"Legolas and the Lorelei"
by GreenLeaf33

Chapter Two: The Forest

        The moon was cascading an eerie blue light upon the weary comrades, changing Legolas's handsome face into a nervous and foreboding appearance. Gimli turned to speak to the elf and noticing the look on his face remembered that elves had a sixth sense about them.
        "What is it? Orcs?" he said in a low voice, his gruff hand reaching around for his axe.
        "No, nothing like that. I seem to feel something calling us, drawing us nearer to the forest," Legolas replied, his complexion draining to a sickly pale.
        "Well there you go, must be a good sign," Gimli said uttering a hearty chuckle. Legolas only tightened the grip on his bow.
        As the horses reached the rim of the forest, Legolas whispered to his companion, "Stay beside me, don't stray from my side and don't leave your horse until we find a suitable clearing." They plodded along in the darkness, Legolas's ears pricking up at every faint twig or leaf being stepped upon. At last they reached a small clearing large enough for an appropriate resting space, yet still shrouded as not to draw attention to themselves. They jumped down from the horses and cleared enough underbrush to pad the rough ground. Gimli's breathing soon deepened as he fell fast asleep. Legolas was still very awake, and attempted to match Gimli's deep breaths in order to calm himself. He presently fell into a light tumultuous sleep.
        Legolas shot straight up from his nightmarish sleep, his blonde hair dripping with a cold sweat, his ears searching for something in a distance. He had heard a voice. He had felt someone's face inches within his own, speaking to him, calling to him. He ran a finger along his icy forehead, shivering as he felt the coldness he radiated. His eyes drifted towards Gimli sleeping next to him. Legolas stood abruptly up, his keen eyesight scanning the mile perimeter. Nothing, just a vast dark forest.
        Gimli awoke and soon jumped to his feet exclaiming, "The horses where are the horses!" How could he not have noticed the two beautiful steeds missing from their campsite? He once again scanned the distance for a glimpse of his tawny horse, yet finding nothing. "There! There they are! What are you waiting for, let's be off!" cried Gimli seizing his axe and running into the darkness.
        "No wait, come back!" yelled Legolas after him, breaking into a run. He quickly lost the short dwarf in the darkness and could only hear faint footsteps. Growing further away each moment. Then they stopped. He strained to see beyond the dark trees, and heard the footsteps again. Except this time they were at a slower pace. And they were walking towards him. For the first time in his long life, Legolas realized he was alone, very alone. And very frightened.