Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

A/N: This is going to be the ending chapter, since there's at least one person out there who feels I am not qualified enough to write anymore.

"Legolas' Love"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Ten: The End...For This Story

        After the elf hunter had left the group, Legolas knew. He knew that he really didn't love Nimbus. He loved her looks, not her personality. In fact, he didn't even know her that well.
        Aragorn shook his head. It was like he had just awaken from a dream. For some reason, he felt as though something odd had happened. Then he looked at Nimbus, and he knew.
        Gimli made a gruff noise and stood rigid. He felt light-headed, and didn't understand why. The last thing he remembered was sitting at home...
        Frodo rubbed his temples. He felt as though something had been controlling him. It wasn't good; yet, it wasn't evil either.
        Sam, Merry, and Pippin blinked twice. They felt terribly sick. Perhaps from all the drinking.
        Nimbus stood still. She felt horrible, and yet, she knew that it was for the best, what she had done. She had granted everyone their inner-most wish. Aragorn, to be like a father to someone. Legolas, to be in love. Gimli, to have more human feelings. Merry and Pippin, to be shallow for once. Frodo, to fall for a girl who was out of his league, and for Sam to see someone in love.
        "I am sorry," Nimbus appologized. "I have used your wishes against you, and made your lives horrible."
        Legolas didn't understand. Before, Nimbus had seemed so beautiful, no she just looked like everyone else. A million thoughts ran threw his brain, and he sat on the ground. He started to pray.
        Aragorn walked up to Nimbus, and he felt an odd feeling pass threw him.
        "I have to go."
        With his final words, Aragorn departed from the group.
        "Witchcraft," Gimli muttered, walking away.
        The hobbits remained quiet and walked back to there home. Only Legolas remained with Nimbus, and she knew that he wouldn't talk to her anymore. She started to walk away.
        "Nimbus," he said. "You have made a mistake. You abused your power, and made others seem what they are not."
        Legolas' words stung Nimbus's heart.
        "Believe it or not," Nimbus snapped. "I didn't mean to do this. It was something else."
        Legolas remained silent and let the girl walk away. He didn't know where she was going, but then again, he didn't care. She had started something that she had to end, and would probably have to do that on her own.

A/N: Read the next story!