Legolas Greenleaf
Fanfiction Library

        Here is all the authors who have submitted their work thus far. A link to the author's e-mail preceeds each of their stories. Please be kind enough to give them the feedback they so richly deserve. All stories in this archive belong to the authors who created them and should not be used elsewhere without the author's express permission. If you want your fics on this site, check out the Submissions Guidelines. Enjoy!

"Legolas' Beloved" - Ever wonder why Legolas never got married? Then read this tragic tale of Legolas and Aiwë. COMPLETE.
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two

"Love Never Loses Hope" - The tale of Legolas and Aiwë is back, with more details and a different ending. 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight

Bride of Legolas
"Be Careful What You Wish For..." - This was the rather crudulent story that I had originally called The Adventures of Legolas. I've rewritten it, and it's a lot better now. I promise. 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight

"Forshadows in the Woods" - This takes place before FotR in Mirkwood.
 Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three

"The Light of Lorien" - A chapter in the story Lord of the Rings, taking place in the movieverse of Fellowship of the Ring when the company is in Lothlorien.
 Chapter One

"The Swiftest River and the Highest Banks" - A romance between two elves that we know and love...
 Chapter OneChapter Two

"The End! Or Is It? Probably Not!!" - Legolas gets me everytime! The sequel to the MEETING. please r/r but go easy on me...COMPLETE.
"The End! Or Is It? Probably Not!!"

"Enfain" - It was a war of good and evil, no prisoners were to be taken. But who is the captive within? A fantasy romance battle story starring nearly all the LOTR characters. COMPLETE.
 Chapter One-A ~ Chapter One-B ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four

"The Forgotten" - A lonely girl's one wish is that her best friend Legolas realizes how she feels. COMPLETE.
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four

"Legolas and the Lorelei" - Legolas meets a lorelei, long but it's worth it, sad too... COMPLETE.
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six

"The Meeting " - Legolas such a funny guy, sequel to THE RETURN, R/R! COMPLETE.
Part One ~ Part Two

"The Plot" - Legolas hah funny stuff, no angst though, i just like that word a lot. COMPLETE.
"The Plot"

"The Return" - Funny Legolas sequel to "The Plot". COMPLETE.
"The Return"

"The True Story" - The REAL reason why Legolas is single. Once again, it's not really supernatural, but I like that word a lot too. PLEASE have a sense of humor about Legolas... No Flames PLEEEASE! But R/R anyway! O_o COMPLETE.
"The True Story"

La Guera
"Fate of Empires" - When Legolas falls in battle, his wife's grief threatens everything.
 Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight ~ Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve ~ Chapter Thirteen ~ Chapter Fourteen ~ Chapter Fifteen ~ Chapter Sixteen ~ Chapter Seventeen

"Elfsong" - OC story of Galadriel's young apprentice joining the fellowship. When her mission fails, what happens next? Follows the books very closely, but intertwines new character, hoping to be realistic in the process. 
 Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight ~ Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve ~ Chapter Thirteen ~ Chapter Fourteen ~ Chapter Fifteen ~ Chapter Sixteen ~ Chapter Seventeen ~ Chapter Eighteen ~ Chapter Nineteen ~ Chapter Twenty ~ Chapter Twenty-One ~ Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Chapter Thirty ~ Chapter Thirty-One ~ Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Chapter Thirty-Seven

"In the Depths of Moria" - An extended, somewhat AU version of the journey thru Moria. Originally it was mainly from Legolas' point of view, and still contains a lot of that, but the others insisted on having their say as well.
 Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three

"Prelude" - A short vignette set in Rivendell before the Company's departure; features Frodo and Legolas. COMPLETE.

