Webmistress' Note: As the author mentions in the note, there is a scene in this chapter that does not meet the PG-13 rating of this story. I have created a separate link for this scene within the text in order not to offend the younger readers on this site. If you choose to follow this link, be forewarned that this section is NC-17. ~Veriou

AN: READ THIS!!! This story takes place long ago, and I've involved magic. The words I use are made up, but you will find out what I mean. I've changed some things, but included all of the Fellowship and some more. Don't get too freaked out, It's a long story and deals with some serious situations. If this bothers you. Don't read it. If it's to confusing for you, don't read it.

With my stories, you have to think a little deeper. O_o


Earth: Fanteore
Air: Winzar
Fire/Ice: Flaydrix
Water: Aquisan
Light: Delana
Storm: Darunis
Healing: Lifana
Holy: Blymur
Electricity: Shaxen
Ice: Frezar
Mind: Gurashi
Fire: Raifal

WARNING!!! There is a sex scene in this chapter, but you can skip it. When you see these lines _____ just move on until you see the other row, then it's over!

by GreenLeaf33

Part Two: Imprisoned Souls

        The first to arrive was Elrond, and his elfin wife, Lady Eowyn.
        Obviously, the lady had been weeping, as her brown eyes looked dull and swollen. She hadn't taken the news of her husband's false loyalty well.
        Lord Elrond had been summoned to Enfain when Lord Greenleaf had gotten word of more battlements defeated. The War of Sins was drawing to a close, and obviously 'The Devil' Greenleaf was winning.
        He had wanted all his allies within the Kingdom, while he sent ambassadors to the surrounding castles of Evenstar, Faren, and Aragorn, in order to offer the last chance for alliance, else he crush them without mercy.
        Legolas Greenleaf ran a hand through his immaculate blonde hair. It was regretful, to have to take such measures. But he could easily see who would, and would not join.
        It was a matter of waiting. And the fact that he held some of their daughter's prisoner, was merely a strategic tool of war.
        Next to arrive were some of the maidens, and Gimli. The burgundy haired man's Tilerian kingdom was already behind his own, so he feared not from his friend.
        Next to enter was Lord Aragorn. The missive sent to his kingdom would certainly surprise the current Lord and his Lady. Their thought dead son was very alive, and was 2nd in command to the Dark Army Warlord.
        He threw his eyes away from his best friend. His parents would take the news hard, and he fretted for them. But he had not the time to think of such things. This was war, not a tea party.
        The red haired hobbit came through the wide doorway, followed by the remaining women.
        Lord Legolas was suddenly struck by the vision that walked through.
        General Lyana looked even more beautiful then he had imagined when he had sent the dress.
        She walked proudly, head held high when she sat to the left of Lady Arwen.
        She glowed like pastel sunshine, her long ginger-brown hair silkily flowing around her shoulders and above her head. The diamond between her breasts glittered, and he eyed it appreciatively. The maiden refused to look at him, instead, silently focusing her attention on her china plate.
        Lady Arwen, who was seated beside Lady Eowyn, was reunited with her friend. They hugged, as Eowyn wept quietly, and Lord Aragorn watched from his seat beside Legolas.
        Evidently, the meal would not be pleasant.
        When The Dark Lord Legolas allowed the 'guests' to leave, Lyana fled to the balcony nearby, seeking immediate relief from his shaking presence.
        She bowed her auburn haired head, closing her eyes and listening to the soothing sounds of the crashing ocean beneath.
        The waves cooled her burning cheeks, and the sun shining above cleared her mind. Frowning, she opened her olive eyes to the thunderous sea.
        "Would that the sun shine in such a foul kingdom as Enfain.' She railed inwardly, tears clouding her vision.
        She struggled to maintain her composure. She was General Lyana Faren of the light brigade! Not some weeping female!
        But tears rushed forth, as she pictured the Air Kingdom Winzar, and her own mother and father. How they must miss her...
        She wearily summoned some of her magic, as she sought to assuage her hurt and anger with violence.
        She closed her eyes, opening her palms...When a cold voice sounded behind her.
        "If you seek to rid yourself of anger, may I suggest you ask Lord Greenleaf to use the battle room..."
        She swung around, wiping her tears away as she let her mana fade back.
        Lord Aragorn leaned against the balcony doorway, his dark brown brow arched.
        She bared her teeth, averting her gaze.
        "I 'suggest' you heist yourself off this balcony!" She shrieked, letting out a sob.
        Aragorn stepped closer. "Were you not in Lord Greenleaf's favor" He eyed her dress. "Then I would cut out your waspish tongue, general."
        When Lyana opened her mouth to retort, the ebony haired man sighed, closing his eyes.
        "Forgive me, General Lyana. I mean no disrespect to a lady."
        Lyana looked at his weary face, realizing how his soul must be in a turmoil of angst at the unfortunate turn of events for him.
        The other ladies had been nervously buzzing with rumors of the missives sent to the kingdoms today...Faren and Aragorn among them...
        The knight braced his muscled arms against the stone ledge, watching the sea as gusts of wind blew his long hair around him.
        "How fares the Lady Arwen?" He queried softly.
