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Questions: Split Two

As they remember the last week I put some questions that have done to me throughout this month, and the result was that other people did but questions to me, several of very interesting them.

Next I will separate the questions according to the order in which they were received and they were answered, and by the person who made them.

Num Person Type of basic questions that makes Characteristics of the person Commentary


On silence

Young woman, 25 years, Puerto Rico

This person was in a vicious circle, and while she left, she neglected his relation with envious people of the work


On the increased conscience

Argentina woman, 24 years

Intelligent questions on parts of the training that I received


Seminaries and courses of Nagualismo

People several

Several questions on Naguales and seminaries, Tensegridad, and work groups



Young man, 17 years. Chilean?

Extremely important questions on the similarities of the man and the machine


On last lives

People Several

A subject that generally leads to a short cut or a deflection

PERSON 1; Questions on silence

  1. As it knows, in the time that I was with my personal problem, I neglected the relations of work with a person that began to comment out illegal and false, of bad faith, on my private life. That I must do?
  2. First that you must do she is variable according to the position of this person in the organizational chart with respect to yours. Unfortunately although you are woman, is a problem that you will have to solve single, because your superior ones will not help you. In all the cases, it is advisable that not him give foot with your actions to that it directs the word to you outside the necessities of the work; you do not have to be crude, but either soft. I suggest you do not speak to him with in no circumstance that is not obligatory by work, and if it enters a room, go out. In case he is your superior one, the case is a little different, but you must clarify the details to me first

  3. He is advisable to give explanations to the others?
  4. He would not be morally bad, but he would be disastrous. They say that the one that shuts up grants, but the one that discusses gives the reason. They tell that a lover of King Luis XV they blamed it of witchcraft and to poison to the king... she denied it later... said that she had done it with blue dusts, so she challenged his prosecutors that they looked for in her house blue dusts. What caused that all were sure that it poisoned it, because they began to deny details and not the central fact.

  5. Would gain something when shut up having left I?

Much; labor level they would see that noncauses problems, and if conserves your automatic control, you will create in you a great capacity to react, and you will be able to increase your capacity to resist the pressure. From a practitioner but point of view, he is very useful for three reasons:

    • If somebody thinks what it is saying itself of you, will be clear of those who are your friends and your enemies
    • You have a perfect defense to your reach in silence. Among other things, everybody will make suppositions.
    • And to you that? That you would win with looking for a confrontation? That you can win? That the tears or the anger leave to you and you stay as a histyeric. If you want a real confrontation, call me and we will think a strategy.

PERSON 2; On the increased conscience

  1. Why you have not spoken of the increased conscience?
  2. The conscience increased easily can be understood bad. By principle of accounts we understand that the conscience can be increased. IF. It sounds very pretty... but that it is the conscience? CONSCIENCE is the change capacity, selection and self-government However... this change most of people tries to activate it through psychological or physiological aids, or simply with the aid of the mind. And by principle of accounts increased conscience cannot be obtained if conscience of the world of every day is not had.

    Unfortunately actually this indicates that people become single idiot... because most of people, and the " aspirings to warrior ", understands by mind to desire to learn or to want to make a magical change. According to as they see it, the mind can be that to which all say to have, or we can understand mind like which it is: MIND is intelligence and conscience born of a learning in state of intensified watch.

    On the other hand, often that desire to change can make believe us in the morning, in the change possibility.

    The state of increased conscience, is possible to trigger it of many ways, through emotional shocks, actions that conserve our energy. After all, it is a too ample subject to treat it superficially, as I said before, the state of increased conscience can create something very disagreeable, because its first effect is to magnify the person; memory that in 1989 an apprentice of the Nagual Rosendo (of 4th line), left to the Nagual Rosendo when understanding that the call Anonymous Partner, equivalent to the Silvio Manuel of Don Juan, had inclined by the footpath of the left, and went to give with the Nagual Rafael

    That they know the history of Brenda, like your, will understand because the change for that apprentice was so brutal. The methods of expansion of increased Conscience depend on many things, and is extremely important that one knows that wants AT LEAST BEFORE TRYING TO CHANGE to INTENSIFIED WATCH.

    This apprentice I take to a terrible shock when occurring account that was contaminated by a way to see the world; and that its personal power, that began being as the water of a well. Finished turned into which was single a ridicule. The fact to be in determined surroundings, causes that we forget the normal state the things. When we are outside that means, we can understand. Now. it thinks what him passage to a full apprentice of being able, who discovers suddenly that he was used in its years of glory, in the years in which he could expand you limit them on its attempt, and that in addition had the problem now to deactivate a training badly.

    Perhaps it does not sound as terrible as it is. But I saw it, suppose that what passage to is similar to find to the 30 a daily plenty of youth yearnings that were corrupted and put for sale.

