Disclaimer: I don’t own LotR, I never will, but I do own my imagination.

"Welcome to My World"
By Sitrine Topaz

Chapter One: A Losing Battle

        **Long days have passed since the War of the Ring, but fear the new wars that haven’t stopped. Fear the changing ground and the rumbling of the lands outside. Fear everything, elves, for your world is gone and it will not return. No star shall be known to this new world that you knew. No wind will be the same. No, elves, your kind will be long gone… perhaps… one will remain. One will see the changes and re enter the changing world. One will save us again, and he will bring the friends back.

        The Elvin Oracle

        “Again, the orcs are coming. Why now?” Muttered Rein, the sworn protector of the young King beside him. The other man shrugged, peering from the bush much as he was.
        “I know not, good Rein, but we must protect this land.” He very subtly shifted, the tiny movement showing his discomfort. Rein noticed immediately.
        “Is your leg bothering you again, Master Legolas?” Legolas sighed, shaking his head.
        “There seems no time when it does not bother me. Do not fret, young Rein, I have sustained worse injuries.” The elf king stood, his lanky body recovering to it’s full height. Rein smiled, looking up at the blonde lord.
        If only grandfather could see Uncle now… he has changed… he would be proud…. Legolas noticed Rein’s attention and shook his head.
        “Rein, I want you to go back home. This is no place for you.” He held up his hand to stop the protests that were surely going to appear from Rein’s face. “You are too young to battle. At 600 years you should not be battling.”
        “But you started at 400!” Legolas chuckled, kneeling again to ruffle his ‘sworn protector’s hair.”
        “But I only faced orcs after I joined the fellowship, and I was 2931. You are too young, Rein. Go back to your father and tell him your Uncle wishes you to remain home.”
        “That is an order, Master Rein.” Rein flinched at the authority of his uncle’s voice.
        “Yes, your highness.” And he darted off, back towards the safe boarders of Mirkwood. Legolas watched him, a lone tear drifting down his cheek.
        “I fear that will be your title before the day is out.”