        She would not have heard his quiet whisper, had her keen elfin senses retrieved it off the roaring sea breeze.
        She stepped beside him, surprisingly at ease with her enemy's presence. Unlike some...
        "She fares well, milord." She offered, and he took it, turning anguished black eyes to hers.
        "Does she weep? Does she care? Would I have not been taken that day!" He banged a fist against the stone, and the general winced. "I have sold my soul to an honorable devil! But I have kept my heart for her!"
        He covered his face, letting out an angry sigh.
        "I need not burden you with my troubles, general. Just give me some sign she still loves me, and I shall remain forever in your debt..."
        Lyana was shaken by the stoic mans outburst, and her tender heart went out to both the parted lovers.
        "She has wept the days through, bemoaning the loss of her young lover, and the gain of the cold reflection. Had you not been the wall of ice, she has seen before her now, her shadowed bitterness would not be filling her heart, where the sunshine of your love remains..."
        Aragorn hung his head. "Is it so? For I could not bare the thought of her betrayal with Lord Boromir, and hid behind it to justify my own..."
        Lyana sighed, looking away from his pain etched face. "If I were you, I would flee to her side, mayhap she would forgive you for your torture, should you forgive her own."
        Aragorn strode to the doorway, turning to look at the girl.
        "I would thank you before I leave. For you are kind to tell me."
        The lady smiled, waving him off, before turning back to her pensive vision.
        "You do in one moment, what I could not do for a fortnight."
        This time, she did not turn.
        The sound of her captor's voice frightened her more then Lord Aragorn's anger, and she braced her shoulders, even as sweeping desire flowed over her heart.
        "I have no words to speak with you, Milord."
        The man strode over, and the general quaked despite herself. She was a general! Why could she not control her body!
        The elfin warlord cupped her chin, eager for the contact and warmth he knew their passion could bring.
        "Then let no words be spoken..."
        As he leaned in to join their mouths, Lyana whimpered, wrenching herself from his gentle grasp.
        "Nay! You are the lord here! I cannot let anything come between us! Be it lust or...or..."
        The dark lord's eyes flared blue, and the girl took a step back, scared.
        "Or...More?" He smiled, his grin silky and cold, but also exciting.
        "I would give the world to you, or so I feel, Milady...Just wait 'til 'tis mine, then your sweet embrace will be waiting for me..."
        Lyana backed away, her eyes wide and teary.
        "Nay! I want nothing from you! I hunger not for the world! Or any gems, or gowns and trinkets! You cannot promise me sweet nothings! I am not so naïve as to not see past you!"
        Legolas frowned ominously, his eyes glowing brighter from wary anger.
        "What do you speak of? See past what?"
        Lyana's voice shook, as she met the unyielding stone ledge. Her back pressed into it as the lord drew closer.
        "I-I know you m-merely w-want my alliance in o-order to g-get my fathers k- kingdom!"
        Legolas stepped close, inches from her.
        The smell of lilac and daisy chains intoxicated him, and he pressed against her. He felt her shudder despite herself, and confused desire spread over her face.
        "I need no bargaining tool from you, milady...The missives have been sent, and your capture is tool enough."
        His mouth swooped down to capture hers, and he groaned, his arms forming an iron hold upon her.
        Once again, the warm light softened his heart, easing the pressure on his soul, and he felt himself sinking, almost as if he melted into her body.
        "Elf..." He murmured dazedly, pulling back to look into her own confused features.
        His hands roamed her slender back, the wind blew strands of soft russet hair around his face, and he ached to touch the mass unbound.
        Her innocent mouth opened to him, and eagerly he sought the deep recesses. She tasted like rasberries and wine, and he felt her sigh into his own mouth.
        His embrace tightened, as he felt more at peace then ever before. This passion, this feeling. It was so...so right.
        Lyana sighed as his tongue found entry to her mouth, and she tasted smoke and sugar. Her arms grasped his shoulders, and her curious grasp searched the muscle and corded tendons.
        His embrace was protective, almost like a jealous lover, and she found herself absorbed by the passion and density of his kiss.
        It seemed like a blessed eternity before he broke the contact.
        He rested his head on her shoulder, whispering huskily into her softly pointed ear, even as he kissed her neck.
        "Come with me..." He murmured, and dazedly, she felt herself led through the empty dining hall, through a maze of corridors, and into a spacious, blue chamber.
        Eagerly, he sought her mouth again, laying her gently on what was obviously his bed.
        He pressed soft kisses down her neck, and the flush of sensations made her gasp. She arched against his body, and Legolas smiled.
        Suddenly, he wasn't the dark lord, and she wasn't the general.
        They were just to lonely souls finding comfort in the others welcome embrace.
        Gently, so not to startle her, Legolas lifted her against him, softly unbuttoning her gown. Wordlessly, she submitted to his caress, as he slid the yellow silk from her body, tossing it to the floor...