    Additionally, through the leaves or books that in their moment write I will not be able to make the analysis necessary of the factors MINIMALS of which it wants to move the limits of its conscience. It is to say. Surely I will speak at its moment of some simple techniques, but but that nothing I will speak of consequences of which I learned in state of intensified watch. IT WILL NOT SPEAK EXCEPT IN PERSON OF THE TECHNICS, SINGLE OF THE EXPERIENCES; BY PROTECTION OF WHICH THEY READ THIS.

    My function as Nagual is to be a datum point, a species of light or guides, to protect and to nourish, never will be to give to the finders of the truth something that can destroy them.

    In certain cases I can speak of the simple techniques, but never, never, I will write or give by Internet greater instructionses to that.

  3. The passages of power, exist? That is the Tensegridad?
  4. The passages of power if they exist, single that in my line are called movements of power; we could define them like determined positions of the body, and actions that they have like effect to alter the distribution of the energy in the body of which it uses them. But I repeat, nonsingle are movements of feet.

    The tensegridad is something very different. According to which I could speak with the Nagual Rosendo after he saved my hurt arm, his line agrees with mine in something. The tensegridad is not something made by Carlos Castaneda or Don Juan, but a movement different created by disciples from; according to the teacher it is the result. Observations of both take to us to think that some movements are included of which we called " dissolvents ", because they allow the relaxation of the Muscular / lymbic /nervous system.

    According to our point of view the Tensegridad is a risk for which they practice it; what can be obtained by its means is extremely vague, and in the best one of the cases, we think that a " training " in simple Kinesiology, or yoga can be but useful, and including in meditation Trascendental or Tai Chi.

    Although I do not know but that medical instructors of Tensegridad, and I do not know a single teacher, the benefits which I have seen are tangential. The feeling of Rosendo, that I value in which is worth, is that Tensegridad was written of way so different from the previous ones by followers of Carlos who saw the opportunity make a pretty business. On the other hand, this opinion is extremely logical, and I have seen that neither the book of Tensegridad de Carlos Castaneda, nor " the wheel of the time ", were written by.

    On the other hand it extremely seems to me opportune that he has left Carlos back to his death to so many " prepared " disciples in this book ONLY. And that Florinda Donner (nonGrau), mix Chamanismo with Nagualismo. Without commentaries.

  5. That it is really education for the left side and the right side? You have spoken of the way of the right, has that to do?

The way of the right talks about to the way of the law and the order, the education of the left side talks about not alongside negative, but in the shade of the warrior, to which single it can be understood being in a state of intensified Watch. Education for the right side talks about to what we can understand and apply in the world of every day, the education of the left side is not applicable except at the moment in which the warrior changes CONSCIOUSLY, not involuntarily, of conscience states on the basis of which we can call Prudent Commandos.

PERSON 3; On seminaries and courses of Nagualismo

  1. Think that Brandon is the new Nagual, heir of Carlos?
  2. Of the new wave of disciples of Carlos he is the one that sounds but reasonable and coherent. An incident that somebody told me for example, was on a day that asked to him Carlos who gave a blow him in the back to make change it of conscience levels, and the answer that it gave him Carlos enchanted to me: (they are not the exact words)

    " There are two basic forms to change conscientiously increased, with the blow in the back, or with concentration and discipline. The second way corresponds to you "

    Personally, I believe that Brandon is but the coherent one, and impeccable of them, but I cannot recommend it totally because I do not know it.

  3. Why you do not speak but of Carlos?
  4. For two reasons: Carlos belongs to a line that separated or lost a time ago, which could speak of, they only be, single words. What this writing in its books mainly in the second ring of power, and in the quiet knowledge is worth the trouble of him.

    I can to do comparisons of which says with which I lived, and to clarify doubts as far as possible that they have arisen by its books, remembering whenever my training was under a " different model ", based on the actions and moral fights, torturing my love and not my fear, like him passage to, on the other hand, which matters is the person. Carlos was a warrior, and I do not want that it seems that profit on the basis of its memory. The deads deserve Peace.

  5. You have gone to one of the seminaries of the lessons of the group of Carlos, or Víctor Sanchez or Don Miguel Ruiz?
  6. I have not gone to any seminary and I will never go. Sincerely is a little ridiculous to think that it is possible to learn the " breathing of the tiger saber teeth ", and that this is an education given by Carlos. It is certain that the breathing is basic, but the symbol is not coherent with the spirit of books.

    Víctor Sanchez does not belong to the 4 lines, but what dot speaks of him like man reasonable with knowledge of chamanismo, when the speech of the powers, that are the elements and the will of the man, is stranger to me which they conjugate in a single phrase the power of the human being (power of the will), along with the dominion from the nature. The nature always will defeat to us. It is a lost battle, and we must fight by the opportunity to have an opportunity, not to fight lost battles. In Internet there are sites on. is worth the trouble to read them, but with reserves.

