Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Legolas' Love"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Three: The Golden Palace

        Legolas couldn't believe his staying room. It was huge. The walls were made of solid marble with a golden weave threw it. Something was odd though, he couldn't seem to place it, but something was missing. He sighed. There was no point in worrying about it.
        The bathroom was gold. Everything was made of it. Legolas couldn't believe his eyes, the bath tub was one that any other elf king would kill for. What was this man hiding?
        After a short, warm, bath, Legolas started to dress. He had just pulled his pants up, when Nimbus walked threw the door. She was dressed in a long white dress that trailed on the ground with a golden hem. A white ribbon pulled her hair off of her shoulders, and her face was touched with make up.
        Legolas' breath was taken away at her. The dress was low cut, but concealing any parts that she did not want shown, was a gold ribbon. He, himself, was only wearing a pair of brown leather pants, and his whole top was bear.
        "Did I come in at a bad time?" Nimbus asked.
        Legolas couldn't find any other words to say, Nimbus looked so amazing. Then, Legolas glanced over at a table by his bed. Baby's Breath lay in a small vase. he picked off a few, and laid them in Nimbus's hair. She smiled happily, and a golden light seemed to form around her.
        "May I escort you to dinner?" Legolas finally asked.
        "Yes, you may. But you may want to put a shirt on."
        Legolas nodded and went to change, but Nimbus laid her palm on his stomach. He felt a little shocked when she placed her soft lips against his. Slowly, he pulled away, but allowed Nimbus to keep her hand on his abs.
        "Get dressed," she comanded. "I want you do give a good impression on my father."
        Legolas nodded, and Nimbus silently left the room. He hurried to get ready and met her in the grand hall.
        "Ready?" he asked.
        Nimbus nodded, and he took her hand in his. She led Legolas to threw an amazing ball room, and an enchanting garden before they reached the dinning hall.
        The dinning hall was enormus with fairies flitering around, lighting up the otherwise dark room. Nimbus's dad sat at the head of the table, and endless amounts of people sat around him. Legolas took his seat by Nimbus at the foot of the table.
        "I'm enchanted to introduce the elf who saved my daughter. Please welcome, Legolas."
        The room filled with applause and Nimbus smiled happily. Once her father was busy talking to some lady, she grabbed Legolas's hand.
        "Come with me," she hissed quietly.
        The two ran out off the hall and into the garden. Nimbus stood by a fountain for a second before she began to speak. The flowers around her sucked back into the ground when she walked by, and rebloomed when she passed.
        "We can't stay in there," she told Legolas.
        "Why not?"
        Nimbus remained quiet for a second before she sat down on the rim of the fountain. The water splashed on either side of her, but not a drop disturbed her beauty. Nimbus looked as though she was debating with herself whether or not to tell Legolas.
        "Tonight," she said, then paused.
        She seemed to be in pain as soon as she opened her mouth. Legolas walked up and sat beside her.
        "What's going to happen?" he asked.
        Nimbus leaned her head back.
        "Something horrible. I don't even want to speak it."
        Legolas couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't even know what was going to happen, but by the tone in Nimbus's voice, he knew it was bad.
        "Tonight, Luniar...He's..."
        "He's what?" Legolas demanded.
        "He's going to try to kill my dad."
        Legolas lost his breath, but Nimbus had more to say.
        "And you," she finished in a whisper.

A/N: Calm down everyone! I'm working on this as fast as I can....Don't worry, I'll start on chapter 4 as soon as I post this!