Cut Scene


        Legolas awoke alone, and a savage anger filled him.
        Lyana Faren was his! She had fled!
        Growling, he hefted himself from his bed, strapping on his tunic and braise, throwing his bow and quiver over his shoulders. He threw open his chamber door, almost colliding with Aragorn, who looked extremely pensive.
        Legolas glared, and wordlessly, the Lord understood.
        "The Lady is in the Battle room with two other women. She seems rather...Upset..."
        Legolas charged down the hall, as if hell bit at his heels.
        "Wind Blast!"
        Legolas stopped abruptly by the door, as an enormous torrent of wind rent the air.
        Lyana stood, palms outstretched, feet apart, to the side of the room. She wore a long tunic, and pants, two other women, who were obviously her opponents, were blasted against the padded wall,
        Immediately, the brunette known as Lady Arwen of the Fanteore kingdom, somersaulted, landing on one knee, her fingers stretched at Lyana.
        "Tendril Bind!"
        An onset of thick green vines erupted from the ground, coiling rapidly around the general's legs.
        With a smooth downward slash, Lyana's thin, silver sword sliced though the bondage and she leapt out of their range.
        The third women, obviously Lady Eowyn of Silana Kingdom, closed her eyes, pressing her hands together.
        "Gentle res-" She began, before Arwen cut her off
        "Oh, you shan't!" She growled
        "Fauna Summon!" She raised her hand spreading her fingers, and a ball of glowing green light appeared. Rapidly, Earth sprites darted at the smaller brunette, surrounding her in their midst. She shrieked, her attack thwarted, and spun, the fairies dissipating.
        "I give!" She called, and rushed to the sidelines.
        Lyana knelt by the ground, during their struggle, cupping one hand, bracing the other against it.
        "Air Summon!" She yelled, and an enormous gale erupted from the empty space. Arwen was knocked brutally against the luckily padded wall, conceding defeat.
        Lyana congratulated herself on her victory, as she turned to the doorway. Only to find her 'lover' there, Aragorn behind him..
        Rage threw her off balance, as his eyes meandered down her body.
        He strode through the battle room, eyeing her fallen friends. Lord Aragorn helped a startled Arwen up, and led her from the room. Eowyn followed, leaving the angry two alone.
        "Care to really play?" He grinned, and she couldn't miss the possessive threat in his voice.
        "I may get burned," She whispered quietly, and Lord Greenleaf smirked.
        "You have already been burned by me...As I was by you..."
        Anger filled her, and her eyes sparked.
        "Air Summon!" She screamed, and Legolas was thrown backwards. But instead of falling like Arwen, he used the wall as leverage, cocking his leg and flipping himself off it.
        "Icicle Shroud!" He called upon landing, and ice immediately gripped her ankles. Using her slender sword, she quickly hacked herself free, leaping away as he sent another attack her way.
        "Gale Force!" She shouted in midair, catching the warrior unprepared.
        He was brutally shoved back, slamming against the wall. Even the padding could not help him, and a bit of stone cracked upon impact.
        With a slight wince, Legolas got up, anger boiling in his veins.
        But she was good, he could give her that...And much more...
        "Ash Turmoil!!" He threw open his arms, and thick ashes filled the air around her, blinding her vision and sending her into a choking, coughing fit.