Miss A
"Duty Calls" - King Thranduil asks Legolas to go to the council at Rivendell. COMPLETE.
 "Duty Calls"

"Nightmares of Destiny" - Legolas' nightmares may forge his destiny…
 Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~Chapter Three  ~ Chapter Four  ~ Chapter Five

Rinoa Destiny
"Seperate Council" - When a certain Elf is unsure of his step into the future, Elrond the Half-Elven seeks to quell his doubts. COMPLETE.
 "Separate Council"

"Shadows Amongst the Leaves" - When Legolas is taken captive by Orcs, nightmares begin. Can Elves still remain Elves even when in darkness?
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four  Chapter Five  ~ Chapter Six  ~ Chapter Seven  ~  Chapter Eight  ~ Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Ten  ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve  ~ Chapter Thirteen  ~ Chapter Fourteen

"Untouched Splendor and Words Unspoken" - When Aine goes to Mirkwood, both Legolas and she learn about each other and life in general. COMPLETE.
 "Untouched Spendor and Words Unspoken"

 Sierra Skymist
"Desperation" - Legolas's thoughts as he departed over the sea... COMPLETE.

"Hate Me Not" - A story on how Gimli and Legolas become friends. COMPLETE.
 "Hate Me Not"

"The Return of the Ring" - The ring is not destroyed after all, and Mordor is rising again. With Aragorn as their leader, will the small company be able to stop the dark lord and really destroy the ring? 
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four

Sitrine Topaz
"Welcome to My World" - Middle-Earth is finally fading. new creatures, vicious ones at that have appeared. And the Gray havens are changing. Legolas has seemingly awoken from a dream, but found a new world were once was one he trod.
 Chapter One  ~Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five

"Wooded Fear and Hidden Darkness" - The Fellowship has failed. Legolas returns home to find the strangest of occurences.
 Prologue  ~ Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight

"The Greater Threat" - One year after LotR... Separated from Gimli in Rivendell, Legolas discovers another apparent threat to Middle Earth. 
Prologue ~ Chapter One ~ Chapter Two

"Together We Stand" - When overdue for a reunion between the Fellowship. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas have trouble even getting there. But once at Hobbiton, new and more exciting adventures await... 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four

"One Good Archer of Mirkwood" - “But even more would I give for a hundred good archers of Mirkwood.” Legolas at Helm’s Deep... COMPLETE.
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Appendix

Thundera Tiger
"Beyond This World" - A Legolas and Gimli fic set LONG after Return of the King in the Undying Lands. Baically, a tale of the ultimate end to the Fellowship. No real action, but lots of angst! COMPLETE
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Epilogue

"Land of Light and Shadows" - Seven years after the War of the Ring, Eomer, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli journey south to Harad for the Gathering of the Haradrim, but more awaits them in the desert than was included in their invitation. 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight

"While the Ring went south..." - What happened after the Company left Rivendell but before they came down off Caradhras? Here are your missing scenes. 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight

 Trunks's Gal
"Legolas' Love" - The Fellowship is over, but everything's not okay. What's going to happen? COMPLETE.
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five  ~ Chapter Six  ~ Chapter Seven  ~ Chapter Eight  ~ Chapter Nine  ~ Chapter Ten

"Nimbus and Legolas" - Nimbus has lost it completely and Legolas isn't helping. It's up to Aragorn to bring the two back together. COMPLETE.
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five  ~ Chapter Six  ~ Chapter Seven  ~ Chapter Eight  ~ Chapter Nine  ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve

"Return Home" - Legolas and Nimbus return home...Will they finally live happily ever after? COMPLETE.
 Chapter One  ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six

Uri the Sun Goddess  Also check out her Legolas fan site.
"Journey to Valinor" - Legolas was taken by surprise when Gimli so readily agreed to journey for the ocean and sail beyond it to Valinor, the Undying Lands of the Elves. And so they set out on this magnificent, and final, journey, not knowing that further adventure awaited them before they would reach their destination.
 Chapter OneChapter Two ~ Chapter Three

"The Legend of Carn Dûm" - A younger Legolas longs for adventure. He gets it ... and the safety of the entire North may come to rest on his shoulders. What price will he pay for standing firmly against evil?
 PrologueChapter One

 Violet Raven
"Someday" - The snow has an effect on a young, restless Legolas (pre-FoTR). COMPLETE.

Disclaimer: All material from 'Lord of the Rings' belongs to Tolkien and his estate. This site is making no money off of his works. All stories belong to their respective authors.