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The guardian of the treshold

The last week we spoke of the first obstacle in the search of the knowledge. The second obstacle is mentioned in diverse Literature. It is an obstacle extremely difficult to surpass, and really is called the threshold.

Within any way, there is a little while in that is obligatory to pay the price of which we want. But many people who do not have commitment, choose a way so that they see it easy. Some people feel fear, fear, before at least to see the threshold, with single knowing that she exists. And that people change of way like of underclothes.

Others arrive at the threshold, and pay the price. To who? To the guardian of the threshold. Who is this guardian? Each school of knowledge or EC to be brief, has their own explanation of that is. It does not matter. He is somebody that is to the aim of a new stage, to prove if we are arranged to fight by the following one. For some he is frightful, because he is not deformed, but because it dismisses the power of which has an objective.

This being will appear frequently in the life of a finder, but really its strength depends on our weaknesses. IF we are coherent, is easy to defeat it. If no.. is extremely difficult

The guardian is forced not to move of the entrance of the following stage. If we are arranged to fight with him, him defeat very easily.

The wide-awake guardian certain fear, but as of that moment, can be overcome the fear if he is understood as a rule that, the fear is a clear indication of the following thing that we must do (to be scared of which something happens in the future is a stupidity and selfdefeat, nonfear).

Several exercises exist to see that guardian, but single it is necessary " to fear to him " when we do not see it. because we do not have a goal. When we see it, it is difficult to understand that it is a good signal.

One of the best exercises than memory to see it, is to close the eyes at night, at daybreak, hearing the sounds of crickets and the wind, without thinking about anything. When that simple exercise is made correctly, the one that does can feel an atrocious fear; the guardian of the threshold can be called when we heard the voice of silence.

And he appears.

That it is they guardian of the threshold? He is symbol of which we are arranged to face us to new etap of our life. It is a reminder of which are about to to happen to a new stage Is but easy to forget we and to have left to us in the same one, but. it is not sufficient.

But that part of the threshold is completely natural. There are things that to some people them cause fear. But that fear not necessarily is normal, or good. There are people who have fear to be hurt or to establish a relation. Others feel the fear to the physical pain, the guardian takes the form that but we fear.

Nevertheless, the guardian can get to be a friend and companion.

Today in afternoon I had to make a difficult decision; and but or less it was angered to our opression that had the day, that among other things it prevented to speak me in the morning with a person which I consider.

And when being arriving at my house, I received a message by beeper: Hello, I am *****, I am connecting myself from the university. Like these? The person who send me the message looks for and to me pleases me like friend, but I know people who would be scared to him to that type of calls, because they would see in them an attempt of possession or pressure.

The threshold appears with different faces for each person, according to our greater fear. And it can arrive in the voice of silence, or in a person that says hello; it does not concern, the only thing that matters is if we are arranged to face us. Those that do not see it, be the condemned live lives without risk, calm, without triumphs and defeats. In an ideal world the heroes would not be necessary, which would be as well puts and tragedy.

The threshold in certain cases appears as possibilities of knowing more or to better live. anyone on the two selections she is correct, which matters is to begin the way, or we will never happen first of the thresholds of the life. Kafka has extremely beautiful a short story, that can be in any anthology, that speaks of the man who stay before the palace of the thousand doors.

There are doors that be done for us, and single we can cross them, and if we do not do it, nobody but will do it, never.

Years ago I wrote something on the threshold, in one of those stages that the heart of a wolf was but important that the brain of a man. That abstract of my memories (30/oct/95) this here.

Although it is spoken of the guardian in several books, I recommend specially the book " Zanoni ", of Edward Bulwer Lytton, where is all the horror of the threshold and it is spoken of the easy thing that it is to overcome it.

Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
ICQ 41907900