    Miguel Ruiz is another possible Nagual only that their mixed lessons are too similar to Castaneda with some points of yaquis/tarahumaras. The attention has never called me, but I have not perceived the intensity that must have a Nagual. A friend spoke of Don Miguel Ruiz like a " Castaneda Light "

    By I complete. The association ClearGreen Evergreen or as it is called, this only obtaining. I suggest to stay remote of its, according to which I can see is an organized movement to commercialize the lessons of Carlos. NOTHING MORE.

  7. When change to a way of different sight, with the eyes. I understand better the things, but I do not feel pain when doing it although I understand but. What I am making bad?

Apparently nothing. The attempt is called with the eyes, reason why I can venture the feeling that these making slight changes in your states of conscience. The pain is signal that something this badly, not that this good. Read the page that I raised on the pain, friend or enemy.

PERSON 4; Mecaniscism

  1. In its personal page speech to react instead of acting. Why is this desirable one?
  2. I never said that outside desirable. In the page it spoke of one season in which I had to react instead of acting. For the simple reason of surviving. To change to the wolf, or conscientiously increased visible, had caused my destruction; because it was surrounded by petty little Tyrants, and it had lost of sight the objective of which it ordered to the Nagual Rafael to me. To know the ways the world.

    Nevertheless, this is not undesirable in the absolute thing. The reaction capacity belongs alongside left of automatic way, as well as it must think and work in the action of conscious way.

    In the right side it is to the inverse one, the reaction must be Conscious, and the action usually is automatic.

  3. Somebody said to me that for Gurdjieff the man is a disturbed machine, as he is that?
  4. In general, in books several writings by followers of Gurdjieff, (that I never remember Gurdjieff says to nothing the respect directly), speech that the human body is a subused mechanism. In the Nagualismo taught myself I that the nonsingle man does not use his mind, but does not use his body of the suitable way, which we can demonstrate when when doing X thing without relation comes a sensation to us of peace and power, or simple physical well-being, without apparent reason. Generally it must to that we used a " trigger " that releases or uses a part of we ourself. We could say that the movements of power are technical to find and to use those triggers.

  5. Somebody spoke of a teacher in my country called Adrián Fuentes to me, the speech of the same of the beast changes or to " cold machine " that you said to me in a mail. Knows something of?
  6. Adrián Fuentes is a true teacher, in Chile. He is a little difficult to find it, but the effort is worth the trouble, I complete it that I knew of is that had a work group near the airport back in Santiago. But ahead I will speak with but detail of the change to that cold machine, but you are in the certain thing when thinking that it cannot separate of which there is back of the change the " noble Beast " although they are two different things.

  7. That they are mandalas, sudras and mudras of which spoke? In books of Castaneda it does not mention anything of that.

Sudras and mudras have to do with social classes of certain civilizations or cultures, when I speak of them I do it in terms of Yoga, nothing that to see with the social aspect. Carlos Castaneda does not mention them for anything, in that you are right, the term it use I by my previous knowledge of Yoga before entering the Nagualismo.

These are not literal definitions, but I believe that they will serve to you.

  • MANDALA: Graphical representation directed to facilitate the understanding of a cosmic truth.
  • ASANA: Correct position to assume the meditation
  • MUDRA: Gesture of ritual character conducted with arms and hands
  • MANTRA: Edificant invocation Organic that is conjugated itself with the invocation.
  • PERSON 5; On last lives

    1. One of the things that I would like you gave your opinion me, is about the reincarnation, Castaneda seems that it denies it... your that you think?
    2. The reincarnation must be possible, the matter is not created nor is destroyed, single becomes, but it does not stop all by the simple fact that if a person has not reunited the personal power necessary to act like a warrior and to make actions lasting, the less it is going to be able to act outside this world. The term that uses Gurdjieff is " littlte clouds do not survive ", if the people let themselves take by the wind, that can last of them?

    3. That in my last life I died of a horrible form, that can be indicated that were a bad person?
    4. This question is difficult to answer, can be that or that that day you had supper something that fell to you bad. Think and act in now and right here. The important thing is the present situation, the development possibilities that are important, are now and right here, not in other lives or other worlds.

    5. That I can learn of my last lives?
    6. Many things but for practical aims NOTHING. The effort to return in the time is excessive, and although there is people dedicated to that type of regressions, the cost of energy is excessive, because usually it leads to the personal importance.

    7. In my meditations I have seen rare things on last lives. as I can distinguish them of the imagination?
    8. First... If you remember that in a last life you were somebody important one, but surely is that it is imagination. For example, if you see same you like a person without name in history, is but probable that the experience is true.

      Second: The emotion. Your emotions are the only compass for darte counts if it is dream or no; you do not request but details.

      Third: If you see yourself same you of different sex, these imagining things. The iniciatic accumulation of personal power and experiences necessary to survive the death, clearly are related and identified with the polarity of your load; nobody can be in another life of another sex, according to which I have learned.

    9. Can you help me to return to know my past lives?

    It is possible. Better look for somebody that is interested in parapsicology. I am a Nagual, not a parapsicologist.

    Alfonso Orozco - June 1999
    ICQ 41907900