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The Three Paths

" Be a warrior it is not to be to a victim of a strange destiny, but to face the destiny. The destiny is already written, but not our reaction."

Before beginning, a warning. One says that in the world there are three footpaths; the footpath of the left, that it has to only do with egoistic profits without thinking about others. The way of the center, the common people. And the way of the right, that speaks to face the world to make of him a better place to live.

Everything what I will write will be applicable for the three ways, but the way of the left has a natural barrier; it is not possible to advance but of certain stretch. Why? Then for two reasons. First, the training gives power; but this it is a power for the good; there are objects and so powerful ideas that they cannot be used for badly or egoistic things; since these do not understand them.

When a use badly occurs the own one to be able, or to the knowledge, people who create in the balance, act. It is what hidden police is called sometimes.

Secondly, to give entrance to the way of the left brings too many problems. The life becomes a disaster, and something within its followers destroys them.

What I will teach will be applicable by all. Those that follow the way of the left, that does it under their own risk.

The way of the center does not demand sacrifices, and for that reason many people feel attracted by him. The way of the right, demands much, and gives much. Some call idealism, I call to believe it in justice and the love.

Throughout the footpaths of the center and the right, diverse opportunities of knowing but or living better. But single if consider we are arranged to risk, and to love, and to fight by that love, we can live better. Those that they prefer to see pass the parade, belong to the way of the center. Those that happen to the battle, to the way of the right.

Throughout these notes, many things will be learned. Something of magic, something of will, and all the necessary one for the finders of the truth. But the magic is not science or art to obtain something in exchange for anything, but single a technique to know the price to pay by the things.

That material it will be needed for these courses? That requisite it has? The material is minimum, the requirements are simple.

  • If a man tries to follow this who uses ring, earrings, or bracelets, or necklaces, he must remove them, for always.
  • If she is a woman, it must avoid to use ring different from the one from commitment or wedding.
  • They are not due to consume no type of synthetic stimulating drugs or.
  • Alcohol, licor, or beer do not have to be taken except when he is inevitable by work questions.
  • Preferredly it must be smoked, neither to take coffee, nor refreshments of tail This is an optional point

From the moment at which the way is undertaken, it must be put well-taken care of with the music that is heard, music opens doors to other worlds; to hear music of solitude, lost loves and disappointment, of burned, of requests, they will make back down much in the way.

The music that speech of sincere love, and to fight, or of Goods bye without return, and victorious mornings, is possible and to recommend to him to oir it. The songs that do not speak of anything, sometimes are bad and sometimes good.

Prohibited to hear Heavy Rock, Music that speaks bad of the women or the authority, that are crude, and in general, all that that says that something is a nastiness. Any music that speaks of innaturales loves, or of surrender.

I repeat, music opens worlds, and can bring to our world noble things, or can bring dreg.

In spite of which much people create, psicotropics in the way of the Nagualismo are not used. Never.

In order to follow any footpath, it is necessary to begin to walk it; since I have said in diverse occasions, a trip of 12000 km begins with the first step.

Once the sufficient thing in the way has advanced, not necessarily much, but the sufficient thing, is arrived at one from two obstacles. Some people single see one because its form to be frees them of first, or because they never pass it.

The first obstacle is ignored by most of the students of the subject. Of the second obstacle I will speak in the following page. The first obstacle is called by some the word, and others the mirror. Why is called the mirror? That will be seen the last one.

The word is a better name, because it represents the only true requirement. NOT TO LIE.

With the passage of time if we did not lie we obtain the power of knowing if somebody is lying or no.

To lie can be a easy exit, and is used sobe everything by which they say " the truth purifies ", or those that say that " the truth does not have remedy ". All the people who use these terms do not lie, but he is frequent; let us say that the repeated use of these phrases indicates internal upheavals, and is necessary to remember that only the irremediable thing is the death; those that thinks that something does not have remedy, are those that are not arranged to fight to remedy it.

It can be said much, but the nucleus is the lie, destroys to which it says it and the truth is obvious. The objective of the lie does not matter, its result is always self-deception, and pain. The first order is " If it is not possible to say the truth nothing else to him and that the truth, stay shut up "

But the lie has another meaning. Not to fulfill the given word. To say " I will tomorrow lend the book to You " or " I look for to you tomorrow ", are lies if they are not fulfilled, although has not been intention to lie.

And then, one begins to undergo, and to feel like remorses, fear and blames. But single it undergoes the one that says the lies. The others... sooner or later let take in serious to which it lies, because no longer it is a datum point.

This obstacle is called the mirror, because there is much people who cannot not only see the others to the face, but which they are incapable to support to the glance to the eyes a complete minute.

To all those that have this problem, and they want to recover the brightness in the eyes and the forehead in stop, the solution is simple.

See the mirror.

And they let lie.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900