Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

A/N: Here's the last chapter...*sighs*

"Return Home"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Six: Happily Ever After

        Nimbus, Legolas, and Crystal each mounted their horses. Behind them Crystal's army of 300 women were also on horses.
        Crystal raised her sword in the air. It gleamed in the sunlight for a second before she brought it down.
        The horses cried as the riders signaled for the animals to go.The riders raced to the castlewhere they were met by 500 dark warriors.
        Nimbus felt fear rush threw her mind. She had to live, and Legolas had to, too. This was supposed to be happily ever after....
        The horses snorted impatiently, and the battle started.


        "Nimbus! Nimbus! We did it!" Legolas exclaimed.
        I looked up from my sister's dead body. Legolas lifted me up, spun me around, and kissed me.
        "We can finally live happily ever after," he continued.
        I smiled weakly. Legolas looked down at my sister's body.
        "Oh Nimbus. I'm sorry."
        He hugged me and led me away. I didn't have the heart to tell Legolas that I was really Crystal.
        I don't know how long I'll be able to keep Legolas thinking I'm Nimbus, but I'll try to keep it up. When Legolas finds out, he'll be upset, but he has to understand.
        Nimbus's grave reads Crystal Eveningstar, that'll fixed when everyone knows. Beokia know's I'm me, but Legolas is fooled.
        He loved my sister, and I hope that he'll learn to love me that same way. Every night when I crawl into bed, I feel Legolas's warm arms wrapping around me, then I wonder: When he finds out, will he love me for me?