

  35. Questions: Part One
  36. To the readers
  37. Plants of power

  38. There is some substitute to the power plants?
  39. MANY. Suitable techniques of breathing and certain disciplines are adapted.

  40. When you will give next seminary? Each when they are made?
  41. I will never give a seminary.

  42. The day that I know you was strange to me that you changed of shoes two or three times. It has to do with the Nagualismo?
  43. Sometimes an impeccable presentation is necessary; because it is not practical nor normal to see anybody with suit of three pieces polish himself in the street, and sometimes there are no boleros close, I take two pairs of spare part in the car. On the other hand, to have the fresh feet is useful.

  44. Which is your attitude about the money?
  45. It is means, not an aim. A representation of the work is single, reason why the robbery is a species of smaller homicide. The money in himself is not bad, which says Christ is " the love to the money ".

  46. Which is your religion?
  47. The Law.

  48. Each when your group meets?
  49. So far Whenever it is necessary, at least once for year, the 22 of December. Some I see them but followed.

  50. The phrase seems to me contradictory " a Nagual of high technology "
  51. I suppose that then a Nagual cannot cook in Microwaves, no?

  52. Of what seeing consists?
  53. Very great characteristics, in changing the perception way to feel to perceive what is evident although not we see it normally.

  54. I had contact with people who knew Carlos Castaneda, he rare time insists on the clothes
  55. But frequently he is spoken by the people who knew it, of his clothes and the velveteen jacket, for example.

  56. He is not stranger who a Nagual as it claims to be, lives in the city?
  57. I suppose that the Naguales " true " gets dressed in animal skin and eats fruit and they do not prove meat, no?

  58. You speak of moderation, but some commentaries in ICQ make me think that you does not eat moderately.
  59. As the food but heals that it is at the hand, and if like in Barbarian, proportional amounts to the physical activity that I have.

  60. How it is possible that a Nagual speaks of Dianética, astrology and to read cards?
  61. Read the page that speaks on the additional Techniques. On the other hand, the astrology and the cards are at the same time a smoke screen and a way to use the intuition.

  62. I follow without understanding... A Nagual would not have to know of martial Yoga, arts and Gurdjieff, no?
  63. It is not necessary, but one does not forget what one knows, nor it is obligatory not to know or it would only be possible to be Nagual if a deficient culture is had. On the other hand a Nagual does not have to be ignorant. If something does not know it investigates it.

  64. As you knows I am of another country, as it is the way that it recommends for a finder of the Nagualismo in Mexico?
  65. The ways of resignation to the world can be used in any place. The equivalent one in Mexico is to take your knapsack and go to the hill or the forest from Chiapas.

    If you look for a way that is not of resignation to the world, to obtain an employment in a place near a teacher, and to begin training under a direction responsible in the ways for the world.

  66. You mentions a confrontation with a member of the group of the Nagual Rosendo... was it his " worthy adversary " like the Catherine de Castaneda?
  67. The confrontation was for making that justice prevailed, recover important papers. On the other hand, already I was a Nagual at the time of that confrontation, and it was really difficult to gain the victory.

  68. Why speaks as much of the Law? Is important really the fight between the law and the chaos or the fight between the light and the dark? Would not be better to make a treatment between the two?
  69. That fight is not important. IS EVERYTHING.

    It is not possible to make treatments with badly. Never.

  70. Why are several lines of Naguales? Which is the difference among them?
  71. I send to the page on the Lines or lineages to you of Naguales, and the difference among them is their methods and priorities, but mainly, the direction that gives the Present Nagual him to the Nagualismo. What matters is the person, not technical them.

  72. Does not speak to anything of eat this drinks the other, why?
  73. This would be very irresponsible of my part to make generalization. Each person has a personal chemistry that can become a disaster with extreme facility.

  74. What group endorses you?
  75. None. As Napoleón said: If you want that the things do not become, names a committee. If you want that the things become, names a person in charge.

  76. What thinks of sex?
  77. It is something necessary, amused, pretty and normal. But it is not something that happens nothing else to the crazy person. Among other things because it is a Barbarian cost of energy, because it is not impeccable, and because the risk of by fault in the control methods is run, to create of involuntary way a person with power.

    That is to say, sex is a good indicator of the life of the person, and something normal, but it is also the origin of the life. And a great responsibility. It is not that i am puritan, but as one says normally, neither as much that it burns saint, nor as much that not it alum.

  78. You considers that the Nagualismo can make us happier?
  79. It depends on the person. The Nagualismo as life way can give you power, or unfortunate and obsessionate of a thing or another one. But if you obtain the power, it depends on your preference.

  80. There is no a contradiction between the violence that sometimes note in your pages against inner peace which they look for the warriors?
  81. Sometimes it is necessary to take decisive actions. And sometimes violent. My main defect is the capacity for the violence, but sometimes this one is necessary. Inner peace does not look for, but internal silence. It is something similar to the Zen.

  82. That is that considers to same you a " defender of the weak ones "
  83. In martial arts it is said:

    • First you must recognize badly
    • Soon you must fight it
    • Finally you must avoid convertirte to same you in badly.

  84. Can marry a Nagual?
  85. Yes.

  86. It does not pass anything with the luminous egg?
  87. It depends on if you ally or houses with a woman " vampire "... and if that is the case, he is not a warrior.

  88. Can fall in love a Nagual?
  89. Yes, but single between equal. He cannot love which is let take by the hysteria, but a finder of the truth.

  90. How I can know if I have personal power if it is not comparing to me with another person? If I compare myself, surely there is something different in my, but if the other person has less of the normal thing and I have the normal thing?
  91. The personal power is something that is known by the acts, serenity, the intensity, and the naturalness, simplicity and force. And mainly, by the clarity. The comparisons are secondary... the important thing is to obtain the objective, and of preference, the datum point must be something abstract, not a person. Mainly because to make comparisons with people it makes take part factors that do not interest to us.

    Gurdjieff said that a man is what does with which eats, or in other words, that a man is better than other only if he does more than another one.

Alfonso Orozco - July 1999
ICQ 41907900