Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Nimbus and Legolas"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter One

        Legolas sat by the blackberry bush in which Nimbus had left everyone. She did have a power, not that of witches, but good. Then Legolas realized his mistake. Nimbus hadn't put that spell on everyone; that was Luniar's doing. In fact, Legolas hadn't given her much of a chance. He had assumed the worst and let it get the best of him. That was not like him, it wasn't like him at all.
        "NIMBUS!" he called into the distance.
        Hearing no reply, Legolas figured that she was angered, and didn't want to speak to him, but she had to, she had to understand that he had made a mistake.

        Nimbus stormed away from the forest and to a wide river. She knew that river; it was the one that she had swam across with Legolas. She saw the rock that they had been smashed against, and knew what lay on the other side: the ivy.
        "Why not?" she asked no one. "No one cares."
        Nimbus started to wade in the freezing water. Slowly the level rose. When it was up at her waist, she heard someone behind her.
        "Nimbus, don't do it."
        Nimbus turned around to face Aragorn.
        "What do you want?" she asked.
        "I want you to forgive Legolas. He was acting foolish. You are too."
        Nimbus looked at the water gushing past her waist. She was being foolish, but she stood with pride. Aragorn knew that she was being stubborn.
        "Nimbus! You can't say that you didn't ever have feelings for Legolas."
        "It was a spell," Nimbus insisted.
        Truthfully, Nimbus wasn't sure whether or not she did. That spell, it was like she had watched someone else live her life. And now, looking at Aragorn, she saw the true him, not the fatherly one in the spell, but the brave Aragorn. The Aragorn who was also known as Strider, a brave warrior. His face was stern and serious, not friendly how Nimbus would have perfered it.
        Everything about Aragorn was distinct, not hazy like he looked during the spell. He had bold eyes that were the most beautiful brown Nimbus had ever seen. She looked into those eyes, trying to open the door to his soul.
        "It won't work," Aragorn said.
        Nimbus raised an eyebrow.
        "What do you mean?" she asked.
        "You tried to see my soul. It won't work."
        There was something about Aragorn that protected him from Nimbus's eyes. She didn't understand, but didn't bother asking him about it.
        "Come back Nimbus. There's no point in going over there."
        Nimbus held her head high and kept walking. The current pushed her back a little, but didn't stop her at all. She stopped for a moment, and listened. She heard footsteps on the soft ground. They belonged to an elf, but not just any elf, Legolas.
        "Nimbus. Don't do it."
        Nimbus scowled at Legolas and kept walking. Aragorn sat down on a bolder cross legged and didn't speak. Legolas started to run into the river. He tripped and fell into the water and was pulled back.
        Nimbus felt herself run towards the elf and helped him to his feet. Legolas looked at her with inquiring eyes.
        "Why did you help me?" he asked. "I thought you hated me."
        Nimbus shrugged and climbed back ashore.
        "I don't know, it was like I didn't have control of my muscles. All I knew was I didn't want you to drown."
        Legolas stood by Aragorn, as if he felt that if he didn't stay by him, then Nimbus would break his will. Aragorn noticed this, and winked at Nimbus. For a second, Aragorn lost all his toughness with that wink. He became the big brother and Nimbus was little sister.
        As soon as it had appeared, it disappeared. Aragorn's face grew stern and was as hard as a rock and as cold as ice, but Nimbus knew. She knew that she had broken the barrior, and now she was a welcomed friend of Aragorn.
        Legolas knew too. He knew that Nimbus's charm had broken Aragorn, but he wouldn't let it break him too. The spell that had seduced Aragorn would not work on him.
        Feeling the need to leave, Nimbus got up and walked away. Aragorn glared at Legolas, then got up.
        "You are not being yourself old friend," he said.
        "There's something about her," Legolas said. "Something I do not trust."
        Aragorn pulled out a pipe and lit it. He smoked it for a few seconds before Legolas spoke up.
        "Since when do you smoke?" he asked.
        "Since the world was turned upside down," was the unexpected answer.
        Legolas coughed on the smoke, causing Aragorn to stop.
        "You never choked in the bar," Aragorn remarked.
        "I wasn't myself in the bar. Niether were you," Legolas replied.
        "But it wasn't Nimbus's fault. If you only new."
        "I know all I need to know."
        "Legolas! This is not you! You have lost all since of reality!"
        "Maybe the spell has not warn off, Aragorn."
        "Maybe you have changed. Did you ever think that maybe that different point of life has changed all of us, Mr. Greenleaf?"
        Legolas stood in thought. The battle of wits was over and Aragorn had won. Legolas sighed.
        "I'll find her," the elf said.
        "Very well. I'll wait here."
        Aragorn listened to Legolas's footsteps and laughed.
        "That elf needs to listen to his heart, not his head."
        Aragorn shook his head.
        "At least his starting all over again."