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To The Readers

In recent days some people solicited to me taught to develop their hidden powers to them; as well as I mentioned that I passed through training and exercises, some people forget way completes but the obvious thing. The physical training does not serve as anything when a quiet mind is not had.

A person to that I consider in each short while said to me In what you think? Often one is not due to think, not to obstruct the natural cycle of the things. Thinking continuously makes forget other very important things us, which says our senses to us. Each person has at least the five senses that we know, and other natural ones that we did not accept. The famous sixth sense is real, and very easy to develop, but the other senses that we do not know are so natural that we give them by facts, for example, the sense of the balance.

Before we pruned to happen to another thing, we must clarify a point. Any mystical sense in the Nagualismo does not exist, due to my previous training and knowledge, through the techniques of the Nagualismo and their knowledge treatment to maintain to me wide-awake and of not being sleeping while I believe that alive.

On the other hand, it is time to explain something: As well as all we are going or other in a while to take some study, the qualification in the use of our senses must be with discipline and not to the idiot. Before entering the study of the techniques of the Nagualismo, or techniques PSI, that are not the same, it is necessary to remember this very well. Any true training is painful and he is not pleasure, at least in the beginning.

The plants of power, fungi, grass, etc., are single means. At moments of my life I had contact with peyote and a fungus that I will not describe, but really although the knowledge that these showed to me was important, is not for anything the basic thing of the training; to say it of some way, used of suitable way the fungi they can allow us to simulate by a short period of time the effects of a continued time of austerity; I believe that the fact of being the Nagual at a time of corruption and drugs, causes that it perhaps rejects but of necessary the use of these instruments of power; although since I have said that knowledge were important, it was but expensive the power to integrate to me to the reality again, which took to me to reject of way activates the introduction of all type of substances other peoples to the organism.

Nevertheless the exercises that are made in the training which I received are not disordered, is a progressive sequence that some already has experimented in the first stages. In broad strokes the first exercises are of concentration and dispersion, the following ones have to do with the automatic control and disciplines, and later many others that I will not indicate here. Also in a while determined, exercises are made to develop the senses, are exercises for the tact, the sight, the ear, the balance, the sense of smell, and other that could not describe.

Throughout the years I have received many questions, and I hope that this site is responding to its restlessness. I want to respond in advance what constitutes the central subject of most of the SERIOUS consultations that are done to me, that is to say, the possibility that it sends lessons by correspondence to be able to deepen in the study of the Nagualismo or to begin in him, under the study of a responsible direction. On the matter I must clarify that the " initiation by correspondence " does not exist; although it is possible to learn things of great importance, is " a easy " way, nevertheless exists the possibility that the students by correspondence happen to the stage of the " difficult way ", by means of a personal communication with me or another one of the Naguales that I know.

This not means, of no way, that individual not can, if it is that it is accepted properly, to enter the " difficult way directly ", or to work immediately in personal form in the school, with which it will obtain a fast and decisive advance by the way but.

In name of the heart of the wolf and you yourself, I invite to all those whose restlessness is of an urgent necessity, to be transferred to Mexico to be united to this discipline. Nevertheless, for this it is necessary to reunite to some fundamental conditions of emotional type, mental and material, the " spiritual thing " cannot be based on the " spiritual thing ", but that must to have a material base. It is necessary before nothing, to carry out a contact by email or ICQ, doing the pertinent consultation to its possible training, giving all class of data on itself. The postulant must be of legal age and possessor of a good general culture, not to have serious physical defects nor degeneratives incurables diseases (cancer, AIDS, etc) Must enjoy good health and mental balance, and have average the suitable ones for its economic subsistence, and become completely responsible for the bureaucratic proceedings that are required. It must be arranged to resign to everything what it can be constituted in a barrier for his evolution, and to embrace the Nagualismo and its training like a life way; the way of the Nagualismo cannot be left by halves, but those that gain it, will be removed of all direct bonding by the serious finders.

It turns out indispensable to indicate that this it is not a way for the desperate ones of any class, safe for which they suffer of the anguish of the lack of understanding and the thirst of the spirit. The postulant must not have problems with the society and its relation with the life must be good. Who maintains a bad relation with the world cannot destine its time or a part of him to workings of the spirit.

I have to notice that many postulants are rejected not to reunite the necessary requirements, so that the simple request of entrance does not indicate of way some the acceptance by our part.

Request to the interested ones to consider that courses or seminaries are not offered, but the introduction to a way of different life, and this is not something that is obtained in one or two weeks. In two weeks several things can become, like taking vacations in Mexico, knowing something of the training, but single they are details.Express Are no Courses.

Shipment to all the readers my better desires of overcoming and personal evolution.

Alfonso Orozco - The Nagual.

Alfonso Orozco - July 1999
ICQ 41907900