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The Calm

It is little but of the two of afternoon of a Sunday. I am to 1000 kms of house, and am waiting for a person that I was to see for the breakfast.

I know that a breakfast to two of afternoon is rare. There was a disadvantage and here I am.

Many people feel anxiety, fear, pain or anger, in similar situations.

I am calm, in some place I read, I believe that in the Bible, " fortunate those that do not wait for anything because they will not be defrauded ".

The calm takes desapego, and both they destroy the personal importance. Anybody with personal importance cannot remain in calm. Some people have said that to speak with me relaxes them, and in the work I have accelerated fame of. For everything there is its time and its moment. One cannot run marathon with calm.

To stop the internal dialogue usually is difficult for many. The secret to obtain it is is to include/understand what it is discussed in the internal dialogue, thus this loses the reason of being. At the time of my first work, I learned that the actions are what counts. The way matters, but it is nothing in comparison to the message expressed in the actions of the people.

If the person who waited for in the breakfast reads these pages, believe that I know to distinguish when the circumstances are accumulated. You do not worry. There is no offense, because it was obvious that you had to do. Your you did not have breakfast, dont either worry.

Returning to the calm, Marshall Mac Luhan says " means is the message " Is possible. I am writing in a notebook, and I see in the mirror a young person with a fit black t-shirt, and jeans. A coke empty tail to the front, the ice has dissolved in the glass.

I am calm, nonimpatient nor boring.

The true calm and seriousness are products of a certainty, when the doubts disappear, is calm. The doors are opened for which it is not scared to cross them.

In front of me there are six hours of time. When they have happened I will go away, without resentments nor hatreds in case of being to me planted. The things happen, and it is not worth the trouble to worry to us reason why we cannot change.

The calm brings peace.

Many disciplines speak of being one with the whole. I do not consider it correct because it does not have case nor felt to be one with a criminal or with I beg that it asks for alms of this restaurant outside. I am one with same me and at its moment I will be it with my pair, with that person who understands that a sigh is but powerful that any storm.

DAPS, or the requirements of the watching, do not apply in this case, because the calm does not come from the patience. They are two different things. The patience waits for something, the calm does not wait for anything. It is in that state when something strange arises, when being in calm, the batteries are recharged.

Two years ago a friend psychologist said to me that she let to him do electroencefalogram to me. She made it and she did not understand because electro showed that i was slept, with an almost null mental activity.

Although it is very important to be able to enter " increased conscience " or " intensified watch ", the energy that those states of perception require compensates with the generated one through the calm. Actually I have seen a rule, one hour of calm creates the necessary energy for one hour of wolf.

I am not boring nor nothing else.

In front of the door they pass the cars, I do not put attention to them. That when passes the Red Celebrity, I will know without seeing it it. In five hours and average I will have to gather my suitcases and to return to house.

It is not a wasted day, the single calm exists when there is desapego, and does not exist that personal importance. It does not have to be confused with remaining yes in a place because. There are people to whom one is bound by social commitments, to not being loops of the heart, a delay of this type is unacceptable.

There is "to do" and "not to do", and is "stay" and "not stay". I am seated here, in a place, and this is " to stay "

Not to think he is literal. A part of me knows that when returning there will be duties and responsibilities. It does not have case of occupying to me from before, or of worrying to me, that it is the same. I am here, in now and right here of Gurdjieff, in the place from which any thing can arise.


I am in the calm, the place where the time does not exist, and from which I obtain my force.

In the place that I was born to be although it is to 1000 kms of my house.

Alfonso Orozco - August 1999
ICQ 41907900