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The election of the battles: Split One

Weeks ago I wrote on the coherence. Some things that I said were important, but easy to underestimate, for example, the following thing:

  • A loser can win but battles that a winner, but is no synchrony, there is no rate, and therefore, there is no coherence.
  • There are people who think that to win is to win but battles. But no, it does not serve as anything to win a battle against badly, if in the tactically important point we give the victory him by default, when not being fighting in the correct battles.
  • The battles of a loser are isolated, the battles of a winner are part of the war that began with the man. For a winner there are victories that are defeats, and glorious defeats.

The importance is obvious of choosing the own battles well. In the life one detects events that happen, and one is hopeless and looks for guidelines. Being sincere, when putting under us a life way, to a yoke, thought school, we carried out a training, that makes leave ahead in any doubt. If there is doubt, there is no training. We could say that this training is a law.

Nevertheless, the law and justice usually are used as it excuses so that the will of but hard is fulfilled, or so that the violator obtains a merciful pain, so the law sometimes is used to deceive justice.

Returning to the selection of the battles, it is common to think that the love is allows us to choose the correct battles. I do not agree. It is important, I do not discuss it, but by itself it is not enough. It must take to the practice of a noble way. Therefore, it can seem that it is the nobility the one that allows to choose the battles. False. The nobility only can say yes or no.

The conclusion is simple. As well as one says that the teacher appears when the student is prepared, with the battles passes something similar. The explanation of the Nagual Andrés was that in the world many people do not see what happens to lack the mental clarity and the necessary energy. At the moment at which this is accumulated, it is possible to see the things in another perspective, or modality. Then we see the battles that always have been there.

At the beginning of the way of a finder of the truth, a situation frequents is the impotence (without thinking badly). One must let pass many things without being deceived. It does not serve as anything a stupid heroísm, although sometimes to have it demands " to walk on the tail of the tiger ".

When one understands that it is not prepared, several things happen. First is simple. If the commitment is sincere, appears the training. That is to say, so that the influence of six activates, a desperate situation must occur, but in which it is possible to win. That is to say, the good is little, must take care of its resources. When we are not only benefitted, we see the things impartially. By the same, unless the fury activates, it is necessary by having to fight other peoples battles.

Single thus we can be impartial. Throughout my life I have seen like the forces of the law and the order, is in charge to fight our battles. But justice never makes promises. One becomes to itself, and on one it depends to what it becomes. The difference between the dreams and lies is to be arranged to fight by them.

Many think that werewolf is infallible, that the force that nests in the heart of the wolf cannot be stopped. That is certain. The heart of the wolf wins the battles, but as what serves to kill the man who brandishes his rifle? It does not concern the ability, nor the heart. It is part of the nature of the wolf to be to the delay, in calm.

A wolf does not attack in the idiot way. When its nature only demands it, and when this one is guaranteed by justice. The wolf never will hurt its puppies. But if the hunger arrives, and the puppies are hungry, the wolves leave to the fight. Never the puppies.

If a wolf knows that there is no triumph possibility, it is possible that between a the fight anyway, as it requests his heart. It is then when it leaves to shine the power but forgotten the wolf: Its instinct. Perhaps believe that to the wolf it does not like to use its claw?

What is better? To take any thing to its cave, or to hope and to hunt to the prey?

It is similar to which I mentioned in another place. A wounded eagle never is going to die to its own nest. It will die far, where it will see a sparrow or a canary it, not an eagle.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900