        She struggled from the embrace of cinder, sparks burning her skin.
        Lyana stumbled, falling to her knees as the cloud disappeared, leaving nothing but small burns upon her hands.
        "Spirit Summon!" She croaked, coughing, and the wind spun around Legolas, lifting him off the ground. He was promptly thrown right back, crashing to the floor, only to be lifted again.
        He caught a glimpse of Lyana as she arced her arm, sending him spinning through the air, and back into the floor.
        Several more times, he was thrown around like a rag doll, before she collapsed into a coughing fit, and the wind spirit dissipated.
        Both lay battered upon the floor, Legolas stunned by his inability to inflict real pain upon her..
        Shaking his head, he rose unsteadily, drawing his bow over his left shoulder.
        He stumbled to her, panting.
        Just as he was going to aim it to her throat, proving himself the victor, she flung out her sword arm, threatening him with a fight.
        The challenge in her eyes fueled his desire, enraged him, but the pain held him back.
        "D-do you yield?" He asked, and her eye answered him before she did. "Never..."
        Legolas slowly put away his bow, confusing her.
        "I would say...That now we both have yielded..."
        Abruptly, the maiden flung herself up, stumbling from the room. Legolas watched her go.
        The warlord stood alone.
        The voice of Aragorn came to him, and he turned. Lord Elrond, Lord Aragorn and Sergeant Gimli had entered, weaponless, so obviously ready to magic train.
        "Yes?" He answered wearily, and Gimli stepped forward. "Care to join us?"
        Legolas shook his head negatively, and left the room, Aragorn sighed.
        "Shall we, men?"
        Gimli stood, back to the wall, his hands fanning in front of him. To his left, Lord Elrond was braced on his knees, one hand, up, and to his right, Lord Aragorn, palms together.
        "Dust Storm!"
        Elrond and Aragorn were hit by a torrent of sand debris, which stung their faces and choked them, falling to the ground Aragorn avoided the brunt of the blast, but Elrond caught it, and was thrown to the ground, hacking sand when the biting gusts stopped. Immediately, Aragorn thrust out his palms.
        "Rain Strike!" This time, Gimli was pummeled by shards of snapping rain, soaking him, and tossing him backwards.
        While his attack continued, from his vantage point on the ground, Elrond choked out his own attack.
        "Summon Spark!" A fire burst of burning sparks showered over Aragorn, and he cried out in pain, he leapt out of their way, recovering as Gimli attacked Elrond.
        "Blinding Desert!!"
        Elrond was totally encased in scratching sand, rendering him helpless.
        "Dammit!" He coughed, shielding his face until the storm broke.
        "Water Wall!" Aragorn screamed, and Elrond was surrounded by a wall of freezing water, as was Gimli. After a few moments, Aragorn released the spell, and both dwarf and elf came up spluttering.
        "Enough Aragorn! I give!" Elrond crawled to the side, resting his aching body.
        "Double teaming bastards!!" He grunted, and waved his hand.
        "I must be off...Continue if you must..."
        Aragorn turned, raising a brow..
        "I guess we are done...'Eh Gimli?"
        The other man nodded, sucking back air like there was no tomorrow, and the two men left.
        And as they fought...And as Lyana fled...
        Legolas pursued with the avid intensity of a lover enraged...